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Angsty Teen Girl 21/10/21(Thu)07:57 No. 24162

File 163479586640.jpg - (45.15KB , 333x333 , 156763516113.jpg )

It's pretty easy for mommy issues ridden fuckboys to whine about women, but consider:

>couldn't open a bank account until 1974
>couldn't serve jury duty until 1968
>couldn't practice law until 1971
>couldn't take birth control until 1965
>could be legally fired for becoming pregnant or going on maternity leave until 1978
>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018
>couldn't go to ivy leagues until 60s/70s
>couldn't go to west point until 1976
>couldn't run the boston marathon until 1972
>couldn't fight in combat roles until 2013
>couldn't become an astronaut until 1978
>could legally be sexually harassed at work until 1977
>could be legally raped by your husband until 1993
>couldn't get a divorce from your husband if he cheated on you until 1969
>couldn't get a divorce if your husband beat you until 1966
>couldn't get a legal abortion until 1973
>could be discriminated against just for being female until 1964

But sluts, right? And the average "anti-SJW" thinks he's being oppressed because he can't in good faith consume the product of amoral corporations who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. And I find it pretty funny how "Gamergate" and "Comicsgate" supporters like to belittle "muh soyboys" and yet their whole raison d'etre revolves around glorified kids toys and kids books respectively. You love to see it.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/11/03(Wed)04:30 No. 24210

File 163591024134.png - (241.42KB , 500x501 , image.png )

> Reddit spacing

Angsty Teen Girl 21/11/05(Fri)02:52 No. 24220


>No counter-argument
>Sperging about "Reddit spacing"
>Cuckime picture

Ouch. Better luck next time, kid.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/09(Wed)21:32 No. 24441

Women shouldn't be able to walk outside without a man either, but here you are complaining.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/10(Thu)22:11 No. 24442

All this proves is that the world went to shit around the 70s.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/10(Thu)22:14 No. 24443

>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018
>couldn't go to ivy leagues until 60s/70s
>couldn't go to west point until 1976
>couldn't run the boston marathon until 1972

>50 States
>Ivy League
>West Point
>Boston Marathon

I think I found your problem, you're living in cuck central.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/11(Fri)12:00 No. 24444

File 164457721939.jpg - (70.46KB , 720x502 , rope.jpg )

Man, the 40s must've been wild. Just smack a bitch!

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/11(Fri)12:02 No. 24445

File 164457735522.png - (143.19KB , 1010x1272 , 2004chan.png )

>reddit spacing
anon pls

In regards to OP, it is correct that women have had it rough but why do modern women born after 1980 have to prance around like victims?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/13(Sun)19:46 No. 24446


>it is correct that women have had it rough but why do modern women born after 1980 have to prance around like victims?

The same reason men born after the same do: they're millennials. But there's a difference between self-victimization for attention (such as terminally online autists like channers and Redditors do when they can't keep the other site's name outta their mouths) and actually having problems in life.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/14(Mon)07:28 No. 24447

>self-victimization for attention
That's what I mean. These people live in a fucking first-world country and act like they have the entire world on their backs.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/15(Tue)22:15 No. 24448

This is what happens when you smother the youth with idealism and innocence, lock them away in schools, ban them from dating and working.
They turn out to be terrible adults.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/18(Fri)08:24 No. 24449

>it used to be hard to be a woman back in the days
>so let's just forget that we raise a whole generation of unecessary men
So there's no wars and monasteries aren't what they used to be. Wat do? Let them stew in their own juices?

But HEEEY! We finally got social justice for the women in the upper middle class! Yey!

Angsty Teen Girl 22/02/28(Mon)23:28 No. 24452


>So there's no wars and monasteries aren't what they used to be. Wat do? Let them stew in their own juices?

Oh, please, like you wouldn't have tried to get out of fighting in a war or whined that being a monk was boring as shit. Just come out and admit it, faggot, instead of this concern trolling bullshit.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/03/04(Fri)06:59 No. 24454

The real problem with gender relations is chivalry.
Femininism was NEVER the problem.
In fact, feminism was originally supposed to free women from the tyranny of men playing Mr. Nice Guy.
However, by the 1970s, feminism lost to the powerful force of chivalry.
Chivalry was never about respecting women. All it was about is men trying own women through jackass stunts. Whether it be running errands, showing off your new chariot and inviting an adolescent maiden for a ride, duelling your friends in front of a group of young handmaidens for their entertainment, etc.
Chivalry is Simping.
And it's downright cringey and embarrassing.
What's worse is that any boy whom questions chivalry is automatically branded a sociopath. Any girl whom rejects chivalry is branded a Karen.

The biggest irony is? The idea of chivalry being courteous to women was an afterthought added in the Romanticist era.

Chivalry originally was a glorified syllabus to keep knights from thugging out
All those fairy tale stories about knights being gentlemen are lies. Knights were thugs. They raped the peasant girls, pillaged shops, and probably bullied the local peasant youths.
Not unlike pirates and cowboys.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/03/08(Tue)19:22 No. 24459


>I think I found your problem, you're living in cuck central.

Says the guy still posting on imageboards that revolve around cuckime.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/13(Tue)18:02 No. 25423

reddit spacing shit is dead!

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)14:53 No. 25432

none of that is true

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)23:19 No. 25435

some of it technically is but it's still horseshit
>>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018
yeah so fucking Idaho or somewhere didn't get around to changing an old law they had on the books until someone nagged them, big fucking deal

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/24(Sat)20:57 No. 25454

Nah bruh, just like slavery all of this feminist shit is propaganda. No one cared if you breastfed, anywhere, ever. No one was surprised a nigger chinpanzee wasn't king, that didn't make it slavery.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/25(Sun)19:37 No. 25455

You're a fucking retard.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/26(Mon)16:03 No. 25456

Evidence to the contrary? Ad hominem?

Insults hurt more when they're accurate, nigger

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/29(Thu)20:36 No. 25460

File 167234260611.jpg - (130.47KB , 489x600 , Carrot slapped from behind.jpg )

>20233 me at ATM

I was at the ATM get good wedge cash out
When some one smached my ass
I turned round and there's a woman
About 20 years younger than me and fair looking.
I said "Your Fresh", she said "Well you were danceing"
I may of been playing a song my head
Strange I didn't phone the police and rport a sexual assult
I didn't Jumpon bicker, fartbook, instawhore, etc
I was flattered, not insulted
Sadly I doubt shed of been into going and plantint carrot seeds
I random piece of ground
Then again if we were both high as FFcuk T
Then maybe my frist Carrot p0rn convert
Well we'll probably not ever find out now.

All the best gosh darn DEGEN's

Carrot$ out

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/08(Sun)17:54 No. 25469

>No one cared if you breastfed, anywhere, ever.
This is a very silly claim to make.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:26 No. 25489

Read anything old. It's fucking obvious. No one fucking cared until rape became common, as in this society. It's an "asking for it" argument to apologize for niggers' behavior

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/22(Sun)17:20 No. 25492

Or maybe rape was more common but back then women didnt have rughts?

Your obsession with shitskins tells me that youre probably one of those guys whom are more like those nigger savages than you realize.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/22(Sun)19:58 No. 25494

No shit. Fucking idiot wanted evidence when I said he was a retard as if all his comments weren't good enough proof. Stormfront retard.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/23(Mon)14:27 No. 25495

Rape was not more common back then you dipshit. If you got caught raping a woman you were stoned to death. Holy shit

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/23(Mon)17:07 No. 25497

>talking about the "old days" as if it is one thing that can be summarized with a single fun fact
>getting that fun fact backwards (women were stoned for unmarried sex, men got to marry women they raped and pay a small fine)
I'm really curious how you turned out so poorly, tell us about yourself.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/10(Fri)09:01 No. 25581

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>I'm really curious how you turned out so poorly, tell us about yourself.

Simple. He's a butthurt millennial. Probably grew up sheltered, with no real problems. Mommy and Daddy had to work long hours because they bought into the "life script" BS and didn't think about what it actually meant to raise a family. Likely they were quite passive-aggressive towards him, especially as he became a teenager. Probably sent him mixed messages about said life script, so he goes online to find his "true" purpose. Ends up a faggot posting on a -chan 'cause he's a spiritual tranny. Seriously. So many "guys" on the internet are total NLOGs, I wouldn't be surprised if reincarnation was real and they used to be plain jane pickmes in a past life, goddamn.

>I'm not like those OTHER guys....I like ANIME!

Rinse and repeat.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/10(Fri)14:38 No. 25582

I ain't gotta explain shit, nigger

Die alone

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/11(Sat)00:01 No. 25583


Most people die alone, you learn this as you grow older or simple die alone. Sometime soon.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/12(Sun)18:51 No. 25585

As if dying with other people is some kind of prize. Yes, let's all stand around and watch this person we like and care about die! That's not unnecessarily traumatic or anything!

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:16 No. 25587

File 167923900180.jpg - (107.10KB , 768x1350 , __tachibana_chiaki_shin_megami_tensei_and_1_more_d.jpg )

Good, you seem happy about it

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/19(Sun)18:49 No. 25588

File 167924814119.jpg - (44.26KB , 310x500 , barefoot naked in the head.jpg )


Happy maybe I am. realistic most def.

Although when I was young there was a book 'barefoot naked in the head'. Where young couples 16-21 would, have given up on life and the world. Get fucking expansive fast car and drive at full speed till it crashed kill both of them.
They mainly TWOKed or carjack the cars.
It's always stuck with me.

anyway thanks for your post >>25587 and enjoy your life before you die

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