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Teenage Girl 23/03/21(Tue)01:46 No. 25591 ID: 8baa67

File 167935959658.jpg - (381.44KB , 1536x2048 , EpicQuakeGameplay.jpg )

I hate being complete shit at Arena FPS. I'll admit I'm a newfag but I've been playing for over a year and feel no more skilled than when I started. I guess I'm just genetically bad.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/21(Tue)02:42 No. 25592 ID: 2ab722

You playing against bots? Bots will fuck your shit up

Teenage Girl 23/03/23(Thu)01:15 No. 25594 ID: 8baa67

No, I'm playing against actual players.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/24(Fri)13:43 No. 25595 ID: 16e0f5

Actual players use aimbots, that will fuck your shit up

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