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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Modern Mom 21/09/23(Thu)04:27 No. 3549

File 163236404668.jpg - (189.62KB , 900x1200 , officesupplies.jpg )

Anyone else work in an office and conveniently relocate items?

One of our supervisors is in on it so she's more than happy to find an excuse to order whatever she can. Wwasp spray? Sure, we need a case a month

Modern Mom 21/11/14(Sun)08:06 No. 3590

Sounds comfy.

Modern Mom 22/04/16(Sat)00:08 No. 3657

relocated a 20 year old mechanical keyboard from my old workplace
damn it feels good to be a gangster.

Modern Mom 22/05/26(Thu)01:56 No. 3663

I have been known to get toilet paper from work by the case. But this is primarily because good single-ply can't be had from stores, so I just blame the jews.

Modern Mom 22/06/20(Mon)13:41 No. 3672


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