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Does anyone else have some semi-nostalgia for the early 2000's even though they weren't alive then. I was born in 2003 I have a good memory listening to stuff like Deftones, some other rock native to where we lived, Red Hot Chili Peppers in the back of the car. I imagine some millennial losers skating all day unemployed and couch surfing, smoking pot, and doing other drugs while one of their friends are recording a skate compilation that got thrown away when everything went to shit in 08. I remember sunny days most vividly just cruising with my parents, the sun is always so bright in these memories. Of course my semi-nostalgia is influenced by being born in California. My life has been fucking shit. I like to blame my parents or maybe I should blame the whole capitalist system, my family went to total shit in 08 when the market crashed, dad lost his job and we were able to luckily get on section 8 soon after when we couldn't afford rent. Suddenly I was living in an upper middle class white conservative area, and I was the son of a fucking pothead skateboarder bum with an alcoholic and abusive manipulative mother. So yeah I never fit in with anyone around the area and I was never liked or wanted around, I've had zero friends and only got invited and attended one birthday party when I was like 9. Now I'm 18, still lonely, surprisingly intact, they way the world is going though I think I'll be dead in 10 or 20 years.
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