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Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/23(Thu)09:49 No. 24726

File 165597059459.png - (172.88KB , 671x442 , kingpinwebsite.png )

I feel worried about seeing kids watch porn early or talk about politics too early, no matter what ideology they choose.

Parents should give children some limits, like the guy I met on /pol/ who is father. He homeschools his son and doesn't let him watch TV nor browse the internet. Sounds harsh, but at least the kid doesn't have to suffer the same thing as other kids, but worse. I also warned the father that browsing /pol/ is not a really good idea.

I may sound out of context, but I just wanna remind other that they should really take of their children when it comes to what they watch. Instead of letting their kids watch fake kids content like those videos that are like those Elsa Spider-Man videos... eesh.
They should teach kids something before they go to school so they can prepare.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/23(Thu)10:36 No. 24727

Hyper regulations are no good. They're useless. Yes, kids need limits but be realistic.
Youth is not inherently innocence.
In fact, the kids of yesteryear were much more exposed to crap than those nowadays.

Also what's wrong with kids discussing politics?

Again, shielding kids from real world matters makes them stunted. That's why we have pol/tards.

As long as we value kids only be their innocence, they will always end up stunted.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/23(Thu)10:38 No. 24728

Also, why do adults only care about kids in terms of media exposure but not about technical skills?

The+Red+Barron 22/06/23(Thu)11:12 No. 24729

I plan to provide media I think is higher quality and explain the use of things like porn to them. Instead of barring them from all TV shows, let them watch Clannad and Spongebob, shows that aren't garbage. Instead of gatekeeping their libido, teach them to masturbate properly and avoid viruses, maybe just marry them off.

Women are supposed to be married extremely young (Leviticus 21) but men can be taught to masturbate (and wash after, per Deuteronomy IIRC, try to stick to once a day or so) and wait for a proper mate. As long as people learn to separate good ideas from bad ones there isn't a problem, when jerking to tranny porn becomes BLM nigger 2020 BBC protests shit has gone too far obviously.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/23(Thu)11:19 No. 24731

>Women are supposed to be married extremely young (Leviticus 21) but men can be taught to masturbate (and wash after, per Deuteronomy IIRC, try to stick to once a day or so) and wait for a proper mate. As long as people learn to separate good ideas from bad ones there isn't a problem, when jerking to tranny porn becomes BLM nigger 2020 BBC protests shit has gone too far obviously.

12-16 isn't extremely young. Stop exaggerating the values of age numbers.

Also, why resort to marrying off daughters to protect their sexual purity?
That's patriarchal nonsense.

Also, good teaching for children should not be positivity and inspirational quotations.
That's very mind-numbing.
Children aren't cartoon characters.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/24(Fri)04:49 No. 24737


>Parents should give children some limits, like the guy I met on /pol/ who is father.

I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. Ain't no way in hell a /pol/tard is getting laid, let alone procreating. Dude, anyone can say anything on here, like those larpers calling themselves "red team planners for the government" or whatever.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/24(Fri)10:55 No. 24738

Simple. They know their rivals will just complain and because they want tradition, it's obvious they Will get kids.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)05:17 No. 24755


You're too optimistic. I see 'em forever alone and getting some shotgun mouthwash by 55 or so. Come on. It's a /pol/tard. These guys are NOT getting pussy. If anything, with all their BBCposting, they're probably fags. No straight man is THAT obsessed with another man's dick.

The+Red+Barron 22/06/26(Sun)11:38 No. 24784

lmfao 12 is basically beyond marriage age according to Leviticus. It says to marry a virgin child; most women break their own hymen and begin their period around twelve

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)15:37 No. 24790

Yet, Christianity gets mad about Mohammed marrying a 9-year old girl.
Also, hymens are broken from masturbation.
Honestly, I don't think we should follow Letivical law for marriage nowadays.
Back in those days, girls WERE TRAINEDfor marriage. Not anymore.
Besides, female youth is overrated beauty.
The reason why young women nowadays still want marriage is to get out of having to earn their own bread.
Girls should be trained just like the boys.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)16:14 No. 24792

I doubt that they even followed Levitical law that closely back then. It's this giant laundry list of complicated demands and they're all just some words on paper, at a time when most couldn't read. If 99%+ of the population waited for marriage to have sex, ancient Israel is a total historical anomaly. People are just people in every country and have the same general virtues and vices regardless of what words are written on paper. If you looked at current US law centuries in the future and assumed it was taken completely seriously and bound in blood, you would be profoundly mistaken.

I'm inclined to think it was more of "look here, it says this!" thing to be pulled out as needed and selectively enforced, same with US law.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)18:51 No. 24793

If you read the Old Testament,God was always having a field day with the Hebrews. They were breaking the covenant every other week.
It even states that God suggested that Moses should make a new people to form a covenant with. Moses had to beg God to have patience with them.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)09:11 No. 24808


>The reason why young women nowadays still want marriage is to get out of having to earn their own bread.

No different from men who think getting married means they can get out of growing up. A lot of men don't want a wife, a partner; they want another mother, but one who'll suck their cock so they don't need to actually work out their pseudo-incestuous tendencies.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)09:24 No. 24810


I will never stop finding it darkly ironic that for all the bleating on Jews do about the Holocaust, the OT is basically them saying:

>Yeah, we did one ourselves, AND we succeeded. Fuck you if you don't like it.

Then again, Judaism is basically glorified Ancient Mesopotamian fanfiction. They just took out all the cool shit.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:14 No. 24846


I especially love "liberal" Christians:

>Elijah was so assmad for being called bald that he sicked she-bears on a bunch of kids being kids. But God loves you, gay man!

>God knew you in the womb. He made you for a purpose. Yet He apparently gave you the wrong body. Sorry, transwoman!

"Liberal" Christianity is a glorified cynical ploy to get non-boomers to give a shit about going to church. Shit, the United Church of Canada even has an openly atheist pastor.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:27 No. 24849

Some of them are the most fake, smug, and superficial people you will ever find. They don't accept gays as part of a general modernization and reassessment of the hateful bullshit in their doctrine, it's just about PR.

The Methodist church counter-protested against "God hates fags!" types at the local pride parade and basically said "No, God loves fags!" and all I could think when I heard about this was that they still believe everyone who doesn't accept Jesus burns in hell forever, they simply decided to re-interpret the specific claims about sodomy since that's what society demands. On paper, their religion still says most of the gays at the parade go to hell for wrongthink, same as everyone else. Where's the "love" in that?

It's just the same extreme tribalism except now you're okay with gay sex, perfect illustration of American political culture.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:38 No. 24856


>Some of them are the most fake, smug, and superficial people you will ever find. They don't accept gays as part of a general modernization and reassessment of the hateful bullshit in their doctrine, it's just about PR.

Look at the Unitarian Universalists. I've read comments online that suggest the UUs are still as close minded and ignorant as the churches new members were fleeing from. Then again, UU is the ultimate hipster religion. You thought Western Buddhism was cringe? Look at UU.

>The Methodist church counter-protested against "God hates fags!" types at the local pride parade and basically said "No, God loves fags!" and all I could think when I heard about this was that they still believe everyone who doesn't accept Jesus burns in hell forever, they simply decided to re-interpret the specific claims about sodomy since that's what society demands. On paper, their religion still says most of the gays at the parade go to hell for wrongthink, same as everyone else. Where's the "love" in that?

Exactly. God loves gay people, but He'll still send 'em to Hell if they don't say the magic words about being saved or whatever.

>It's just the same extreme tribalism except now you're okay with gay sex, perfect illustration of American political culture.


Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:39 No. 24857

I just want to make the point that you're raging against me in another thread

Angsty Teen Girl 23/08/19(Sat)04:58 No. 25735


Most heterosexual realtionships are just toxic parent-child dynamics.

The Bible talks about "equally yoked" but those are a rarity.

Friendships are more likely to have mutual "adults" than romance.

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