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Zombie general/random discussion 13/09/29(Sun)07:10 No. 4808 ID: 572183 [Reply]

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Post in this thread

Is there a better zombie game than gmod's zombie mode? Why isn't there more zombie games?

2 days ago I had a dream where zombies had taken over, and humans were still surviving, but only the strong humans survived which led to a race of superhuman zombie slayers who could rip mutant zombies limb from limb but were still on the verge of extinction.

Shambler 15/07/29(Wed)09:21 No. 5411 ID: 6bdf77

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I like the Dead Rising series

Apocalypse Entertainment Shambler 15/06/29(Mon)04:48 No. 5405 ID: 7f4e40 [Reply]

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Dear /zom/.

What would be your most favorite way to dispatch all those zombie bros walking around?

Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies. Aside from gasoline being in high demand in the Apocalypse water would still be easily aquired from lakes, rivers, or a sea. Also the truck itself could be useful for a safe mass transport for people and/or supplies.

Shambler 15/06/30(Tue)23:32 No. 5406 ID: 2b0e06

>Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies.
Amateur, get a fire-truck, fill the water-tank with gasoline I'll let you figure the rest....

Trial be Zed Shambler 15/06/03(Wed)00:17 No. 5397 ID: 11a933 [Reply]

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So, you made it to the last bastion of humanity. Congratulations. After a night of celebration you wake up groggy. Too bad you're in a cell. Unfortunately in your drunken stupor you made a few taboos, which ones you can't be sure of, your memories are foggy. But the long and short of it is you're now got face trial by zombie.

Trial by zombie is a simple judicial process:

You will be given a day to arm a subdued zombie for melee combat using a variety of equipment and a basic garage workshop as you see fit.

Your zombie will then be pitted against another 'contestants' zombie in the arena, the zeds will have at each other and the last zed standing wins (How the hell they're convinced to attack each other is unknown, but it does work).

Should your zombie win you will be granted freedom.

Should your zombie lose you will be tossed in the arena to face the winners creation.

Should you survive that... you must repeat the process all over again until you gain your freedom or perish. (There are rumours of contestants creating zombies of such showmanship they have received a pardon from the crowd but such instances are rare).

So how do you arm your zed? Weapons, armour or tinsel.
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Shambler 15/06/06(Sat)08:51 No. 5401 ID: f5ef65

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Do the Zeds know how to operate these weapons?
pic related

Shambler 15/06/29(Mon)01:27 No. 5404 ID: 28afc7

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How do they bring the Zombies to fight each other?

raiding Shambler 14/09/08(Mon)21:03 No. 5214 ID: 874729 [Reply]

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so /zom/, what would be the first store you would raid/loot?
just as soon as you are stable, i would rade an army dumpstore i know, its accessible by boat so quite safe, and has lots of stuff besides just army stuff, like camping gear and crossbows and bats and such. what about you guys?

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Re:Supply Warehouses & Industrial Parks Brotherhood Of The Tentacle 15/02/02(Mon)08:48 No. 5345 ID: 506f4d

Supply warehouses are what most market chains uses nowadays to get their products. Basically real easy to find. Industrial parks is what I'd look for things that I can build with. Earlier I mentioned junkyards they're easy to get into without any hassle.

Shambler 15/02/27(Fri)09:25 No. 5360 ID: d9e49c

>raiding after z-day, like all the other plebs who say they're gonna run to walmart/academy/bubba's hunting supplies/the mall (god forbid)
>not having your supplies stocked beforehand
Have fun being trampled or shot because Jamal had his hand on the can of beans first and you wouldn't let go.
Honestly though, I'd grab a bunch of cash and go to the stores no-one would think to loot (specialty stores and the like, just some fun shit i couldn't afford before the habbening) just to get out and get some action but not too far in danger's way. If there's no cashier i just leave the money (it'll be useless soon anyways) and if there's actually a cashier there, I'll leave the brave sonofabitch manning his post a weapon that I don't really need that might help him out, like a spare crowbar that i'd have in my bag or something.

That Guy 15/05/28(Thu)18:42 No. 5394 ID: 25fc56

We roleplayed through this scenario as a tabletop RPG. My group decided to first raid a nearby store which stocked both food and hunting ammo. That was an obvious choice.

The more interesting choice was the second place we raid -- an adult novelty store. We went there looking for batteries, but we came away with all sorts of handy stuff. Those vinyl costumes are surprisingly bite-resistant.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/07(Sun)20:59 No. 3801 ID: c485d0 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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I'm back. I'm still working on getting down to two percent body fat and making myself an elite survivalist while preparing for any hostile scenario; zombies included. Ask me whatever you want and it will be answered by an expert.

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Shambler 15/04/05(Sun)23:07 No. 5370 ID: f72f12

I think its really cool to see someone with downs syndrome working so hard to get active whilst taking on a hobby. I salute you friend.

Shambler 15/04/05(Sun)23:09 No. 5371 ID: f72f12

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Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 15/04/20(Mon)01:49 No. 5378 ID: ea7609

I know; I'm a champion. It's so cool that you can admit your jealousy like that over my excellence and how much better I am than you.

Shambler 13/03/10(Sun)04:46 No. 4431 ID: 0f51d7 [Reply]

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How well do you think this base would do in z-day?its the poseidon resort, assuming you have a few years worth of dried/caned goods, and a way to convert salt water to drinkable water.

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Shambler 14/11/29(Sat)07:55 No. 5294 ID: 8e05e9

Toxoplasmosis is carried by a third of the world. would that be enough?

Shambler 15/01/17(Sat)09:46 No. 5337 ID: ee9e09


zombification as a way to prolong life for people with terminal diseases as they remain functioning for longer before actual death

symptoms may include....
etc etc etc, umbrella corporation profiteers off it like a regular pharmaceutical company :>

Shambler 15/02/07(Sat)21:04 No. 5352 ID: 15121f

Cancer has a strange quality where the primary tumor releases cells into the blood stream and forms secondary sites,
>these are generally benign and otherwise undetectable, but when the primary tumor is removed it triggers a chemical marker that activates the secondary sites. Hence why we use chemotherapy before and after surgery: eliminate those secondary sites before they turn into another tumor (and hopefully before killing he patient).

The highlighted portion is not how metastases works, and 'chemical markers' is not the reason for therapies being used following surgery. A benign tumor does not infiltrate other tissues, only grows in place sometimes putting physical pressure on surrounding organs and blocking ducts or whatever.
A malignancy infiltrates other tissues, and portions break away (embolise) into the bloodstream or lymph vessels and spread throughout the body. This is the reason why lymph nodes closest to tumor sites are biopsied: they are like strainers and cancer cells will stick there if they've made their way inside a vessel. Before a primary tumor is noticed the metasteses may have spread significantly, but is still undetectable. Depending on cancer type they can continue to grow slowly until someone who was in remission has a recurrence with the secondary sites growing and causing new problems.
Cancer cells are not intelligent, and do not communicate with each other. They're cells that can't self-destruct due to damage to that portion of their DNA.

humor DW13 14/12/07(Sun)09:57 No. 5298 ID: 31ce6b [Reply]

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Anyone have anything humorous in here, rather than sifting through a shit-load of threads just to look for one?

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DW13 14/12/07(Sun)09:59 No. 5301 ID: 31ce6b

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DW13 14/12/07(Sun)09:59 No. 5302 ID: 31ce6b

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Shambler 15/02/02(Mon)16:03 No. 5348 ID: 958e2f

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Shambler 14/09/30(Tue)20:18 No. 5237 ID: 80a7ac [Reply]

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Shambler 14/10/04(Sat)14:02 No. 5240 ID: 5c15a6

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Shambler 14/10/07(Tue)22:16 No. 5242 ID: bfcbce

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>>5240 - fixed

Is it Legal to Shoot Someone with Ebola?

Would a Shotgun be preferred over, say, a chainsaw or hedge-trimmer?

Re:Ebola Zombies Brotherhood+Of+The+Tentacle 15/02/02(Mon)08:57 No. 5346 ID: 506f4d

I guess op posted this after seeing the news video of the dead Ebola victim returning to life in front of the camera. The wonders of Utube! xD

Shambler 14/12/15(Mon)18:01 No. 5314 ID: 73f37d [Reply]

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What chapters/sections would you like to see in a zombie survival guide?

I think more focus on social/psych would be neato.

Shambler 15/01/06(Tue)01:37 No. 5324 ID: c26061

I am about 211 pages into my complete zombie survival guide and I'm hoping to publish it mid next year and it puts max Brooks guide to shame, but I do need more focus on social and psychological well being, thx for the suggestion.

Shambler 15/01/11(Sun)16:10 No. 5329 ID: cd16ce

Are you going to sell it online? If so, where, and what would be the name of your guide?

Shambler 14/06/11(Wed)13:40 No. 5135 ID: 9c1726 [Reply]

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Kinemortophobia. How many of you here have genuine fear of reanimated corpses? Not me, zombie ridden world is my happy place.

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Shambler 14/06/27(Fri)13:27 No. 5148 ID: 9c1726

I didn't invent the word. Please, taste some real life.

SargeantBruceWillis 14/10/27(Mon)08:05 No. 5264 ID: b85ecc

You're welcome, private.

Shambler 15/01/02(Fri)15:53 No. 5322 ID: a9270f

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''Not me, zombie ridden world is my happy place.''

That's why the zombie preppers are the lonely kid eating glue of the prepper movement.

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