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>be me, 19, kissless, weeb, lonely
>dad doesn't care enough to beat me, just ignore me
>sister 10/10, brilliant, dad cherishes her, she pretty much hates me because I looked through her underwear drawer once
>constantly daydreams about suicide or fucking whatever hot girl is in my sight
>fuck it, I'll try to meet someone
>decide to join a fencing club
>get partnered up with a 10/10 chad
>Ass proceeds to get beat each time but Chad constantly encouraged and throws friendly shade
>we start to hang out outside fencing club going to bars and checking out chicks.
>feels envious when he talks to cute girl
>realizes I am actually crushing hard on him
>Now everytime we hang out I get nervous and say worse and worse shit
>"Anon you're getting better at fencing and I'm pretty proud of you"
>He's hard straight and now I'm apparently a faggot
Now what