I love bows; during term-time, I shot every tuesday and saturday for two hours since 13 through to my graduation.
With the luxury of a homestead environment, I would choose the compound. The arrow would be heavier, carry more impact even with comparable penetration. And if things got ugly, I could reload and loose twice as fast and even have the luxury to breathe out.
But in SHTF situation,I would not choose a compound or a crossbow. I would use a takedown recurve (with iron sights) or longbow. I'd hate to think what mud and moisture would do to the moving parts over a the period of a year, a third of which would be raining.
And on the road, with all your kit and supplies, I'd hate to be carrying around a contraption that doesn't change shape, fragile high-performance, precision contraption. If I could, I'd avoid the ironsights till hunting sessions.
Arrows: I've not made my own arrows before, but I've been told then can shatter with the high-performance , high poundage bows of today. Carrying around anything more than 20 arrows for a week on top of your gear would start to annoy me. Archery is really a homesteader's tool.