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>Spend childhood getting bullied, but otherwise pretty normal upbringing
>taught to treat people with decency and respect, even if they don't treat you the same way
>battery of IQ tests reveals genius intelligence
>have some serious issues come up in mid-childhood, various diagnoses of mental disorders ranging from ADHD to Rapidcycling bipolar disorder to learning disabilities
>pretty sure I was just bored and couldn't learn things from reading about them, have to be actively engaged and made to care about it.
>constant social issues growing up cause me to throw myself into books, history, and computers
>social issues include trusting people too easily and being taken advantage of, not getting along with authority figures, getting bullied and getting into fights, generally being socially ostracized
>grow up a massive fucking nerd
>develop severe depression around age 8 which involves sometimes cutting my hand to feel anything but misery
>hide it
>get into musical counterculture at 15 years of age...punk, thrash metal, goth, electro, industrial, psychobilly, I love it all
>tons of ideas on what I want to do with myself...make videogames, be a writer, make music, be an architect, just want to put something out into the world that I can care about
>constantly told by family and the few girlfriends I've had "That's unrealistic, you need to pick something else."
>school marks suffer significantly, largely because I just can't keep track of things and most of the subjects I just don't care about since nobody's giving me an actual reason to learn shit other than "you need this credit to pass"
>never pursue dreams
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