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Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/13(Fri)21:04 No. 6299 ID: 60a5ed

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how do I get a job for the first time at my 20s?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/14(Sat)12:48 No. 6300 ID: 019a7b

Have you ever worked before? Even unofficially or with family doing yard work or lawn cutting etc?

What skills do you have?

Write up a CV. Sell yourself, talk absolute bullshit and lie to a degree on it.

Go around to small businesses ond companies, hand the CV in to them in person and if the manager is there just say hi you're looking for work.

For larger low paying jobs spam apply online.

You will be rejected a lot, but eventually you will get a crappy job.
Work that for as long as you can until you quit or get fired. Boom, more experience to put on your CV.


Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/17(Tue)16:48 No. 6303 ID: 602775

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Literally just fill out as many apps as possible and keep fucking calling them and checking on the job. If you have too or need too, lie; lie on everything. Lie about your work history, lie about your highschool diploma. Lie about it all.

Little known fact, anon. It is against the law for companies to conspire against you. At most they can call and confirm you did work were you said that you worked, and, they probably aren't even going to bother with that. Too much paper work, time and money.

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/22(Sun)10:15 No. 6307 ID: c86d3e

>Go around to small businesses ond companies, hand the CV in to them in person and if the manager is there just say hi you're looking for work

OK, Boomer.

>It is against the law for companies to conspire against you
LMAO how fucking naive can you get? What country do you think we live in? Companies MAKE THE LAWS.

OP, the only way to get a job, at any age, is to know someone, usually via straight familial nepotism but sometimes through a friend/coworker if you're lucky. If you bring a paper application or resume into a place of employment, the guy will smile at your face and then when he sees your back chuck it into the garbage. If by some miracle it manages to find its way to a manager, the manager will throw it away. The smaller the store (a prototypical "Mom & Pop") the greater the likelihood that the employees are literally just the owner's kids and nobody else. They don't WANT to hire anyone else.

All those online applications for the big companies? All bullshit. All lies. They're full of black-box software that filters the thousands of daily applications, looking for certain key words or phrases. The ones that don't have them are simply deleted. Most likely yours won't ever be seen by a human so it doesn't matter what you put in them. And if it is? Well, HR will just ignore it when the manager asks to have his deadbeat brother moved to the top of the pile.

You go to any job, ANY JOB, and you'll find that everyone knows each other. It's like a web. Everyone's connected. The manager is the owner's son. The other manager is the next-door neighbor. The bartender is the best friend of the owner's other kid. Three other employees used to work at the same job as the bartender. The janitor is the manager's cousin. The chefs came from a restaurant owned by a close buddy of this owner. NOBODY GETS IN THE DOOR unless someone who already works there "vouches for" them. If you don't personally know someone working there, consider it an impenetrable wall.

So your best bet is to network with friends. Likely someone you know has a job and can get your foot in the door at some entry-level position in the same place. You might still have to put together a resume and all that bullshit, but with your friend's help it'll get moved to the top of the pile.

If you don't have any friends or family that can get you a job, you're fucked. End of story. I'm sorry?

Edgar Anon Poe 19/12/28(Sat)03:06 No. 6319 ID: 2eb501

you have any background or connections to anything? if not, then you got a rather steep hill to traverse.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/15(Sat)00:53 No. 6365 ID: 77f77d

I just got a job in january as a pamphleteer. this month my managers got me into their office as a telemarketer. not my preferred choice, but I can't complain
dunno why tho. it wasn't because of my resume either, my employers haven't even read it. I've tried to orient it towards trades and depot work, I know jackshit about sales. my dad recommended me to the people I'm working with and they took me in
>Even unofficially or with family doing yard work or lawn cutting etc?
precisely that. mostly gardening and construction/manteinance jobs, though I also worked as a pamphleteer earlier in life
I have a background in computer repair and welding
most of my experience relies on hard work who any two digit iq dude can do
>Write up a CV. Sell yourself, talk absolute bullshit and lie to a degree on it.
>Go around to small businesses ond companies, hand the CV in to them in person and if the manager is there just say hi you're looking for work.
>For larger low paying jobs spam apply online.
that's what I've been doing. though like I said it's not very effective. now I just have to endure what I'm doing and we're peachy
excellent jokerdvice. I'm still on it tho. just because I'm working right now doesn't mean I'll stop looking for something better, closer (commuting hour and a half to work, lol) or within my area of expertise
what's funnier is that I have zero background or connections. even this odd part-time job I got it by recommendation
the internet thing is true, companies don't take on offers but do call specific profiles instead. kinda weird

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/21(Fri)10:26 No. 6369 ID: 8c0532

but what if the employer is a boomer?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/21(Fri)19:17 No. 6370 ID: 270590

most tradie employers are boomers. I'd bet that the firm handshake autism may workwith them

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/24(Mon)03:12 No. 6372 ID: 3e7abb

Dont. Find a way to make your own job. Work for yourself. You dont need to be a slave, you just need to pay attention and learn how business works. Try out a bunch of shit too, you may find inspiration in a place you never would have thought to look.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/02/24(Mon)21:06 No. 6373 ID: b2f5ad

I don't have an enterpreneur mindset. self-managed work is impossible for me, if I don't have people telling me how to win my money I'm lost
plus I don't care about being a good goy. I wanna be a park ranger, which is a subordinated wage-job

noko Edgar Anon Poe 21/01/11(Mon)13:56 No. 6578 ID: 3c184e

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Neet Maxxing may be the worst thing for the mind, however sometimes it is the only outcome OP.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/01/16(Sat)15:08 No. 6594 ID: ccd333

make yourself presentable as a well adjusted robot

all responses predictable and legally safe for the company

work ethic to the point where they think they are getting more than they are paying you for

they want to see you flipping burgers reliably so they can go smoke some crack during their shift and not have to worry about problems

UblackMoma Edgar Anon Poe 21/01/17(Sun)23:43 No. 6599 ID: f5bc0a

Well then consider yourself fucked. Stop bitching and have some goals in life. Nobody will help you , you gotta grind and take risks these days if you want to do anything else other than flip burgers for life.

Edgar Anon Poe 21/01/20(Wed)20:32 No. 6604 ID: 835021

Why is flipping burgers an insult? Working in a kitchen takes a lot more from a person than sitting in a cubicle surfing reddit and pretending to do "work" like 99% of office drones do.

James+Franko 21/02/25(Thu)14:21 No. 6615 ID: 9f8811

Hey! You know that many employers now refuse their candidates when they see an illiterate resume. Of course, this also applies to the field of medicine, because getting a job as a nurse is not so easy. But I know one good option https://edureviewer.com/best-nurse-resume-writing-services/ that will help you!

Edgar Anon Poe 22/01/17(Mon)19:51 No. 6725 ID: 182caf

You might need a car or at least driver license.
Some courses, may be.

Not much beyond that.

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