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Apocalypse Entertainment Shambler 15/06/29(Mon)04:48 No. 5405 ID: 7f4e40

File 143554609065.png - (367.68KB , 590x331 , wvIUx53.png )

Dear /zom/.

What would be your most favorite way to dispatch all those zombie bros walking around?

Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies. Aside from gasoline being in high demand in the Apocalypse water would still be easily aquired from lakes, rivers, or a sea. Also the truck itself could be useful for a safe mass transport for people and/or supplies.

Shambler 15/06/30(Tue)23:32 No. 5406 ID: 2b0e06

>Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies.
Amateur, get a fire-truck, fill the water-tank with gasoline I'll let you figure the rest....

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