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Angsty Teen Girl 23/11/20(Mon)11:10 No. 25804

File 170047500876.jpg - (496.08KB , 1920x1080 , download.jpg )

I am so tired of millennials thinking that le heckin' based and redpilled cuckchan speak is SO hip and cool and awesome. Hey hey, look everybody, I just told someone to kill themselves, fuckshitpisswankarse! It's just so fucking childish.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/12/19(Tue)04:54 No. 25813

But how else will I troll myself into anheroing if I don't tell everyone else to.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:59 No. 25820

So cracked and crimsonscripted

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/09(Tue)01:41 No. 25832

I could maybe argue that it's fine for a VN about millennial teenage girls to have millennial-speak, but you're right.

Anyway, Class of '09 kinda sucks literary-wise. Sure, the characters might be realistic, but by god they're all so shallow. Only the main character develops in any significant way throughout the story, and even that's arguable. Despite the game clowning on the shallowness of anime, Class of '09's characters seem just as stereotypical as your average shonen archetypes. But then again, maybe humanity really does lack any form of depth and I'm just retarded for wanting any significant storytelling out of the video game medium.

Honestly, I kind of wonder if SBN3 (the game's creator) is fully aware of this and is just pandering to millennials to make a quick buck while simultaneously shitting on them. I wouldn't be surprised, but in any case I hate this otaku apocalypse the world is going into.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:09 No. 25836

File 170536737141.jpg - (59.32KB , 850x638 , __furukawa_nagisa_clannad_drawn_by_sakura_aki__sam.jpg )

all media is terrible

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