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Okay, I've practised shoplifting for years some time ago, and heres what you do:
1)Pockets suck. Sleeves go a long way for candy bars, markers, pencils, even cigars. The more constricting sleeves, the better. Don't however, let your loot stick out - the thicker the better.
2)Pockets suck. Anything larger goes in your pants, behind your belt - spray paint, boxes, bottles. Belt goes a long way. Would not work if you're skinny, for obvious reasons.
2-2)Don't put items, that you would feel uncomfortable with at your dick. Don't walk funny.
2-3)Work with one hand. If you really have to use both hands to shove a candy bar up your pants, like it often happens in tv shows, my son, you may happen to be retarded.
pre3)For both 1st and 2nd points I would like to thank my blazer jacket, which covers my crotch.
3)Find a blind spot from cameras and crew. Haul your loot and only then stuff it in your pants, silly.
4)Second time you go to a shop, have a look around, walk around, as if you were confused. If an employee as much as looks at you, get out.
5)Best to work in pairs. Alone you look so vulnerable and sneaky, two of you can cover each others backs, yet three people make a crowd, which is, of course, suspicious.
6)Keep multiple items in multiple locations. Even if someone busts your sleeve, you still have those beer bottles sitting on your dick, bubble gun in front right and back right pockets, and a pack of cigs in your coats inner pocket. Don't steal a lot of objects, though - you are saving, not living on your skill, Robin Hood.
7)Keep a cool head. Prepare yourself, experienced employees spot a jumpy guy - jumpy means trouble. Try to lift your own items, to see if you have chosen the right clothing.
8)Don't smoke before lift. POCKETS SUCK. Smoke after.