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I just want you to stop whining about shit you can easily ignore. Nobody's got a gun to your head forcing you to read my posts, right? Or is it the JEWS? Is there a rabbi behind you? Some JIDF agent? I know that's another thing you anons love to do. Do you search under your bed for Jews? Do you look in your closet for 'em? Do you need a nightlight? See, I'm just busting your balls, man. I don't really hate millennials like you. I just hate the boomerlennials, the ones who spam the internet with "X is why Y in my life" and then get assmad when you just go "okay, millennial" at them. Sorta like I do here. It's not my fault you can't function around normal, civilized people and have to hide behind paltry gaslighting ("everyone I don't like is a babbling schizo"), trying to get the last word, playing dumb, etc. Like I said, I could leave right now and yet you'll still be here, accusing somebody else of being me, like that one anon who makes all these long diatribes about the death of chivalry or whatever the fuck. You'll be gloating to yourself - heh, I sure showed that guy. Then you'll sit here and post yet another itineration of TFW NO GF FUCK JAMAL WHY IS HE FUCKING 9/10 HOTTIES or whatever it is. And then 7chan will die and you'll flee back to Cuckchan and you'll find some anon who disagrees with you there and you'll be like "OH GOD YOU'RE HERE TOO?!"
Meanwhile, I will just go back to the things you will never have: a home I own, a career that pays well, pussy, kids, the works. I know you'll likely tell me you do have those but let's be honest, you don't. You never have, you never will. Nobody who uses an imageboard unironically does. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many TFW NO GF, etc threads.
And in fact, I think I will do that all right now. I hope you don't miss me too much by thinking everyone else is me. I'm not gay, so get off my dick, son. Maybe find a nice girl? Lower your standards, though; Stacy goes with Chad for a reason. Nothing wrong with hypergamy or whatever boogeyman phenomena you try to blame for your own laziness to better yourself.
See ya, space cowboy.