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Raid Gear Shambler 13/02/02(Sat)09:18 No. 4242 ID: 435599

File 13597931223.png - (28.79KB , 436x294 , Modern_layers_tactical_vest_harness.png )

Eventually (hopefully) you're going set up an HQ, whether it be a fortified building, large boat, or mobile convoy. At that point you won't need to lug around every last bit of that survival gear around on your back. Trips into the wasteland should have a purpose: recon, surveillance, resource assessment and procurement, security detail, etc...You can tweak your gear for the task at hand without bogging yourself down with an entire camp's worth of gear. Combat and mobility are generally you're priority, but you also need some spare room to pick stuff up you scavenge. We call this Raid Gear.

So let's see your Raid Gear zombros.

Shambler 13/02/02(Sat)09:19 No. 4243 ID: 435599

File 135979315927.png - (32.70KB , 480x475 , Modern_layers_loadout.png )

Shambler 13/02/02(Sat)19:09 No. 4244 ID: 435599

File 135982857849.png - (335.20KB , 730x1200 , tactical cqb_ModVest_loadout_01b.png )

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 13/02/02(Sat)20:28 No. 4245 ID: f322df

Looks good, except for the sword. I've tried making backstraps for my swords, and it's just impossible to draw a sword from your back, simply because it's too long. Even with the Hanwei Practical ninjato's 24" blade, it's impossible, much less a standard katana's 27" blade.

I daresay the only blade you could draw from your back is a machete or short sword (under 19")

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:54 No. 4247 ID: 435599

File 135992127990.jpg - (13.71KB , 300x300 , Condor Vest.jpg )

I agree. Tried it many a time myself and it never works right. Movies lie. That's not my gear, just an example of what I'm hoping to see in this thread.

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:56 No. 4248 ID: 435599

File 135992136639.jpg - (6.01KB , 160x160 , Voodoo Tac Vest digi2.jpg )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:56 No. 4249 ID: 435599

File 135992140729.jpg - (16.87KB , 200x268 , Tac Vest.jpg )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:57 No. 4250 ID: 435599

File 135992145667.png - (31.84KB , 256x400 , body armor.png )

I like this design.

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:58 No. 4251 ID: 435599

File 135992150188.png - (20.70KB , 192x300 , body armor_2.png )

Another example of this design I like. This one doesnt have the molle straps tho.

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:58 No. 4252 ID: 435599

File 13599215336.png - (19.67KB , 316x316 , ASUA3_body armor.png )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)20:59 No. 4253 ID: 435599

File 13599215751.png - (19.20KB , 316x316 , ASP5_body_armor.png )

Armor dump in progress.

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:00 No. 4254 ID: 435599

File 135992160566.png - (23.71KB , 316x316 , AKR1_body armor.png )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:01 No. 4255 ID: 435599

File 135992168174.jpg - (22.26KB , 316x316 , ATH1_leg_thigh_armor_.jpg )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:01 No. 4256 ID: 435599

File 135992171777.png - (476.85KB , 500x375 , ACUpants.png )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:02 No. 4257 ID: 435599

File 135992175390.jpg - (31.66KB , 309x400 , AnkleGaiters.jpg )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:03 No. 4258 ID: 435599

File 135992180176.png - (258.41KB , 450x450 , ACU-Jacket.png )

These are pretty tough even on their own. Anyone know how bite resistant it might be?

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:04 No. 4259 ID: 435599

File 135992185236.png - (881.97KB , 1000x1000 , gloves.png )

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:06 No. 4260 ID: 435599

File 135992197092.jpg - (111.39KB , 800x870 , 1332871899040.jpg )

Why not

Shambler 13/02/03(Sun)21:06 No. 4261 ID: 435599

File 135992200844.png - (14.35KB , 351x263 , riot helmet face shield visor splatter mask_2.png )

Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)03:57 No. 4262 ID: 435599

File 135994662476.png - (23.61KB , 500x500 , riot helmet face shield visor splatter mask.png )

Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)03:58 No. 4263 ID: 435599

File 135994669163.png - (43.41KB , 750x748 , face shield visor splatter mask_4.png )

Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)04:07 No. 4264 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)04:07 No. 4265 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)04:08 No. 4266 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)16:48 No. 4269 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)16:49 No. 4270 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)16:50 No. 4271 ID: 435599

File 135999305074.png - (11.55KB , 500x169 , utility_belt_tactical.png )

Shambler 13/02/04(Mon)23:57 No. 4272 ID: 435599

File 136001866841.png - (80.52KB , 500x219 , Gunfighter Belt 2_layer.png )

Shambler 13/02/05(Tue)00:03 No. 4273 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/05(Tue)00:04 No. 4274 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/06(Wed)15:32 No. 4283 ID: 435599

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Shambler 13/02/14(Thu)06:02 No. 4328 ID: 4b3f55

That's fairly impressive. Still, nothing beats that scene from Mad Max beyond Thunderdome, when Max is entering Bartertown for the first time.

Shambler 13/02/19(Tue)01:31 No. 4342 ID: fe7854

Not bite resistant at all. ACUs are made from fairly cheap material and tear at the seems if a blade of grass touches them. The older BDUs and DCUs are fantastic, though and you can get them fairly cheap.

Shambler 13/03/14(Thu)23:11 No. 4450 ID: 7b3f0a

Holy shit so many things wrong with this.

1. Shemagh can get in the way of your eyesight if anything serious ever happened. You're much better with a FR balaclava; even then those can get in the way too.

2. Those shooting glasses are not polarized.

3. Hard knuckle gloves - Do I really need to explain why it would hurt like fuck if you actually hit someone wearing them? Hello bruises.

4. Single point sling - Just go for a Magpul MS3, single point when you need it, two-point sling when you don't.

5. The holster - moreso its placement, you should never have anything on the side of your body that your rifle meets your shoulder, can snag and get in the way. Best to have a pistol holster high up on your chest or learn to draw and shoot with the opposite hand.

6. Knee pads but no elbow pads? I would only suggest one knee pad for your specific handed shooting stance, but whatever.

Jungle boots in CQB? You're better off with a very comfortable and durable hiking boot that only goes so far past your ankle, not half your leg, then get some good fitting soles for them depending on the shape of your foot.

Shambler 13/03/14(Thu)23:43 No. 4451 ID: ef8bf0

>3. Hard knuckle gloves - Do I really need to explain why it would hurt like fuck if you actually hit someone wearing them? Hello bruises.

Not sure if this is the same thing, but I had a buddy in the Marines who brought over some of these badass gloves with kevlar knuckles. I tried them on and was able to punch straight into walls and a solid wood dresser pretty hard, without feeling anything. The type of force that would normally make your knuckles bleed.

Shambler 13/03/15(Fri)01:10 No. 4452 ID: 7b3f0a

It all depends on the cushion inside the glove. Most gloves like that do not come with adequate protection against blunt force trauma. I do not know the gloves your friend brought back so I still wouldn't suggest them.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 13/03/15(Fri)20:53 No. 4458 ID: f322df

I have a pair of Rothco and Mechanix hard knuckle gloves. They both let me punch whatever the fuck I want without the pain of bare handed punching. You just have to make sure you buy one with a nice spacious fit, from my experience.

Shambler 16/03/16(Wed)12:53 No. 5472 ID: b68504


Shambler 25/02/06(Thu)03:36 No. 6001 ID: 809813

You don't even need weapons to survive zombies. All you need is cash and a car. Zombies won't walk 10 miles just for an opportunity to try to eat someone. Zombies want a sure thing. They are stuck walking the suburban routes.

You could just avoid population centers and carry a mac-10 to the marty, and lock your car doors.

Zombies only have 1 objective, killing.

Shambler 25/02/06(Thu)03:38 No. 6002 ID: 809813

Zombies could eat right around your impenetrable Kevlar armor after you run out of ammo.

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