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Serp /jew/. I need ideas today.
I'm wanting to build a cob house somehow, preferably outside of the U.S. in a country such as Wales, Canada or the like (basically somewhere forested with good hills, mountains and rivers). Ideally I'd like to start an eco-village, but let's stick with the former for now.
How might I go about doing this? Currently I'm working two jobs (both minimum wage, I'm afraid) in order to pay my current living expenses and save up whatever little I can. I may be attending community college soon to work toward an Associates degree, but I'm not convinced college alone can help me achieve this, as I think I'd be getting myself farther in debt than necessary or even practical in this current economy. Basically, I don't want to become a debt slave after I earn my Associates if I can avoid it. I've also been considering focusing on a specific trade for awhile before transferring to a bigger university first in the hopes of being that much better off.
How might I be able to earn up enough credit (and whatever else might be necessary) to buy arable land in another country to do this? Ideally I'd like to go completely off-grid, but that requires me owning land and a home (desiring cob design in my case) first.
I guess I'm looking for a few basic answers and general insight. My questions are:
>Is college (for either Associates or Bachelors degrees) really necessary to get my feet off the ground?
>Would it be worth my time instead to focus on an immediate trade (probably something like railroading, welding, carpentry or forestry)?
>What are the stipends outside of the U.S. for buying land? I'd like to shoot for Wales if at all possible.
>What are the regulations for cob home design?
>Any further thoughts or ideas?
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