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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/02/17(Fri)06:39 No. 7046 ID: ae255c

File 167661239552.jpg - (1.01MB , 2400x1260 , 1675769868072493.jpg )

I'm trying.
Seriously, I'm trying. I'm doing my best, which is not much but it's still better than nothing.
I'm trying and nothing changes.
Actually it gets worse.
I'm trying, and I will keep trying.
But I don't know what for.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/02/18(Sat)21:18 No. 7047 ID: d932e2

good luck anon

Edgar Anon Poe 23/03/27(Mon)13:05 No. 7061 ID: ce4316

I've been feeling like this all month. I find myself thinking about killing myself a lot more often these days. Even this afternoon I was in the garden and thought "that would be a good place for it" before I even realised what I was doing. But for now killing myself would still be more effort than it takes to stay alive, so I guess I'll keep trying.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/04/09(Sun)22:16 No. 7075 ID: 5c22ff

Warum snorkel?

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