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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Modern Mom 24/02/24(Sat)01:24 No. 3945

File 17087342463.jpg - (47.40KB , 400x600 , p6rj9bztqfldk90b.jpg )

Why don't you go get one of those high paying jobs in the Bay Area?

Even the minimum wage at fast food stores is around $80K and for police officers it is $100K-$200K. They're desperate for any of these basic workers. And cost of living is no higher than here in Australia.

I recently visited. It's like the rest of the US and developed world is the third world by comparison.

And tech jobs, or generalist admin and operations jobs a whole another world.

Just work there for a couple of years then retire early to the mid west or some backwards ass poor but high standard of living first world country like New Zealand. You can even chuck a couple hundred K USD in your favourite crypto.

The numbers sound stupidly high but it's the reality. Mind you my family I was visiting are Indian so I was around the richest in Silicon Valley

The only downside was the women of silicon valley were fugly and far in between, but you can always visit the poor top tier in Orange County

Modern Mom 24/11/22(Fri)01:17 No. 4155

Obeying the law is difficult when everything is illegal.

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