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Isekai shit has taken over everything. It's not enough to simply construct a convincing story with a beginning, climax and end. Suddenly, you have to be like Triple H and take a sledgehammer to everyone's skull - the protagonist is BASED AND REDPILLED or CUTE AND VALID, the climax is that a woman told them no, and the end is that the System somehow implodes on itself as their wildest dreams come true, blah blah blah. I'm reminded of Dan Schneider (Cosmoetica, not Nick) who has published nothing of note, claims to be writing all these novels that he boasts are better than classics like Moby Dick, and yet has put nothing out there to prove it. But I've written it, he'll tell you. I've written THE BEST BOOKS OF ALL TIME! He'll never put them out there for you to read, of course, but he's WRITTEN 'em! And what are his protagonists? All self inserts who hook up with hot chicks despite him literally being depicted IN THE STORY exactly as the scrawny pasty geek he is in real life.
You can't have sincerity anymore because nobody wants to write about the human experience. Everyone has to write about the shit they should be telling their therapists. Is it any wonder no kids read anymore (unless it's manga) when every fucking dipshit out there is publishing their diary entries about how the Popular Kids don't care for 'em? At least manga gives you CHARACTERS that aren't based on the author's hangups, and aren't written by grown adults who whine about how bad shit for KIDS is, when they don't even have kids themselves. Look at Andre the Giant, for example. The dude didn't just sit around whining about how people didn't take him seriously. He MADE them take him seriously. He lived his life to the max, despite the increasing difficulties he had. He lived his heart out, because he knew that you only had one life. Yet these fuckin' faggots, some of whom are even old enough to have seen him perform, will scuttle to their desktops and whine about how they can't enjoy life because "everything sucks dude" and "zoomer baes won't put out" and "I can't hold a conversation because of social media, not because of my incredibly high standards; no, of course not" and on and on it goes.
There's a reason that the shit millennials love to take credit for (the "REAL" MTV, Attitude Era, cult shows like My So Called Life, etc, etc) endures to this day.
It's because they were made by people who lived long lives, actually DOING shit, and cobbling together characters based on people they encountered in real life. Low Tier God was right about one thing, that so many faggots nowadays are spectators. They can't do shit, so they belittle and demean those who can. Yep. I said it. Low Tier God was right. You couldn't do shit yourself, so you kick back and critique people who actually DO things. Tolkien and Saki were two famous Anglo writers who served in the Great War, and while Saki lost his life, Tolkien took what he learned and turned it into a story that many consider to be the GOAT of its genre, if not literature, period. Neither sat around and decided to whine about "kids these days lol" or whatever, like so many anons do. Dante crafted The Divine Comedy about his waifu, Beatrice, but he did so in such a way that it had universal appeal beyond how she didn't put out for him, whereas the average author today can't do that. Melville served as a sailor for years, and wrote banger after banger because he knew the sea life so well, culminating in Moby Dick, the Great American Novel. There's a reason YA is solely read by failed female adults with "fur babies" and "ironic" memes about wine today, and I don't mean the based ones like Dorothy Parker. It's no longer written by people like R.L Stine and Lois Lowry who actually had shit to say. Now it's written by goofs like John Green (ADULT BOOKS ARE BORING DOOD), Stephanie Meyer ("My husband sucks, but rather than try to make my marriage work, I'll write about how much I wish I could trade him lol.") and Cassandra Clare who literally put herself (Clary) into her insect-ridden fanfics. For all the shit you can say about Rowling, at least Harry Potter wasn't a self-insert.
1977-1984 IIRC is called Generation Catalano, in honor of Jared Leto's breakout role in MSCL. You know why that show is popular? Because it actually talks about adolescence AS IT WAS. It doesn't pander to terminally online dorks who thought everyone else was beneath 'em and wasted their lives in the process. It even have an openly gay character walking in and out of girls' washrooms, and nobody noticed, nobody cared. Nobody went apeshit about it like they would now. Rickie Vasquez was a gay character that didn't need to scream how much he loved to suck cock - he was just some kid who happened to be gay. But so many authors these days, who've likely never really met any gay people, have to make sure you know he sucks dick, because that's what being an ally's all about, reducing gay people to glorified fleshlights. And Rayanne was a total slut, but the show never glamorized it as "fighting the patriarchy" because she was depicted as such a person actually IS: a troubled soul with a problematic home life. And the show even tackled "white privilege" in a way without resorting to insufferable antics about it. It simply remarked at one point that for how "boring" Angela felt her life was, she had it better than a lot (Rickie getting kicked out of his home, Rayanne living with an aloof single mom and an absent father who doesn't give a shit), etc, etc. And to conclude this, Jordan Catalano was clearly reminiscent of Bender, from The Breakfast Club. Imagine if THAT was made today. It would bomb hard as fuck, because the creators would have ended up turning everyone into a terminally online stereotype you'd ONLY see online. And don't get me started on the r/nosurf types. Why is it so many "self-improvement" types have to always resort to "not like the other girls" type shit. It's not enough to simply say they want to stop using the internet so much. It's that "everyone else is, like, a zombie, bro!"
After a while, it all gets so fucking lame.