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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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I want to live abroad with desired outcomes. Modern Mom 23/12/11(Mon)17:28 No. 3927 [Reply]

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I've passed my GED, but I am having struggles with college admision or finding work.

I would like to live in countries like France. I was saiving dome money for the time coming, and also trying to frind a career alternative program or some other way to make my life fine enough.

Do know any solutions?

Modern Mom 23/12/22(Fri)21:11 No. 3933

Get a trade that is universally relevant and does not vary based on regulations (building codes) such as welding. Do this through a community college or trade school. Then go to work for an oil field and get experience. Also do hobby diy work on the side.

Pirate duo lingo courses on French or what have you and complete them in your own time. Then listen to pirated french audiobooks and follow along in the pirated ebook. Start with something familiar and easy like translated popular fiction; harry potter, stephen king.

After that, consult a travel agency and arrange a tourist visit to scope things out.

After your visit, if you still like it, consult the travel agency for assistance with a work visa.

Modern Mom 23/12/24(Sun)09:28 No. 3934

How do you pirate duo lingo courses?

Modern Mom 24/03/17(Sun)01:59 No. 3959

Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

In summary Ghosts 14/07/07(Mon)01:02 No. 2161 [Reply]

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Follow all these to save/make money.

1. Do not drink or do drugs. If drink regularly and you find yourself here and broke, there's your problem. You need to deal with that before you can fix your money problems. No thrifty living tip will keep you wealthy and drunk or high, ever.

2. Use reusable house ware items. Do not use paper towel or plastic wrap. Ikea has kitchen towels for $0.50 each. Get about 5 and use them to wipe messes, blow your nose, everything. Get some cheap plastic containers to store food.

3. Shop around and identify the value retailers. Some grocery stores cater to the middle and upper class, and others lower, so find the lower. Depending on your location, there might be small family-run markets that sell fruits and vegetables a little cheaper.

4. Break the spending habit. Stop the psychological justifications your have to buy games, clothes, computer shit, etc. You may need to give all your money for a trusted friend/partner. You should be buying groceries each week and that's all.

5. Always be learning. You can go from zero to a $50k job in a few months if you commit yourself to learning software development online. This may take a large lifestyle change that means no more LoL, Youtube, chans, etc. For starters, see Codecademy and CS50.

6. Don't drive a car. Ride the bus or bike and move if necessary.

Here's a 1 week shopping list (priced from an expensive region, store brand stuff):
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Modern Mom 21/08/10(Tue)01:38 No. 3538

Meat isn't bad for you.

Also your story about you being a spoiled millionaire and you feeling smug about eating beans is stupid.

Not taking care of your body is a bad idea, because preventing health care is cheaper than requiring it.

Modern Mom 22/03/14(Mon)04:10 No. 3646

Get some offal (organ meat) which is more nutritious, cheaper, and certain ones (esp beef heart) have fat caps which can be rendered. The cost mostly depends on where you live, but I can get beef heart for 3 bucks a pound.
Also sliced bread is trash, but the HEB I live near sells 3 small loaves (1 loaf of presliced bread in volume) of way better bread for a buck.
Take advantage of any opportunity.

Fishhead 23/11/28(Tue)12:55 No. 3926

This is rather useful.

Cheapest tooth repair? Modern Mom 21/06/12(Sat)06:45 No. 3518 [Reply]

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I have bad teeth and need to fix this. I'm 38 years old.

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Modern Mom 21/06/12(Sat)17:14 No. 3520

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Modern Mom 21/11/25(Thu)03:06 No. 3594

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at this point get partials or full dentures. Getting root canals will still have infection sitting in your mouth causing more health problems and more tooth problems over time. I never trust any average dentist

Modern Mom 23/11/17(Fri)05:21 No. 3925

Cheapest? No dentist then. Here is your cheap route to dental health:

Buy hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and a big tub of coconut oil. Cook and eat with the coconut oil, but make sure to swish with it at least ten minutes a day. I recommend swishing with hydrogen peroxide first for over a minute. It's up to you it you want to dilute it with water as directed. Brush your teeth with a coconut oil paste of baking soda.

Buy an immersion blender, and blend your food.

free shit Modern Mom 22/02/23(Wed)13:09 No. 3644 [Reply]

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What are the best freebies out there (legal or otherwise)? I've got a few to start the thread:

1. File complaints on web sites of local fast food restaurants, and they'll send you free food coupons. Obviously, if you do this too often with the same address, they'll catch on, but it's good for a free meal every now and then.

2. Most major cities in the U.S. have nonprofits that give free computers away if you're in a bad financial situation. If you can prove you're on a government program, they'll give you a crappy computer running Ubuntu for free or a halfway decent one running Windows for $80-100.

3. Most major cities also have nonprofits and even traveling vans that give out free fentanyl test trips and naloxone. Even if you don't do drugs yourself, shit's expensive, and you can make a couple bucks on the side picking some up and selling at a discount.

4. Ibotta works. A lot of stuff on there is 50% off or even free after cash back, and it's a legal way to turn food stamps into cash. A lot of the stuff on there is inedible gluten-free vegan garbage, but they do carry major junk food brands and stuff you actually want to buy. Even if you only go after the stuff that's 100% free after cash back, you'll have your money back inside of a month.

5. Shoplifting shoplifting shoplifting. Learn your local stores' shoplifting policies and how to evade detection, and you can save a lot of money. I save hundreds shoplifting all my OTC medication from stores like CVS. You can make money reselling stuff on sites like Mercari, but keep in mind the pigs will send investigators if you get carried away.

6. Instead of paying $50 a month subscribing to eight different streaming services, invest $20 in a seedbox. Most people here probably already know this, but for those who don't, it's worth every penny.

7. DNA refund scams don't work as well as they did a few years ago, but they still do sometimes, so always worth a shot. Amazon will still refund stuff no questions asked if you've bought more stuff from them than you're trying to refund. PROTIP: sign a name that isn't yours if the mailman asks for a signature.
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Modern Mom 22/03/05(Sat)13:50 No. 3645

Credit card churning.
Luke Smith made a couple of great videos on it, check em out

Modern Mom 22/03/28(Mon)16:40 No. 3647

Careful with sports betting.

I tried sportsbetting.ag and they don't let you cash out until you hit an insanely high winnings threshold, that you'll most likely never get to without losing a fuckton of money in the process.

Still better than scratch-offs, though

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)02:13 No. 3916

This. Working on my third “$200 bonus cash intro offer” this year

Post-grad existential crisis workshop Modern Mom 21/08/09(Mon)15:13 No. 3537 [Reply]

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I'm a musician going into my last year of grad school. Long story short, my parents have paid for everything up until this point and aggressively kept me from making my own money. Now they've let me know that they can't support me once I've graduated, and that my options are to either come home and work from there or come up with something on my own.

I'd actually kill myself if I was stuck at home, not to mention that home is hours away from any major city and any serious players that I'd want to work with. The last time we spoke, I told my parents that I plan to move to Philadelphia instead of coming home. It took a lot of butting heads, and they were pretty disparaging of the idea, but they finally accepted it and told me to come up with a plan of action.

I've been seriously stressing for the past few days, but then I remembered those crafty /jew/s whose posts I read when I was younger. If any of you veterans are still around, I'd love some help in workshopping a strategy. Basically, the objective is moving into Philly affordably and keeping myself afloat long enough to start putting together income in my actual line of work. Below are a few extremely general points, if you guys have some more specific ideas of options for each of these I'd be very appreciative.

>Move to Philadelphia
I've only started looking into available apartments/townhouses/houses in the area, but I know I'll need something that's under 1000 per month. If I can find something in the 700-900 range, I doubt that even a poor shmuck like me can fuck it up. Preference will be taken toward townhouses or houses, I don't think an apartment in that price range will have enough space for my instrument and the rest of my life.

>Get a job
This is where I could use a lot of advice. What kinds of "real" jobs could keep someone alive in that range of rent? I'm sure whatever I'm renting will be more expensive than that base number too, once utilities come into play. Ideally this would be some kind of day-oriented job with relatively flexible hours, so that I could still be free for evening/night rehearsals, jams, gigs etc. I'm very interested in bike delivery, although I know it'd be miserable with Philly's shitty roads. Manual labor also seems interesting, but I don't know what the pay's like.

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Modern Mom 22/12/12(Mon)16:12 No. 3764

I have always been interested in the topic of application development and if this is an important topic for you as well as for me, then you must know about alternatives for business. If you want to save time and money on the implementation of the application, then read more about mvp development on https://www.erised.io/ . It will be more effective for you.

Modern Mom 23/02/25(Sat)10:45 No. 3794

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Good luck, dude.

Modern Mom 23/02/26(Sun)13:23 No. 3796

It's pretty depressing that in like two years this is the only non-bot reply OP received.

Post-Modern Mom 12/11/05(Mon)03:48 No. 468 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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If I were to start stealing things from stores to save money, how would I go about it? Related question: If I were to begin selling things I stole from stores, how would I go about it?

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Modern Mom 22/10/05(Wed)22:20 No. 3741

Compared to 2012 America and the west in 2022 are much more decadent and declined. It's easier to engage in petty theft, people are more tired and apathetic. The only thing I usually steal is just food, the walk in and out, grab and go, ect. That just works fine on the cheaper stuff.

Modern Mom 23/03/17(Fri)20:39 No. 3806

I used to work at two different retail stores and while I doubt it's the same for every single retail store at both the stores I worked at we had similar schedules of when loss prevention and lead managers would be in. Mondays and Tuesdays after 8pm were typically when loss prevention would never be there and the lead manager would take the days off as well.

Modern Mom 23/07/19(Wed)00:54 No. 3895

I worked at Ross and we intentionally varied the hours of loss prevention.

Hit jackpot, yet don't know what to do about it Modern Mom 20/12/03(Thu)22:41 No. 3485 [Reply]

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I inscribed in a nation-wide contest (not american nor yuro) for young entrepreneurs without hoping to win, yet I managed to do so.
I now will have access to a free kit of gardening power-tools.
The project I signed for it was for managing a native-flora exclusive vivarium who also offers landscaping services. While I did a short course on the matter and I'm currently studying to become a park ranger, I have no experience on the matter, much less about being self-employed.
Too much, too fast. I want to be happy but I feel overwhelmed and I could use some advice.

There are other problems aswell: I don't have enough space to make a significant plant production. There are a few places I could talk to and acquire space, clients and bussiness partners, but I lack a development plan and I don't know quite what to say to them:
-The city's official vivarium and orchard (not the best place to start at but it's worth a shot).
-The eco-friendly ONG's farm I started volunteering recently at (perhaps I can borrow a small poatch of land for them and share the profits of my sales and services?).
-A nearby native-flora vivarium (I believe they don't offer landscaping services. Could I offer them a partnership using my tools? I can also try to talk them about how they got into bussiness and gain some insight.)
-A nearby agrarian college. I can both ask for space and share the profits *and* get some formal knowledge about managing a vivarium.

anon 14/12/06(Sat)01:40 No. 2485 [Reply]

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Hello /jews/ I have been thinking of a way to make money off of youtube monetizing... it might not be fast but it is sure as hell easy. So basically get one to two or more people who are willing have them make a few accounts and click any ads on videos you have on your channel... simple

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Modern Mom 14/12/09(Tue)11:50 No. 2494

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Lol, good thread.

There was a guy claiming to be a Google employee on /7ch/. He claimed that within the last couple of years Google had become the most money-grubbingest whore possible with regard to their monetization policies. P much any up and comer likely to earn a big payout gets nixed on false pretenses, the reasons for which (according to their user agreement) they do not have to supply. He was paid commission on how many new users he could get rubbed off the adsense list.

Modern Mom 17/05/05(Fri)12:11 No. 3004

YouTube sure isn't what it used to be.
Adsense is dead.

Modern Mom 22/08/29(Mon)17:16 No. 3725


Amoral money-making schemes? Modern Mom 21/10/16(Sat)01:47 No. 3556 [Reply]

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Inspired by a couple articles I recently read, I want to ask you what schemes minorities pull in your countries. Minorities being gypsies, jews, africans, arabs, mexicans, and so on.

Here are the articles:

Beware, they are very long.

I'm considering changing my name to a girl's name and changing my gender via paperwork so I can sue people who misgender me.

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Modern Mom 21/11/14(Sun)08:01 No. 3589

Moralism is truly dead. The system is against most of us whichever way we look at it. So, I completely understand. Everybody knows shit's fucked!

Modern Mom 21/11/24(Wed)01:41 No. 3593

How is reciprocating the treatment I get crazy?

Public eye? Almost no one pays attention to law suits. Just wear a bodycam and wait for someone to misgender you in a jurisdiction that makes this illegal, then sue them. I never said anything about posting it online, just abusing the system's rules.

You'd do a lot better if you read what I actually write instead of what's in your head.

Take everything you can, give nothing back.

Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)06:02 No. 3619

I know a lot about scams, don't ask why but I do.

Most of the time the scammer is not making money in the way you think they are- they are pretending to scam people, acting rich, then trying to bring in rich assholes who think they are clever.
Some guy is running a rubbish disposal scam by illegally storing rubber tires.
He claims to be part of the local mafia and claims to be rich.
You see him making thousands every day- but really he isn't.
What he can make illegally disposing tires is a pittance.
What he can trick YOU into investing is a thousand times more.
He convinces you to buy a piece of land for more than it's worth from the mafia, tells you it's how you pay off the mafia for the illegal dumping and this is why you can't "go it alone".
You buy the land and he vanishes, you lost $50,000 on the land and can make $50 a day illegally dumping car tires on it until you are caught.

Often "scammers" aren't scammers at all- they simply pretend to be for the sake of their own ego- 90% of the time these people are clinical narcissists.
Regardless of whther they actually have a scam or not, like gamblers their motivation is entirely ego driven.
If you are serious about beign a con artist- consider if you yourself are simply trying to inflate your ego, gain self awareness.

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Fucking Money Transfer Modern Mom 21/09/06(Mon)02:38 No. 3542 [Reply]

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Trying to send money from my Paypal to my First National Bank of Texas checking account.
It's been an hour and I still haven't seen it.
Paypal says it should take 15 minutes.
Is this because it's Saturday? I had to wait a bit yesterday (Friday-Saturday) but it went through.
Thoughts please.

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