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Crime in an Area? How to check? Big Dunk 22/08/14(Sun)21:08 No. 3715

File 166050412455.png - (132.36KB , 404x404 , 45yuj76.png )

So what website do you have to fucking use to get good information? I'm trying to move to another city and I saw on the news there's lots of killing in one area that's black on black.

I want to check if it's going to be near my job or apartment. How the fuck do you check? I'll be there on assignment for two years while a school is being built.

Cato 22/08/15(Mon)09:40 No. 3716

The only good place to get good info is your own brain. 4chan and /pol/ isnt what it used to be. Nowadays its just a buncha bots.

but if you must know, Christianity real and we are in a fight vs hell.

Big+Dunk 22/08/15(Mon)18:26 No. 3718

Man you really fucking think there isn't any website to see crime? Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn
My new place will be 6 doors down for a church so that ain't bad.

Modern Mom 23/01/18(Wed)06:03 No. 3770

google "racial demographics [place name]".

Modern Mom 24/04/05(Fri)02:35 No. 3987

When the US was a free country, you might have thought that everyone loved freedom, peace, and a balanced budget.

Now that the USA is a police state, Americans can easily see who are the slaves and patriots.

Anyone who obeys the law is a traitor and anyone who resists is a rebel.

Modern Mom 24/05/16(Thu)04:06 No. 3992


Not to the second accurate or anything but will give you a pretty good idea the vibe of a given city, and a good lul.

Modern Mom 24/07/04(Thu)02:47 No. 4025

what is this tumblr shit? cringe

Modern Mom 24/12/25(Wed)15:17 No. 4186

Tyranny didn't work out too well for the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia so why are Americans embracing it?

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