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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

A purposefully-desolate corner of 7chan.
Tell us the thoughts that destroy you when you dwell on them long enough.
Show us what killed your faith in humanity.
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Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/18(Sat)16:35 No. 7176 ID: da0d25 [Reply]

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Well, I might as well spend all my time hear, for the first time in my life I feel liek I belong somewhere fr fr

Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/18(Sat)17:46 No. 7177 ID: 2758ad


Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/18(Sat)21:02 No. 7178 ID: da0d25

what "bork?"

Edgar Anon Poe 20/03/23(Mon)15:06 No. 6389 ID: 694377 [Reply]

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So, it looks like covid-19 is causing the largest global economic melt down in the history of the entire planet.
Things seem truly grim don't they? Is anyone else excited for the end? I already lost my job and finding work is going to be, god damn impossible out here. The government is about to release unemployment numbers probably in the 20% or higher range. I have about two months before my savings runs out. My land lord is already talking about kicking me out. Fun times ahead.

"Greatest economy in the world"

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Denis 23/09/28(Thu)17:53 No. 7149 ID: 465d48

So, it looks like Covid-19 is causing the largest global economic collapse in the history of the entire planet.
Things are looking really grim, aren't they? Anyone else waiting for the end? I've already lost my job, and it's going to be damn near impossible to find one. The government is about to release unemployment figures, probably in the neighborhood of 20% or higher. And things are terrible with driver's licenses in general, if you do everything officially it takes a ton of time, not like when https://fairyid.com/ scannable fake id can be taken. I have about two months before my savings runs out. My landlord is already talking about kicking me out. Fun times ahead.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/28(Sat)13:30 No. 7165 ID: 490f81

You think you're blackpilled but you're actually incredibly naive and bluepilled. Here's a real blackpill for you: not all problems force change, they can just sustainably make everything continue in a worse state. It's like how if I cut your thumb off you wouldn't die, you would just live out your days less happy and fit than before. (Analogy continued: even if you somehow got it replaced, there would always be residual evidence of injury)

Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/02(Thu)10:26 No. 7167 ID: 67cce3

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>You think you're blackpilled but you're actually incredibly naive and bluepilled. Here's a real blackpill for you: not all problems force change, they can just sustainably make everything continue in a worse state. It's like how if I cut your thumb off you wouldn't die, you would just live out your days less happy and fit than before. (Analogy continued: even if you somehow got it replaced, there would always be residual evidence of injury)
So much this! Christians thinks that suffering ennobles you. Jews, especially the israelis, are living proofs of the opposite.

Edgar Anon Poe 22/04/14(Thu)12:58 No. 6772 ID: 5d6d93 [Reply]

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This world is a fucking joke. Everything is fake a nd manufactured. The only real things left are basterdized in the media in an attempt to erase them. We really do live in a plastic world. Sometimes I wonder if its not really best to just check out early. I dont think I can make a difference. And sadly, I dont think most people care to change anything. Theyre comfortable in their Barbie doll worlds, buying fake plastic accessories with fake plastic cards. When is the last time you/someone you knew had a real genuine experience. It feels like childbirth is the only thing they haven't stolen from us yet.

Maybe whatever comes after all this is better. Maybe its just turning off, complete lack of existence. Theres nothing more frustrating than hating everyone around you, even your own family. It feels like true loneliness.

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/06/17(Sat)06:21 No. 7125 ID: 9dc6ae


I always hated this pseudo-intellectual, semantic, word game bullshit.
By real, OP means, something genuine. A genuine meaningful experience between two individual people. Our current society claims to bring this to us, but, a superficial look under the hood quickly exposes how vapid and shallow our lives really are under our, so called, land of the free times.

I don't blame people for killingthemselves.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/26(Thu)23:44 No. 7163 ID: d4fa7a


Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/27(Fri)04:59 No. 7164 ID: a06da5

I have respite talking about the state of the way things are, because it's a reprieve from the toxic whore life we inhabit. It's odd how nothing ever really feels natural, and all feminine energy, male and female, that I meet typically spin and weave it into worthlessness.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/08(Sun)01:14 No. 7161 ID: 7c4468 [Reply]

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Here glaring cold in the crystalline geometry of night,
Obscuring form and tracing faceless fears
Of a suprahuman immensity in a patch of sand
Or a raptors guileless shivering intensity,
I'm only a visitor,
And atom of atoms on a jutting red splattered synagogue of granite
As it crouches literally in space,
A frozen amoral giant gazing heavenward forever

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/01(Sun)23:45 No. 7156 ID: 0893ad [Reply]

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OP you still alive?
Did you cut yourself too hard this time and you pass out yet? are you ok bro?

Gore and stuff Aniiaaa 23/07/14(Fri)15:14 No. 7137 ID: fcabe4 [Reply]

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Can someone please tell me where i can cut my body i ran out of spaces owo!!

Edgar Anon Poe 23/09/18(Mon)07:19 No. 7146 ID: 747e47

your hands, thighs or just cut over scars.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/01(Sun)23:41 No. 7154 ID: 0893ad

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Now we are talking

Grim Music Edgar Anon Poe 22/11/04(Fri)13:03 No. 6893 ID: e8ed6e [Reply]

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ITT: Post music made for the Cold, Grim & Miserable.

9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Edgar Anon Poe 23/03/29(Wed)12:49 No. 7063 ID: ad541d

These are great homosexual suggestions.

Here, have another one:

Edgar Anon Poe 23/04/29(Sat)10:26 No. 7091 ID: df7bfc

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/09/21(Thu)16:32 No. 7148 ID: e79432


two heads are better than one. I think anonymous 23/08/07(Mon)17:04 No. 7142 ID: 9aa8ed [Reply]

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Feeling miserable every day Edgar Anon Poe 23/03/12(Sun)06:41 No. 7054 ID: d65654 [Reply]

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It's been like 1 year since I made the worse mistake in my life. I cannot live with the idea in my head that I cut my ex girldfriend's neck with a knife.
In that time I wanted to kill my self, now i don't, because I want to suffer, I want to feel shity every fucking day I live, I feel so empty, I don't even recognize me in the mirror.
I think I'll just wait I few months before I just fkn kll my self.

Goodbye shitty ass world.

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Edgar Anon Poe 23/04/23(Sun)00:18 No. 7084 ID: 04753d

tell her how you feel, tell her you hate yourself for doing it, you have to move on and be better, its counterproductive to do anything else

Edgar Anon Poe 23/06/22(Thu)10:41 No. 7133 ID: 88736e

I want to feel shame and guilt.

Aniiaaa 23/07/14(Fri)15:16 No. 7138 ID: fcabe4

Awesome dude!! You shouldve fucked her while she bled ^^!!!

Arandista 23/06/25(Sun)22:22 No. 7134 ID: b692f9 [Reply]

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Anons I have a problem, I was exposed to pornography at a very young age, at the beginning they were "normal" things as far as possible but each time I saw more horrendous things until I ended up seeing bestiality and other aberrational things, all this while being under 14 Currently, I have reformed my life after the pandemic, I began to exercise and diet (although I never became that fat) and I am currently less than 7 months away from applying to a military academy in my country (Peru). , but no matter what I do I feel dirty, like a degenerate, the things I've seen and done (thank God I didn't manage to do anything really strong) haunt me every day and I notice that they affect my sexual preferences, causing me a certain attraction to guys who are very young people 11-14 (which tortures me every day)

This hell has a solution, is it possible to forget it or get over it? or am I doomed

Edgar Anon Poe 23/06/26(Mon)04:38 No. 7135 ID: 8791e7

lots of people have disturbing fetishes. just don't be a nigger and act on it. idk if your fetishes are trauma generated but just don't repress or reject it. it's just a fetish and not something that defines you or actions, that's fucking retarded and anyone who says otherwise is virtue signaling

Edgar Anon Poe 23/07/13(Thu)01:35 No. 7136 ID: 8c824e

>is it possible to forget it or get over it?
I once saw on the internet that a guy was undergoing psychiatric treatment to treat his fetish to little grilss, but I don't know if it works.
Meditation can help you figure out why you have these desires.

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