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online scabbing/outsourcing Modern Mom 22/02/20(Sun)23:56 No. 3642

File 164539777111.jpg - (21.47KB , 400x400 , 1599753174277.jpg )

i live in a third world shithole and i realized that working online for foreign companies for less than the american federal minimum wage can pay more than my current shit-shoveling sweatshop job
where can i find jobs like these?

Modern Mom 22/02/21(Mon)09:16 No. 3643

What about social media moderation?

Modern Mom 22/08/02(Tue)17:37 No. 3712

Where do you live? Africa? India? MENA? Latin America? The shitty parts of Asia? Tell me and I’ll help you

BEAN mom 22/08/22(Mon)15:16 No. 3719

To start freelancing you will need to build a portfolio, this is a evidence based resume showing that you reliably complete projects.
The words reliably and complete should be capitalized here because that's really what companies are looking for, you're being hired to save their people time.
They don't want to communicate with you, they don't have time to go backwards and forwards or to negotiate prices.

Set a reasonable fixed rate.
Prepare to deal with scalpers who take jobs then outsource them even cheaper, often impersonating the client.

Remember the platform exists to exploit you, your labor is the only thing the platform is selling.
The platform will try to ban you if you take clients elsewhere, there's no right or wrong here and no law to appeal to.

The end goal is to get regular work from a foreign firm, prioritize clients who need the same thing done over and over because they are the ones that can offer you a living.

There are many types of work you can do but be fully aware that half the people doing any one of these are professionals who've done that for ten years.
On platforms half the profiles are fake, the people are actually working for the platform in secret to make it look like there are skilled workers, and to manipulate the pay being offered.

I can offer specific advice if you have specific marketable skills

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