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Shambler 13/04/29(Mon)22:32 No. 4563 ID: f0d205

File 136726756632.jpg - (100.16KB , 500x490 , velma.jpg )

this may be ignored, or "sage", or else but im bored as hell so here goes nothing...
a long time ago 7-10 years or myabe moar there were a certain story bout a notebook or RP or
not really sure, one anon find this notebook and write something on it and left it for the next anon write something else, obviously it was in a zombie apocalypse era, and anons wrote their exp bad, good, cheap, noble, etc like some sort of diary who passed along survivors of the zom apocalypse, now my question is simple, is there any place where this story its saved,or thread its alive somewhere? or at least some anon knows bout what im typing?

Shambler 13/12/24(Tue)12:58 No. 4970 ID: f2a05c

so, how high are you?

Shambler 13/12/24(Tue)13:04 No. 4971 ID: 0ae7a3

I recall participating in a thread somewhat like you described back on 711chan but not here. No idea if anyone backed it up though.

Close I can recall here was a history thread that listed past events in sequential order until it caught up with the present then proceeded into the speculated (and turned wacky) future.

Shambler 14/01/01(Wed)23:39 No. 4976 ID: 2ffe3a

i know I'm late but that was actually on 911chan and that site is dead now.

Shambler 14/02/02(Sun)05:19 No. 5004 ID: 602daa

op here well it was worth to ask bout it, thanks for the answer at least i can stop looking for it

Shambler 25/02/06(Thu)05:00 No. 6011 ID: 809813

File 173881444668.jpg - (25.94KB , 496x408 , IMG_20241231_163202.jpg )

Relp me :3

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