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My 11 year old Golden Retriever, Max, was just diagnosed with Canine Osteosarcoma in his front right arm.
I just found out about 4 days ago, and the vet visits to diagnose the severity and spread- have left me absolutely broke.
Let me tell you about Max. He isn't just a dog, he's my absolute world. I grew up in a very toxic environment, and separated myself from my family when I was 18-19 years old. When I was 20 years old, I adopted Max (he was 1 year old at this time).
Throughout the next 10 years, I have been through every let down you can imagine, and while Max could never understand why he saw those tears run down my face- he didn't need to. He knew I wasn't okay, and would lay next to me, wanting nothing more than my love.
I'd rather be the one going through this than him.
I was unemployed most of this pandemic, but recently started working again. I was barely getting caught up, and with this sudden event... I'm left not knowing what to do.
He has an appointment tomorrow (19/08/2021) to find out if it hasn't spread enough to amputate his entire leg. If he qualifies? He will start chemotherapy shortly after.
As I mentioned above, I do not have close relatives that I communicate with.
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