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I want to live abroad with desired outcomes. Modern Mom 23/12/11(Mon)17:28 No. 3927

File 170231211939.jpg - (100.46KB , 600x400 , ALG-consult-with-Adrian.jpg )

I've passed my GED, but I am having struggles with college admision or finding work.

I would like to live in countries like France. I was saiving dome money for the time coming, and also trying to frind a career alternative program or some other way to make my life fine enough.

Do know any solutions?

Modern Mom 23/12/22(Fri)21:11 No. 3933

Get a trade that is universally relevant and does not vary based on regulations (building codes) such as welding. Do this through a community college or trade school. Then go to work for an oil field and get experience. Also do hobby diy work on the side.

Pirate duo lingo courses on French or what have you and complete them in your own time. Then listen to pirated french audiobooks and follow along in the pirated ebook. Start with something familiar and easy like translated popular fiction; harry potter, stephen king.

After that, consult a travel agency and arrange a tourist visit to scope things out.

After your visit, if you still like it, consult the travel agency for assistance with a work visa.

Modern Mom 23/12/24(Sun)09:28 No. 3934

How do you pirate duo lingo courses?

Modern Mom 24/03/17(Sun)01:59 No. 3959

Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

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