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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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FREE UTILITIES Modern Mom 16/02/06(Sat)00:43 No. 2807

File 145471582474.jpg - (95.82KB , 1024x768 , serveimage.jpg )

/jew/, I have free utilities at my pad. Is there anyway I can take advantage of this while it lasts? Can I bottle up my power like piss and sell it for later? Bitcoin mining?

Modern Mom 16/02/09(Tue)16:09 No. 2808

See if your neighbors are cool and offer them discounted electricity via an extension cord. Is internet included?

Modern Mom 16/04/01(Fri)09:23 No. 2820

You COULD grow weed, but even tiny indoor kits plus seeds/clones cost quite a lot. Also, in some countries cops monitor electricity use. It would also require a long term situation - nothing grows over night. But as I said, it's probably not a viable option.

You can however go on a frenzy with heaters and showers: keep your pad and yourself warm, cozy and clean.

Spit balling here, charge electronic cars?

Modern Mom 16/05/02(Mon)07:23 No. 2826

Yes, look into Bitcoin mining.
Also, more of a fun read than a practical idea, but here's an xkcd What If article.

Modern Mom 16/05/02(Mon)07:54 No. 2827

Isn't it a bit late to be doing bitcoin mining as the difficulty of mining blocks is proportional to the power being put towards mining? To make any sort of income you need to build a rig specifically for mining with multiple graphics cards

Modern Mom 16/05/05(Thu)16:04 No. 2828

You only need special hardware if you're paying for electricity. If you can find a group with a low work requirement, you can make a little bit with bitcoin mining.

You can also look at altcoins who are smaller and you might be able to slip under the minimum with a general use computer.

Modern Mom 16/05/21(Sat)08:40 No. 2834

Kind of related topic, at my new job I'm in control of a sparsely used dumpster. Anyone have experience cancelling their garbage collection? Does the city/state get on you about that?

Modern Mom 19/07/14(Sun)08:07 No. 3302

3 years later update: No they don't care if you don't have garbage service just keep your house clean.

Modern Mom 19/08/08(Thu)10:32 No. 3319

The only thing I can think of with unlimited electricity is to build an arc furnace and use it to smelt shit.

Modern Mom 23/01/18(Wed)17:09 No. 3771

Sveiki. Labai myliu gyvūnus. Mano namuose gyvena du šunys ir viena katė. Savo augintiniams maistą perku internetu šunų mityba https://korme.lt/lt/ Visada patikrinkite, ar ant pakuotės nurodyta, kad maistas yra “visavertis”. Tai reglamentuotas terminas, nurodantis, kad ėdalas buvo sukurtas ir išbandytas taip, kad atitiktų visus tos rūšies gyvūnams keliamus mitybos reikalavimus. Maistas, paženklintas kaip “papildomas”, yra skanėstai ir turėtų būti šeriamas kartu su aukštos kokybės maistu.

Modern Mom 23/03/07(Tue)12:55 No. 3801

Labas rytas. Labai myliu šunų ėdalą.

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