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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/25(Mon)14:38 No. 6788 ID: 1b0157

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>be me, 19, kissless, weeb, lonely
>dad doesn't care enough to beat me, just ignore me
>sister 10/10, brilliant, dad cherishes her, she pretty much hates me because I looked through her underwear drawer once
>constantly daydreams about suicide or fucking whatever hot girl is in my sight
>fuck it, I'll try to meet someone
>decide to join a fencing club
>get partnered up with a 10/10 chad
>Ass proceeds to get beat each time but Chad constantly encouraged and throws friendly shade
>we start to hang out outside fencing club going to bars and checking out chicks.
>feels envious when he talks to cute girl
>realizes I am actually crushing hard on him
>Now everytime we hang out I get nervous and say worse and worse shit
>"Anon you're getting better at fencing and I'm pretty proud of you"
>He's hard straight and now I'm apparently a faggot

Now what

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/02(Mon)20:08 No. 6789 ID: 22ab3b


Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/02(Mon)20:30 No. 6790 ID: 562a04

lol. don't be delusional. you're happy with a friend. something that hit you hard as it's an extreme feeling compared to your deprived former state. hit on chicks when you guys are out. make mistakes. learn. mature. don't whine. don't fantasize about being special

Edgar Anon Poe 22/05/07(Sat)07:07 No. 6792 ID: b4258c

>Now what

You stop making up stories like a faggot and get over your pasty suburban ass self and get a life. Muh Chads! Get a grip, will ya? You're 30+ for God's sake and you're pretending to be some misguided Gen Z kid? I honestly can't wait till I see y'all in a nursing home bitterly complaining to Shaniquah and Catalina how you wasted your lives on trying to impress people you will never meet online. Muh Chad! I totally looked in my sister's underwear drawer! Based AND weebpilled! The only thing you looked into was the bottom of another bag of Cheetos.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/02/11(Sat)03:05 No. 7033 ID: ffcffc

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That Chad here, Stop talking to me, stop touching your sisters panties you fucking fruitloop.

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