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Shambler 13/12/14(Sat)21:53 No. 4942 ID: 6094f4 [Reply]

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dear /zom/ convince me zombies are real
Protip: you cant

19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Shambler 14/04/29(Tue)11:13 No. 5087 ID: aaad3e

Bassui wrote the following letter to one of his disciples who was about to die:

The essence of your mind is not born, so it will never die. It is not an existence, which is perishable. It is not an emptiness, which is a mere void. It has neither color nor form. It enjoys no pleasures and suffers no pains.

"I know you are very ill. Like a good Zen student, you are facing that sickness squarely. You may not know exactly who is suffering, but question yourself: What is the essence of this mind? Think only of this. You will need no more. Covet nothing. Your end which is endless is as a snowflake dissolving in the pure air. Your end, is the beginning, of zombie-hood.

Shambler 14/04/29(Tue)11:13 No. 5088 ID: aaad3e

Bassui wrote the following letter to one of his disciples who was about to die:

The essence of your mind is not born, so it will never die. It is not an existence, which is perishable. It is not an emptiness, which is a mere void. It has neither color nor form. It enjoys no pleasures and suffers no pains.

"I know you are very ill. Like a good Zen student, you are facing that sickness squarely. You may not know exactly who is suffering, but question yourself: What is the essence of this mind? Think only of this. You will need no more. Covet nothing. Your end which is endless is as a snowflake dissolving in the pure air. Your end, is the beginning, of zombie-hood.

Shambler 14/06/28(Sat)00:30 No. 5150 ID: 364ec9

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>so... we have a zombie president?
What, you didn't notice it yet?

Shambler 14/06/12(Thu)05:09 No. 5136 ID: 8aa1bf [Reply]

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Anyone playing 7 Days To Die?

Shambler 14/06/27(Fri)23:09 No. 5149 ID: 93ddce

I have been playing this recently. I pirated it and hosted a server for me and my friends but they all got bored of it. Decent game as is, will only get better with more content.

Zombie Webcomic. M 14/06/05(Thu)19:07 No. 5120 ID: 67a7eb [Reply]

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Hi /zom/
I'm doing a webcomic about a zombie apocalypse in Australia. If you're interested in zombies maybe you'd enjoy it.


If you know of any other zombie webcomics that I might like to check out maybe you could comment with them.

Shambler 14/06/05(Thu)21:24 No. 5121 ID: 90f3a9

I couldn't get past the first page, the age of MsPaint has been and gone.

Checkout http://deadwinter.cc for one done right.

M 14/06/07(Sat)12:33 No. 5123 ID: 67a7eb

Thanks for suggesting this comic. I think there's a bit too much text per page some of the time but I like her character design. The page with the first zombie in the diner is really cool. Her style definitely improves as the comic goes on too.

I didn't draw mine in paint by the way, The style develops quite a bit over the first 20-30 pages, since I've been doing it for a couple of years.

Fir enough if you think it's too simple but I didn't want to spend ages on every page because I'm updating it twice a week.

Shambler 14/04/14(Mon)20:20 No. 5051 ID: 57c089 [Reply]

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Compound bow or crossbow? Which weighs more? Which is louder? Which is more accurate?

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Shambler 14/05/09(Fri)04:23 No. 5095 ID: c0365a

I love bows; during term-time, I shot every tuesday and saturday for two hours since 13 through to my graduation.

With the luxury of a homestead environment, I would choose the compound. The arrow would be heavier, carry more impact even with comparable penetration. And if things got ugly, I could reload and loose twice as fast and even have the luxury to breathe out.

But in SHTF situation,I would not choose a compound or a crossbow. I would use a takedown recurve (with iron sights) or longbow. I'd hate to think what mud and moisture would do to the moving parts over a the period of a year, a third of which would be raining.

And on the road, with all your kit and supplies, I'd hate to be carrying around a contraption that doesn't change shape, fragile high-performance, precision contraption. If I could, I'd avoid the ironsights till hunting sessions.

Arrows: I've not made my own arrows before, but I've been told then can shatter with the high-performance , high poundage bows of today. Carrying around anything more than 20 arrows for a week on top of your gear would start to annoy me. Archery is really a homesteader's tool.

Shambler 14/05/19(Mon)10:06 No. 5103 ID: 31b4a8

>ammo will run out eventually
People reload their own ammo all the time. It's not uncommon at all.
>gunshots will attract every zombie in the country
A regular gunshot would for a couple miles at least, yes. That's why you get a suppressor. Yes I realize a suppressor is not a "silencer" that makes your gun dead silent like it does in the movies, but it does keep the sound from carrying as far. On top of that, a suppressed bullet shot past a tree at a distance, for example, would make it sound like it was coming from the tree, not from the shooter. That's the point of a suppressor.

tl;dr a suppressor will make it sound like it's coming from a different direction and won't carry as far.

Shambler 14/05/19(Mon)15:58 No. 5104 ID: 8326de

I reload myself, but the day will come (if the zombies do take over or if Obama & Co. have their way) when there will be no more powder, bullets, or primers. That will be a ways down the road, but if society falls...which the idea of a Zombie Apocalypse kinda demands...the supply of ammo is going to be finite.

That said, as long as the ammo DOES hold out, I will be using a firearm. And I'm totally with you on the use of suppressors. I can't make one myself, but I know guys with the tools, the materials, the skills, and the plans. Those guys will never want for employment once all the ATF cocksuckers are walking corpses shambling around looking for brains to eat.

Zombie Fiction? Shambler 13/09/03(Tue)00:11 No. 4787 ID: 839ac3 [Reply]

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Sup /zom/, simple question: what are some good zombie books to read?

I lik the Day by Day Armageddon series for what it was, even if the third book was a little phoned in. There's also the Plague of the Dead, I've only read the first book, but I liked it a little more.

So, has anyone got any good zombie books to add? Oh, besides WWZ.

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Shambler 14/02/09(Sun)00:53 No. 5011 ID: 03531f

if you like the super hero world can also try the peter cline Ex-Heroes series

Shambler 14/02/15(Sat)18:43 No. 5016 ID: 805c53

As far as zombie literature you often need to take a few steps back in order to move forward. A few I have found enjoyable are as follows.
Book of the Dead by John Skipp Craig Spector (collection of short stories)
Wet Work by Philip Nutman (black ops team abroad when outbreak happens)
The Dead by Mark E. Rodgers (standard fare with a demonic twist)
Dead City by Joe Mckinney (1st of the Dead World Series a virus breaks out in Texas after hurricanes)
Down the Road by Bowie V. Ibarra (1st of series set in Texas again survival drama guy travelling the state trying to get home.)
Dying to Live by Kim Paffenroth (1st of series survival drama where the dead are the least of your troubles)
Autum by David Moody (1st of series slow starter heavy on drama less on gore picks up halfway in)
The Rising by Brian Keene (1st of series another demon possession series with a twist beware of animals)
Day By Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne (1st of kinda series, stick with the first one)
Zombies and Shit by Carlton Mellick III (OK this is just a fun read, survival show meets Return of the Living Dead)
The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor by Robert Kirkman, Jay Bonansinga (1st of series essentially the governors back story a bit lacklustre unless you are a fan of the series)

Shambler 14/02/18(Tue)03:31 No. 5019 ID: 8bdf95

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a bit repetative but very good as it's written in the exact style of the original.

2.8 Hours later Shambler 14/02/05(Wed)00:14 No. 5008 ID: 34b439 [Reply]

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Anybody else signing up for it this year?

I missed my chance last year but from what my mates have told me it was a pretty awesome evening consisting of a few set-pieces and and a bit of walking/zombie-fleeing between them. Followed by an awesome zombie-themed after party.


Shambler 14/02/11(Tue)04:48 No. 5014 ID: abcd6c

Did we have a rollback? This wasn't top of the page last time I came here...

Shambler 14/01/26(Sun)20:58 No. 5001 ID: c90700 [Reply]

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has anyone played this zombie game?

Shambler 14/01/26(Sun)23:35 No. 5002 ID: b6494d

It's am urban-dead knockoff with added vampires (that the creators have a fetish/bias for playing as) and a 'donate'-to-win mechanic.

The only other difference to note is a bigger emphasis on combat (that the developers claim is "streamlined") which means more damage/less health and a 2:1 ration of weapons vs every other usable item. The weapons are also grossly unbalanced which makes 90% of them redundant as you work your way up the tiers towards the cookie cutters.

Stick to UrbanDead unless you have a vampire fetish (or go and read twilight).

Roll for Survival Shambler 13/04/21(Sun)23:27 No. 4547 ID: e7b672 [Reply]

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Roll for survival, /zom/. The dead have risen and are eating the living. The last two digit decides what happens to you.

0-3 "Fuck this." You an heroed once you heard the news
4-6 You ignored the warnings. Your home was invaded. You're hiding in a room and it's only a matter of time until they find you.
>If you roll a 4, 5, or 6 then reroll. 0-4=You try to escape but you tripped over something and alerted the zombies. You're zombie bait.
>5-9= You successfully escaped the zombies in your house and are on your way to a rural piece of property.

7-8 You grabbed a good amount of supplies and made it out with little/no trouble. You're in good shape.

9 God help the poor zombie who finds you and your group of the perfect survivalists. You're well stocked with food and ammunition. You have a good sized team of people who know exactly what to do and how to survive this apocalypse. You've got plenty of stuff to keep you entertained for years to come. Your house is well guarded and you have the resources to maintain it. You'll make it out of this alive.

26 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Shambler 13/11/18(Mon)23:11 No. 4897 ID: dbf763

0 get

zomzom 13/11/20(Wed)14:53 No. 4899 ID: d72c86

le roll

Shambler 14/01/14(Tue)11:53 No. 4992 ID: dd5edf

you fucking pussy...
taking the easy way out

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville Shambler 13/12/01(Sun)19:59 No. 4920 ID: 94bb77 [Reply]

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Some of you may have played Rebuild (1, 2 or Mobile)

Well there's another one coming.
Main dev, Sarah Northway, created a wiki to get suggestions and feedback from fans for this baby: http://wiki.rebuildgame.com/
She's considering releasing the source code and isn't sure if making the game moddable is a good idea.

Progress and updates here: http://northwaygames.com/

Those of you who want to donate, get T-shirts/their name in the credits or unlock further goals here's what you need: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sarahnorthway/rebuild-gangs-of-deadsville

Platforms: PC + Mac (10$, also DRM-free !), Android + iOS (4$) and flash (free).
When: Alpha's already out. Beta should be ready this spring before May but nothing's certain yet, check the blog for more info.
What's new: Well, it's kinda up to you :-D (but seriously, factions -buildings - attacks - art style - relationships - wars - kids - bigger storyline - MORE)

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Shambler 13/12/17(Tue)19:38 No. 4951 ID: 1c2d8f

BUMP. Somehow I hadn't noticed this thread. Looks pretty good.
>165% funded
>over $41,000

So this comes in 2014, eh? Looks pretty cool, I like this style of game. Looking forward to it.

Shambler 14/01/12(Sun)20:17 No. 4988 ID: da2298

I played both rebuild 1 and 2
i am till here desperately waiting for 3

Shambler 13/12/08(Sun)14:41 No. 4932 ID: 746d97 [Reply]

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