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Growing up on an Iowan farm, I know how to both hunt and grow plants (this will come into play later).
A buddy and I were dicking around on the computers at school during our yearbook class, since we filled our quota of pages that day, and found this island in canada. Since we were talking about zombies, we bot knew that this was a perfect place to go to in case of zombie outbreak. We figured since the lake(?) is about 2 miles wide at it's least wide part, we'd be relatively safe. We decided on it for sure since it was a nature preserve, so it has plenty of meat producing animals on it, and it's in canada which has a rather low population density. We could either harvest the raw materials of the forests to build shelter, or drive 8 hours to the nearest city and scavenge for supplies there. When the time comes, we both go to save a select few of people that we trust with our lives, who are very few in number, but also provide necessary skills such as cooking, scouting, building and fighting/hunting. What do you guys think?
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