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Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/17(Wed)08:27 No. 25890 [Reply]

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Shit Tier Sci-fi

Beacon 23 S02 E02

WTF I supposed to watch 40= mins of a Fing gosub routine
That by it nature makes an epic fail
I guess cancer and aid finally fucked and had baby

Please not the 0's and 1's on the card in the picture, the clues right there.
It's a Fing Maths Equation done a high end calculator

Shit I'm not even going start on the Blue shiiiiiiittttttiiiieeeee

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/07(Sun)12:49 No. 25875 [Reply]

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I do not like it when folks complain about Christianity. When they use Old Testament verses and not New ones and it's not because Jesus told people to follow those rules, I cringe because that's in Torah, a Jewish book.
I do not like it when people mock Jesus, but still respect Islam because Jesus was a prophet in Islam.

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Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/12(Fri)15:06 No. 25884

Do not blame The entirety of Christianity if you mentioned North American Protestants.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/14(Sun)20:18 No. 25888

>They always assume that any disasters that befall them is "the wrath of God."
To be fair I feel like God hates me any time a disaster befalls me too. Not that it'll drive me to worship them.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/15(Mon)10:48 No. 25889

yes op books wriitten by humans is a big flaw with anything. Take any countries legal system or polittical system.
As Robert Anton Wilson said "The average person has average intelligence".
Being of about average intelligence, on a good day.
life's to short to cringe any longer just move on, that don't give F"*$ about you anyway. Even those pretending to by your friends.
As a christian, I just have to live with it.

Believe don't believe.
Keep your free will, always

love you all anons

Upstairs Neighbors Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/25(Thu)19:40 No. 25844 [Reply]

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Fuck the stupid shits who live above me. I hate them so much. Playing at being the nuclear milktoast american WASP family but they don't even have the funds to live in a proper house. Instead they have to keep living crammed up in my fucking apartment building with their scum baby "Emerson." Who the fuck names their kid Emerson? I hope he grows up and sucks cocks, because they seem like the kinds of people who would be really uncomfortable with that and it'd be funny.

Every single day they let that stupid little shit run wind sprints back and forth across the entire length of the apartment. Hardwood floors, they don't even have a carpet down. Every single day he screams and stomps around and runs into walls and drops shit. In the early morning, and late into the night, he cries like a fucking bitch for 10-30 minutes straight. Wasn't this a torture tactic that the CIA came up with, just playing screaming baby sounds at their torture victims?

Thankfully I have a fucking job and hobbies that require me leaving my house. I can escape this bullshit for a window of time most days. But on weekdays off or weekends my hatred boils over into something incredible. I've come to realize that the fuckers never leave their house. They don't fucking DO anything except stomp around and occasionally be a nuisance in the parking lot. They don't go anywhere for more than a few hours at a time, not counting large holidays like christmas. They fucking disgust me.

Fuck the weird fucking stay at home dad who looks like a caricature of everything """soy""" that faggots on the internet complain about. Fuck the insipid, offensively inoffensive mother with her nondescript, boring office job. Fuck their inability to park their stupid family-sized SUV at a comfortable distance in between the other cars in the lot, their obsessive compulsion toward wedging my car in between theirs and the trash cans. Fuck every second of their bland, lifeless existence that I have to take in through muffled conversations and phone calls at random hours of the day and night. If I went postal and murdered all three of them I wouldn't just be doing the rest of the world a favor--maybe on some level even they would thank me for getting rid of themselves. (in minecraft.)

Another side note about their faggot child. That stupid fuck was a newborn when I moved in here about 2 years ago. These stupid fucks lived through the past two decades, lived through 2016 and 2020, looked at everything happening in the US and internationally, and THEN thought to themselves, "you know, I think now is the perfect time to bring a life into this world..... and I think I'll name it EMERSON."

I'd say I want their house to burn down, but that'd be my house too.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/25(Thu)22:40 No. 25845

Welcome to British life

Angsty Teen Girl 24/03/25(Mon)08:56 No. 25871

Whats so bad about the name "Emerson"?

Other than that, this is why kids shpuld be allowed free range play outside. Either that or people shouldnt have kids.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/02/02(Fri)07:29 No. 25855 [Reply]

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>Justin Mohn, 32, was taken into custody on 30 January after allegedly beheading his 68-year-old father Michael Mohn at their home in Middletown Township.

Yet ANOTHER batshit insane millennialoid acting up again.

>But muh TikTokz!

Millennials stay losing and #GodLaughs.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/02/16(Fri)05:52 No. 25856


Yet another millennial decides to shoot up innocent people. Millennials gonna millennial.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/02/23(Fri)23:12 No. 25863

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case in point

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/08(Mon)21:00 No. 25829 [Reply]

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Whew lads, the internet makes it far too easy to obsess yourself sick over someone

Recently I've been fixated on this chick I met on that other chan like 10 years ago. We broke up after living together for about a year and then apparently she ended up with some rich guy. We started talking again like a year ago because he's an abusive piece of shit and she wanted out. So she moves out and in with a friend but while we're talking she starts talking to him again, goes out to dinner with him, so I went crazy and lost my shit on her. At which point I guess she decided if she's going to put up with abuse it's at least going to be a from a guy with money. So I'll stalk her social media, especially stuff from way back when, before she ever met this guy and she was just a mentally ill chick in some shithole in Michigan. Now she's traveled and lived this crazy amazing life going places and doing things.

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Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/09(Tue)18:18 No. 25833

Make it your New Year's resolution to only get weirdly obsessed with people you have some real life connection to. Next year we can try to improve from there.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/10(Wed)17:16 No. 25834


Because you give yourself away, I have spent time with groups of Brits.
Fashion sense, not what is hip or in. More make sure look good, cheap and basic or rich and over the top.
Make sure the cut fits you well.
Women take not of such things.
Hey all the my britfag anon.
And maybe get out a little bit more, gigs, other hobbies...
I leave the rest to you

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:07 No. 25835

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>wanting women

Failure. Heady witchcraft has lead thee fallen into misfortune, and the sewing of skin into the bloody future of your fate has begin

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/08(Fri)17:10 No. 24973 [Reply]

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When men refer to WOMEN, the general image is an anthropoid female in their teens, twenties, and thirties.
Never ever EVER do you see men consciously acknowledge female elders

When female elders are mentioned, it's usually a different term and sentiment.

Chivalry is HEBEPHILIC.
The rules and regulations of handling women, aka chivalry?
It's more akin to handling a child.
The stuff men are told to do for women that's only appropriate to do if she's a child, elderly, or disabled. Able-bodied adult females don't need that.
Yet, they're smothered and guilt tripped into it.

Men are pathologically incapable of seeing women as independent beings, hence why older, worldly, cynical women are seen as a threat.

In fiction, most of the villainesses are often middle-aged/elderly women: evil stepmoms/aunt's, ball busting Karen's, etc

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The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:03 No. 25823

with age comes the abolity to feed yourself, chivalry dies when the champion needs no charity

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/02(Tue)23:52 No. 25825

Idk. What about when people get old and forgetful?

But yea, chivalry is for physically/cognitively disabled people. Not for able-bodied prime age beauties.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:13 No. 25839

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Sure! What?

Women Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/31(Wed)23:48 No. 25848 [Reply]

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Does anyone hate porn women as much as men, it grows and grows

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/31(Wed)23:50 No. 25849

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Hate as much as me, sorry for typo

Angsty Teen Girl 23/12/12(Tue)10:08 No. 25811 [Reply]

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I had to get out of bed
What the fuck, I am a fully grown man
This is what is wrong with world

The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:00 No. 25821

Zombieland was great stoned

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/19(Fri)16:27 No. 25843



Angsty Teen Girl 23/11/21(Tue)21:42 No. 25805 [Reply]

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I remember when someone on 8kun's doomer board told me imageboards were this great place to discuss shit "normies" wouldn't want you to know or whatever. Guy was obviously coping, like imageboardcels tend to do. It's not 200X anymore, fags. Time to grow up.

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The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:01 No. 25822

Wow! Discussion is so pointless! Back to Reddit for you, champ!

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/02(Tue)06:53 No. 25824

>Back to Reddit

LOL; way to prove >>25806 right. Bet you actually thought you got me there, too. Retard.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:13 No. 25840

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Unkay honey!

Angsty Teen Girl 23/07/25(Tue)02:41 No. 25718 [Reply]

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i got lured in by a narcissist into a semi-romantic and sexual relationship. cue me being insulted and berated for my appearance for months on end and him eventually leaving me because he found someone else. i am such a fucking idiot and i can't even trust my sense in who i'm attracted to. i might as well fucking kms.

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/12/26(Tue)03:51 No. 25817

I've been in a similar situation. My mom was a Narcisst so I'm prone to falling for their tricks. If he comes back and wants to fix it he IS a narcissist and you need to keep him out of your life. NO MATTER WHAT. In the mean time stay alive and enjoy the freedom. If he doesn't come back celebrate by being free of a toxic douche.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/03(Wed)17:56 No. 25827

Narcissism is an overused buzzword for any act of assholery.

Narcisissism isnt always loud in self-value.
It has high self value with a fragile ego amd a god complex.

Most assholes have moderate self-image and arent so concerned about trying to look exceptionally good to others.
They just only care about pleasuring their physical and pyschological drives

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:11 No. 25838

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Being selfish is based. Everyone else is anyways

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