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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

anon 14/12/06(Sat)01:40 No. 2485

File 14178264411.jpg - (21.65KB , 367x384 , 1417809482709.jpg )

Hello /jews/ I have been thinking of a way to make money off of youtube monetizing... it might not be fast but it is sure as hell easy. So basically get one to two or more people who are willing have them make a few accounts and click any ads on videos you have on your channel... simple

Modern Mom 14/12/07(Sun)04:00 No. 2487

this will get you banned before Google pays a single cent to you

m00t 14/12/07(Sun)08:26 No. 2488

Yes, I see my ban is in play as I am replying to you... Fucking autism

Modern Mom 14/12/09(Tue)11:50 No. 2494

File 14181222175.jpg - (147.93KB , 800x800 , 1414282090105-3.jpg )

Lol, good thread.

There was a guy claiming to be a Google employee on /7ch/. He claimed that within the last couple of years Google had become the most money-grubbingest whore possible with regard to their monetization policies. P much any up and comer likely to earn a big payout gets nixed on false pretenses, the reasons for which (according to their user agreement) they do not have to supply. He was paid commission on how many new users he could get rubbed off the adsense list.

Modern Mom 17/05/05(Fri)12:11 No. 3004

YouTube sure isn't what it used to be.
Adsense is dead.

Modern Mom 22/08/29(Mon)17:16 No. 3725


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