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free shit Modern Mom 22/02/23(Wed)13:09 No. 3644

File 164561818646.jpg - (109.06KB , 600x739 , damn.jpg )

What are the best freebies out there (legal or otherwise)? I've got a few to start the thread:

1. File complaints on web sites of local fast food restaurants, and they'll send you free food coupons. Obviously, if you do this too often with the same address, they'll catch on, but it's good for a free meal every now and then.

2. Most major cities in the U.S. have nonprofits that give free computers away if you're in a bad financial situation. If you can prove you're on a government program, they'll give you a crappy computer running Ubuntu for free or a halfway decent one running Windows for $80-100.

3. Most major cities also have nonprofits and even traveling vans that give out free fentanyl test trips and naloxone. Even if you don't do drugs yourself, shit's expensive, and you can make a couple bucks on the side picking some up and selling at a discount.

4. Ibotta works. A lot of stuff on there is 50% off or even free after cash back, and it's a legal way to turn food stamps into cash. A lot of the stuff on there is inedible gluten-free vegan garbage, but they do carry major junk food brands and stuff you actually want to buy. Even if you only go after the stuff that's 100% free after cash back, you'll have your money back inside of a month.

5. Shoplifting shoplifting shoplifting. Learn your local stores' shoplifting policies and how to evade detection, and you can save a lot of money. I save hundreds shoplifting all my OTC medication from stores like CVS. You can make money reselling stuff on sites like Mercari, but keep in mind the pigs will send investigators if you get carried away.

6. Instead of paying $50 a month subscribing to eight different streaming services, invest $20 in a seedbox. Most people here probably already know this, but for those who don't, it's worth every penny.

7. DNA refund scams don't work as well as they did a few years ago, but they still do sometimes, so always worth a shot. Amazon will still refund stuff no questions asked if you've bought more stuff from them than you're trying to refund. PROTIP: sign a name that isn't yours if the mailman asks for a signature.

8. A lot of sports betting sites will cover your first bet up to $200-1000, which means you have a 75% chance of doubling your investment. I haven't tried this yet, but it appears to be legit.

9. A lot of student groups, churches, and places on meetup web sites give out free food for attendance, and home hosting web sites can give you a free place to stay for a weekend.

That's all I got for now. If you have any ideas, post them here, as I could use some help myself.

Modern Mom 22/03/05(Sat)13:50 No. 3645

Credit card churning.
Luke Smith made a couple of great videos on it, check em out

Modern Mom 22/03/28(Mon)16:40 No. 3647

Careful with sports betting.

I tried sportsbetting.ag and they don't let you cash out until you hit an insanely high winnings threshold, that you'll most likely never get to without losing a fuckton of money in the process.

Still better than scratch-offs, though

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)02:13 No. 3916

This. Working on my third “$200 bonus cash intro offer” this year

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