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Modern Mom 16/04/01(Fri)09:09 No. 2819 [Reply]

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I gave up work in a warehouse, because they were moving further from where I live. The commute would be just ridiculous, and the expenses - double, if not tripple! Being a drone is not OK in my book.
So I have a choice now - mooch off of girlfriends parents I live with OR take a part time job, as a "sanitary technician" in a local police station.
I want to know your opinion, everything really. Until this day it never occurred to me, that I would also have to clean shitters (which I'm quite fine with, and proficient, also). So lets hear it! Any cleaners here, part time workers or both?

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Modern Mom 23/02/19(Sun)10:32 No. 3789

Take the part time job, cleaning is pretty easy really and you get left alone once you know the ropes.

Modern Mom 23/02/19(Sun)12:58 No. 3790

You're about seven years late lol.

I wonder which option OP chose. Do you think he's somewhere cleaning shitters as we speak?

Modern Mom 23/10/25(Wed)16:20 No. 3915

I work a lot now, and honestly all I want to do in my free time is literally nothing. Although not so long ago I discovered the new indie games FNF https://fnfmod.online/ . There are also a lot of additional mods. Perhaps if you don't know anything about this, you should check out more information on the site.

Online Prediction/Betting Sites Modern Mom 20/06/27(Sat)07:07 No. 3426 [Reply]

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I know there's Predictitt, but what other sites exist for betting online, especially for using cryptocurrency?

This is predictitt:

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Rusha21 22/04/30(Sat)19:22 No. 3660

I think this is the right idea, but you can also just find the bookmaker's website and place bets

Bteroper 22/05/03(Tue)15:09 No. 3662

To make a lot of money from sports betting, you just need to think a little about how to bet, so analyze well before you place a bet. After all, you can go to this site https://soccerwagerz.com/football-predictions/france-ligue-2/ and start earning gradually, everything does not come right away, so be patient and you will succeed. I can add that you will love this site as it is aimed at new people and has all the innovations you can find.

Modern Mom 22/07/29(Fri)15:02 No. 3709

Forex remains the most trusted and really effective way to make money fast and easy. I was checking a lot of services and finally decided that https://scambrokersreviews.com/forex-scams/finvis-detailed-review/ is a good service to check trading scam Finvis. Such a service is working really good because you can easily check all the possibilities to avoid fraud.

Apartments Rick 14/06/08(Sun)05:04 No. 2118 [Reply]

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Is living in an apartment worth it? I am going to college close to home and currently living there. However I am getting a degree in a job that's not too generous in pay but I still enjoy it and can do it from home. I don't really need a huge house, only video games and a little something for recreation. But since I usually keep to myself, am not messy, and am quiet then would you reccomend living in an apartment? They are cheap and seem to be nice, but if anyone has lived in one, would you reccomend it?

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Modern Mom 20/10/20(Tue)18:12 No. 3471

I guess so. I live in apartment for the half of year and it's been hard for me to live alone after I moved away from my parents. I also have a dog and I can say you have to be responsable and well-prepared to live alone in apartment. Lately I checked https://cleanup.expert/upholstery-cleaners/ because my dog's hair is everywhere so I need some stuff to clean it as soon as possible

piss pornell 21/10/11(Mon)21:00 No. 3554

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blogpost incoming
ive been looking into apartments alot recently, 19 year old lad btw
ive seen glimpses of the difficulties associated with sharing a living space, apartment or house. i have yet to see a situation where everything is as close to being in its right place as it could be, as in there's always someone skipping rent or the bathroom looks like it hasnt been cleaned since the bush administration, or the house cat keeps pissing everywhere; ive never witnessed a group living situation that doesn't have something to be desired, not that i expect that, and honestly as ive thought of the idea ive maintained a mantra that i'd better be prepared to give a lot more than i think the world deserves, so to speak.
if all goes right ill be moving temporarily into an apartment with around four friends, most of whom are near what one would associate with the gifted or renaissance kids from high school, thusly i dont expect complete perdition but i certainly wont rule that out. im doing basically what everyone itt is saying not to do- move into a spot near your house, move during college (granted its community college and also balls cheap), and also without a source of income, the latter of which rightfully concerns everyone who hears about it. but i currently have a very comfortable amount of money to spare- i could afford what im buying a second time and still manage myself fairly well.
despite the ill implications i still intend to chill in the apartment for four months over the winter. i love my folks but living with them is driving me close to the edge and i dont want to spend four more months of cabin fever with them (southern sconsin area so our winters are dogshit and horrific). plus ive thought for a while what the experience of sharing a house is like.

Modern Mom 21/11/11(Thu)10:34 No. 3584

I'm in a situation where I can't afford to live in the house I'm in anymore. Was thinking about an apartment myself but I can't tolerate noisy neighbors. Was thinking about attempting to move in with a guy I know but I haven't talked to him in about a year. He was thinking about renting out a spare room he had for like $150 plus helping with some bills. Might at least work out for a short term solution while I can save up to move into a new place come Spring or Summer. He's a bit tedious and I believe autistic. You have to do things his way or it's just unacceptable. I guess I could always attempt to move back home but if I did that I'd have to be a NEET again until I could find a new job. But I probably wouldn't have to pay anything at least for a few months which would allow me to take a much needed mental break. But that area doesn't really have decent work but the cost of living is a hell of a lot cheaper.

Modern Mom 21/11/12(Fri)17:44 No. 3586 [Reply]

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>Be me, about 6 months ago
>Hungry, no cash
>Just walked into a store, ate a bag of chips and drank 10 capri suns
>People walked by shopping while I sat in an aisle eating
>Nobody cared
>I just walked out
>Nobody stopped me or gave me trouble
>Feels good man

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Modern Mom 23/07/19(Wed)00:43 No. 3894



Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)01:40 No. 3962

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)23:17 No. 3968

When I was younger. Me and a friend would walk into Kmart and just bumrush the chips/soda area near the front.

Knew a guy that worked there but he never turned us in because he hated his job

Modern Mom 21/09/23(Thu)04:27 No. 3549 [Reply]

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Anyone else work in an office and conveniently relocate items?

One of our supervisors is in on it so she's more than happy to find an excuse to order whatever she can. Wwasp spray? Sure, we need a case a month

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Modern Mom 22/04/16(Sat)00:08 No. 3657

relocated a 20 year old mechanical keyboard from my old workplace
damn it feels good to be a gangster.

Modern Mom 22/05/26(Thu)01:56 No. 3663

I have been known to get toilet paper from work by the case. But this is primarily because good single-ply can't be had from stores, so I just blame the jews.

Modern Mom 22/06/20(Mon)13:41 No. 3672


How I lived Homeless for 4 years 17/09/18(Mon)23:41 No. 3083 [Reply]

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FIRST OFF choose your place to live carefully. This isn't just where to sleep but the city or town to live in.

Find a city or township that has buses. Ride um for a while and see if you can hide some where near by. This can mean an old abandoned building or the forest. I've had bad luck in buildings. It's easy to come home and find your shit gone or someone having stolen your spot.

Honestly the woods are the best. Find a big tree. Hide a rope ladder and it's just like having a tree house. This guy has a great guide on how to make a simple sleeping hut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQe8N--CpB0 Don't build anything visible or complex. You want something you can lay down at night and sleep. Hide it well.

SECOND, never leave your shit laying around. You'll loose it. Carry it with you. When i was begging for money and sucking cock for food money i had one bag. In it was a change of cloths and my tablet. That was it.

MAKING MONEY. This is up to you. Farmers pay okay for a hard day of work under the table. You can beg too and this will make you the most money. You can also sell your self but keep in mind you're gross and smell like shit. And the people that fuck homeless people arn't gonna be the cleanest. Avoid STD by offering blow jobs only. I'm an ugly guy and I was getting 10-20$ a blowjob. Not something I look back on with pride but it feed me those nights.

TECHNOLOGY! Get a cell or tablet. Ask to look at lost and founds. Ask if they found any cell phones or tablets when asked to describe it tell um "Uhh well it was black..." That's how i got my shit acer tablet. Enough to get free wifi in hotspots.

FOOD. Taco bell and mcdonalds are expensive. You wanna keep sucking cock for 10-20$ a pop for the rest of your life? NO! Fucking save your money. There is free food out their. Look up survival and eating off the land guides. Lot of places you can eat fucking weeds. And if your built your sleeping base there your set.

Churches and bazaars or what have you give out free food some times. This is when you use that phone or tablet to join facebook groups. Hell add homeless buddies to message apps.
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Modern Mom 21/05/10(Mon)21:50 No. 3514

lol will do

Modern Mom 22/08/22(Mon)16:09 No. 3721

With respect someone who stayed homeless for that long must either have done so due to personal preference, drug abuse or disability.

There is a significant difference between an itinerant laborer and a homeless person.
You can work for accommodation and food, the accommodation could be a farmer allowing you to sleep in a barn or set up a tent as this costs them nothing.
Itinerant workers often carry tools if only for show, tell everyone they are passing through on the way to somewhere else and are looking for work.
Lumber yards, brick yards, cement pouring yards- these places have little that can be stolen, the workers are tough to begin with and they may find the prospect of overnight security appealing.

You may find work at night as a concierge in a small hotel/ whore house, you will actually earn decent pay, use the hotels laundry facilities and sleep during the day which is a great deal safer.
Nobody ever wakes up someone in uniform, it's universally assumed that you're just overworked and "I work nights" is a legitimate excuse for falling sleep anywhere.

Many people take jobs that involve travel and so will get accommodation vouchers. Truck drivers, stewards, marine work, primary industry work, cattle, even traveling salesmen.

I would look at jobs that already force people to stay away from home before a non traditional income like pan handling.

Many people do some kind of performing art, huge variety. My favorite are musicians who carry a mouth acordian because these are inexpensive and lightweight.
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Modern Mom 22/08/22(Mon)16:48 No. 3722

On shoe repair:
This is a very specific issue which actually warrants some coverage.

You can get shoes from thrift shops, begging outside a shoe store can quickly get you a cheap pair of shoes from a guilty shopper.
Shoes are often stolen from stores, but anything you can think of store security have seen a hundred times before. I'm not going to tell you how to shop lift but bear in mind security will be far harder on someone who's not a customer than a customer who also steals.

I generally recommend putting cardboard insoles in your shoes immediately, because you can discard an infinite number of cardboard insoles but washing cheap shoes often damaged them.

To sew shoes there's a very specific techniques.
>rejoining the sole to the top
You need two strips of pliable plastic, ideally thicker than a zip lock bag but thinner than a plastic water bottle- either however is better than nothing.
You will need strong thread, thin wire, or plastic cord.
Electrical cables from junk electronics are perfect, if you split them they are full of these tiny copper wires.
You will need a punch,not a knife. Make one out of a sharpened piece of wire from a fence- finally barbed wire does you a favor.

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Bicycle Frames Modern Mom 14/11/12(Wed)16:00 No. 2443 [Reply]

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I'm looking to build myself a "cheap" bike that will replace my truck for all but long drives and when something big needs to be moved. I'm self building because quality bicycles are expensive, most new bicycles don't meet my requirements, and there are a ton of old frames that do satisfy most if not all of my requirements.

I'm about 5' 8.5" with a 30-31"-ish inseam. According to most online frame size calculators for a road bike I should be looking in the 52-54cm range and for a MTB I should be in the 17-18" range.
If I want to purchase a vintage mountain bike frame that does NOT have the downward/upward (depending on POV) sloping top tube which size should I use as a guide?
Pic related

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Modern Mom 17/07/03(Mon)06:27 No. 3039

Is there any practical way to purchase a bicycle piece by piece in this manner?

I've never seen individual frame pieces for sale anywhere.

Modern Mom 17/07/03(Mon)06:29 No. 3040

If the 20" fits your height, always go for the tallest frame that you fit.

Modern Mom 22/09/01(Thu)11:35 No. 3731

How goes the bicycle building?

Transportation Modern Mom 12/12/04(Tue)08:23 No. 592 [Reply]

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The one thing I haven't seen discussed is Transportation!

For those of us who have a job or are looking, transportation is very important!

It is also important that it is cheap and reliable, not often two things that go well together!

Bikes are OK but if you live in an area where it's a minimum if 10 miles to any place that has work it isn't much help!

Plus most cheap cars don't get great gas mileage (Mine costs almost 120-200 a month in gas) AND you car is often a dead giveaway that you are a poor person!

What suggestions do allz you poor people have regarding cheap and reliable transportation?

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Modern Mom 23/03/08(Wed)22:41 No. 3804

>Always have a bicycle; put it inside to protect from theft.
If you can, shower the tires clean with cold water when taken inside. Gets at least some of the crap away.

Modern Mom 23/07/12(Wed)17:30 No. 3889

I can say that I used to struggle with transport for a while, especially regarding supply chain. Eventually, I managed to discover a good transport company, but I wouldn't say that it was a real salvation for my logistics management. I think of implementing warehouse sorting robots from https://deusrobotics.com/sorting-robots/ to my warehouse management, and I think it can be quite beneficial because of its cost-effectiveness and increased accuracy and quality.

Modern Mom 23/07/19(Wed)11:29 No. 3896

What an odd thing to say.

Modern Mom 23/10/16(Mon)04:13 No. 3912 [Reply]

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Cool free shit from Craigslist

Free is my kryptonite

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)03:46 No. 3917

Do you flip it or just have an abundance of free shit

Modern Mom 24/01/08(Mon)22:06 No. 3936

I'm a bit of a hoarder

Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)01:42 No. 3964

Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say smoking was banned because the state wants to get more money from cigarette taxes.

Modern Mom 22/07/26(Tue)11:43 No. 3694 [Reply]

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This board risks being completely taken over by crypto shills if threads about "investing" are not deleted.
People are actually paid to make these threads and they flood any board they aren't banned from.

/jew/ used to be about home economics, I came here to post about making cheese.

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Modern Mom 22/12/22(Thu)00:52 No. 3767

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I dinneh believe that it's ironic, I know that it's bugnigger who does it. I don't even think h*'s an asian h*mself, I think it's some Canadian or worse. . . German.

Modern Mom 23/01/28(Sat)12:32 No. 3777

the government and big corporations view chan imageboards as a threat to their hegemony but they can't crush them outright without losing their liberal democracy bona-fides.

so they destroy it with low quality spam. basically what happened to moot's website.

Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)01:41 No. 3963

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

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