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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Modern Mom 24/11/20(Wed)22:51 No. 4153 [Reply]

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This board's /777/ has jewed me. Much disrespect.
I put in a lot of trip reports all were gone.

How does on /jew/ 7channel

(/777/ was a trial, it is now /weed/.)

Making Cash With Zero Fundage Biff 14/02/08(Sat)05:35 No. 1890 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Let's talk about ways to make cash online, it can really help out and once you get efficient with it and have a good group then you're golden.

I won't lie, I'd like to find a person or two from this board to be in a new group. You wouldn't believe how fast and simple things get when you get everyone working together well and can make the money on nearly autopilot, depending on what method you are using. Also tips and resources are always good.

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Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)01:11 No. 4080

Americans say freedom means free food stamps.

Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)14:16 No. 4082

social safety nets don't reduce freedom

Modern Mom 24/11/09(Sat)22:36 No. 4147

Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

Modern Mom 17/08/01(Tue)17:50 No. 3055 [Reply]

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Hey /Jews/ I've been trying to live the frugal lifestyle. Recently moved into an apartment in Southern California where I'm paying 840 a month for a studio. I don't really have close friends that are financially stable enough to room with. My question is though, (got off topic)
While living a frugal lifestyle, what do you guys do for fun? When I loved with my parents I had disposable income and didn't really care about saving. I could go out with my mates and get drinks or another hobby of ours was shooting but all of that is so expensive. I guess gaming but that gets old too.

TL;DR what do you do for fun that's frugal?

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Modern Mom 23/10/15(Sun)15:43 No. 3911

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OP here
Found this thread years later. Moved in with Wife’s grandma (wife included)
Pay $500 and split utilities in So Cal.
Took up cooking and now I do most of our cooking and have made a hobby of it.

Thanks for the amazing post. Joseph 24/07/13(Sat)10:46 No. 4041

Nice post. Thanks.

Modern Mom 24/11/09(Sat)14:35 No. 4146

Libertarians think that they should give up defending freedom because Americans hate liberty, but Libertarians should keep resisting tyranny for selfish reasons.

While the elites control the money, government, and media, the 99% have the numbers.

One Libertarian may not be able to resist being sent to the concentration camps, but one million people might.

Good first/low budget investments. Modern Mom 14/09/13(Sat)08:47 No. 2312 [Reply]

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Hey there guys. I am a hard working 21 year old, and I've set aside $1500 from wage slaving to begin an investment portfolio. I'm currently considering using a chunk of that money to purchase silver bullion, because it seems like a guaranteed profit over the long run. Pictured is the exact object with which I would like to start my financial future, a 1kg silver bar that can be had for only $629 in the current economic climate. Does anybody have any tips for the poor, wannabe investor such as myself? And is anybody else starting this journey or thinking about it?

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Modern Mom 24/02/29(Thu)14:58 No. 3948

I had a situation where money was urgently needed, but someone did not have it to lend. Then I had to go to the creditors. In order not to get caught by a bad company that I was particularly interested in, I asked a friend, he recommended this website to me https://au.casinologin.mobi/online-baccarat/ I was very grateful to him when this company helped me and I soon returned the money.

Modern Mom 24/05/26(Sun)05:16 No. 3995

Americans say that they want to live in a police state today because there is a slight chance the temperature might rise 1000 years from now.

Modern Mom 24/10/18(Fri)22:26 No. 4132

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silver would of been a good bet

gold as well and just look at bitcoin at the moment

Modern Mom 24/06/21(Fri)04:17 No. 4001 [Reply]

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When I see a pile of coins in the reject tray of the coinstar I get a little chubby.

When I spot silver, I nearly jizz myself xD

FREE UTILITIES Modern Mom 16/02/06(Sat)00:43 No. 2807 [Reply]

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/jew/, I have free utilities at my pad. Is there anyway I can take advantage of this while it lasts? Can I bottle up my power like piss and sell it for later? Bitcoin mining?

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Modern Mom 19/08/08(Thu)10:32 No. 3319

The only thing I can think of with unlimited electricity is to build an arc furnace and use it to smelt shit.

Modern Mom 23/01/18(Wed)17:09 No. 3771

Sveiki. Labai myliu gyvūnus. Mano namuose gyvena du šunys ir viena katė. Savo augintiniams maistą perku internetu šunų mityba https://korme.lt/lt/ Visada patikrinkite, ar ant pakuotės nurodyta, kad maistas yra “visavertis”. Tai reglamentuotas terminas, nurodantis, kad ėdalas buvo sukurtas ir išbandytas taip, kad atitiktų visus tos rūšies gyvūnams keliamus mitybos reikalavimus. Maistas, paženklintas kaip “papildomas”, yra skanėstai ir turėtų būti šeriamas kartu su aukštos kokybės maistu.

Modern Mom 23/03/07(Tue)12:55 No. 3801

Labas rytas. Labai myliu šunų ėdalą.

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO SECURE CONNECTION? swipka777 24/03/24(Sun)13:58 No. 3981 [Reply]

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Modern Mom 24/03/25(Mon)01:27 No. 3984

That depends what you mean. For basic data encryption a VPN will suffice. If you want to go full schizo then delete all of your accounts everywhere, use TAILS on your computer and throw away every smart device you have.

Investing/Money Advice Modern Mom 22/04/04(Mon)19:56 No. 3649 [Reply]

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After slaving at a shit job and saving as much as possible for a few years, I currently have a little over 13k saved up

What should my next move be?

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Modern Mom 22/10/27(Thu)15:56 No. 3746

learn how to make money out of money. It doesn't matter how much you invest or in what you invest. The most important thing is the investor. If you are a complete beginner, start with the Rich Dad Poor Dad series from Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Modern Mom 22/11/28(Mon)11:14 No. 3761

Research traveling the world, on an eddie shoe string.
Then set of with the intent of learning as many ways/tips/tricks of make money and saving money. A long the way.
Also please post them back here to halp any of lucky enough to get the chance to escape.

All my best anon and go for it.

Modern Mom 23/01/29(Sun)05:42 No. 3778

Slow & steady wins

online scabbing/outsourcing Modern Mom 22/02/20(Sun)23:56 No. 3642 [Reply]

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i live in a third world shithole and i realized that working online for foreign companies for less than the american federal minimum wage can pay more than my current shit-shoveling sweatshop job
where can i find jobs like these?

Modern Mom 22/02/21(Mon)09:16 No. 3643

What about social media moderation?

Modern Mom 22/08/02(Tue)17:37 No. 3712

Where do you live? Africa? India? MENA? Latin America? The shitty parts of Asia? Tell me and I’ll help you

BEAN mom 22/08/22(Mon)15:16 No. 3719

To start freelancing you will need to build a portfolio, this is a evidence based resume showing that you reliably complete projects.
The words reliably and complete should be capitalized here because that's really what companies are looking for, you're being hired to save their people time.
They don't want to communicate with you, they don't have time to go backwards and forwards or to negotiate prices.

Set a reasonable fixed rate.
Prepare to deal with scalpers who take jobs then outsource them even cheaper, often impersonating the client.

Remember the platform exists to exploit you, your labor is the only thing the platform is selling.
The platform will try to ban you if you take clients elsewhere, there's no right or wrong here and no law to appeal to.

The end goal is to get regular work from a foreign firm, prioritize clients who need the same thing done over and over because they are the ones that can offer you a living.

There are many types of work you can do but be fully aware that half the people doing any one of these are professionals who've done that for ten years.
On platforms half the profiles are fake, the people are actually working for the platform in secret to make it look like there are skilled workers, and to manipulate the pay being offered.

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Modern Mom 21/07/06(Tue)03:15 No. 3530 [Reply]

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you said time goes backwards, women first

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Modern Mom 21/07/06(Tue)03:16 No. 3532

holocaust never happened, quit bitchin

Modern Mom 21/07/06(Tue)03:17 No. 3533

neither did slavery. one man cannot pay for the sins of another persons. i do not owe repartations, and no one does. find a way to fic your shitty usa debt insteado f trying to rob people , fuck you

Modern Mom 21/10/17(Sun)02:34 No. 3558

schizo thread

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