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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable

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Edgar Anon Poe 20/03/23(Mon)15:06 No. 6389 ID: 694377

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So, it looks like covid-19 is causing the largest global economic melt down in the history of the entire planet.
Things seem truly grim don't they? Is anyone else excited for the end? I already lost my job and finding work is going to be, god damn impossible out here. The government is about to release unemployment numbers probably in the 20% or higher range. I have about two months before my savings runs out. My land lord is already talking about kicking me out. Fun times ahead.

"Greatest economy in the world"

Edgar Anon Poe 20/03/31(Tue)21:49 No. 6393 ID: a2c270

I had fallen really sick a while back and the doctor strongly suspected that I had the virus. It was a strange feeling for me, I purposely did not take the meds prescribed to me. I know that even if I did have it, the chances of me dying from it were very low and I was being very irresponsible, but, GOD, did I feel a certain sense of salvation thinking just for a moment that I'm going to be done with everything.

69pussyslayer69 20/04/01(Wed)09:48 No. 6398 ID: 06ce76

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I have a popsicle stick that I wrote Covid-19 on. Should I put it in someone’s mailbox?

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/01(Wed)17:17 No. 6399 ID: 694377

Make sure there's no cameras or you are about to get gangraped by the party v&

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/03(Fri)13:23 No. 6402 ID: 9764c4

Yeah I wouldn't. That's a federal crime for tampering with the mail, plus attempted assault or even attempted murder. And given the current political climate, they might even go after you for bio-terrorism.

That said, the idea that humanity will destroy itself (although more likely due to climate change) in my lifetime is massively comforting. Because it's something I cannot do on my own, and I don't have to worry about it.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/03(Fri)23:32 No. 6403 ID: c6e9b2

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>That said, the idea that humanity will destroy itself (although more likely due to climate change) in my lifetime is massively comforting. Because it's something I cannot do on my own, and I don't have to worry about it.
Not if Greta has a say about it. :-D

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/06(Mon)01:49 No. 6404 ID: 4386dc

Nobody listens to children in the best of times. If Americans don't give the tiniest fuck about kids calling for change because they just narrowly survived getting shot to death in their school, they won't care about them calling for change over climate policy.

They won't care until they, themselves, burn or drown. And then they will scream about how unfair it is and how nobody ever told them this would happen.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/07(Tue)09:41 No. 6405 ID: ead630

I unironically believe genocide against the boomers i ok.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/10(Fri)05:02 No. 6417 ID: f9f56c

Waste of effort. Why bother genociding a third of humanity when you can just go ahead and do the rest, too? Then nobody will ever get sick or worry about the economy ever again.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/10(Fri)16:48 No. 6419 ID: c7244f

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I like being human and alive

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/18(Sat)03:36 No. 6428 ID: 12e8b6

I like neither, sooo...

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/22(Wed)15:54 No. 6438 ID: 5a6e39

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Probably beats being an immortal, soulless machine.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/04/23(Thu)09:34 No. 6442 ID: 72d4d3

The United States is the greatest country in the world if you're a multi-millionaire. The United States is behind every other modern, industrialized country in the world if you're in the middle class. The United States is a third-world country if you're poor.

All you have to do to experience this divide is to go to any major city and walk from uptown to the other side of the tracks. A few miles and it's like walking from Sweden to Somalia, climate not withstanding. Did you know there are European countries where there are literally zero homeless people?

Edgar Anon Poe 23/02/24(Fri)10:55 No. 7049 ID: c9d146

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Denis 23/09/28(Thu)17:53 No. 7149 ID: 465d48

So, it looks like Covid-19 is causing the largest global economic collapse in the history of the entire planet.
Things are looking really grim, aren't they? Anyone else waiting for the end? I've already lost my job, and it's going to be damn near impossible to find one. The government is about to release unemployment figures, probably in the neighborhood of 20% or higher. And things are terrible with driver's licenses in general, if you do everything officially it takes a ton of time, not like when https://fairyid.com/ scannable fake id can be taken. I have about two months before my savings runs out. My landlord is already talking about kicking me out. Fun times ahead.

Edgar Anon Poe 23/10/28(Sat)13:30 No. 7165 ID: 490f81

You think you're blackpilled but you're actually incredibly naive and bluepilled. Here's a real blackpill for you: not all problems force change, they can just sustainably make everything continue in a worse state. It's like how if I cut your thumb off you wouldn't die, you would just live out your days less happy and fit than before. (Analogy continued: even if you somehow got it replaced, there would always be residual evidence of injury)

Edgar Anon Poe 23/11/02(Thu)10:26 No. 7167 ID: 67cce3

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>You think you're blackpilled but you're actually incredibly naive and bluepilled. Here's a real blackpill for you: not all problems force change, they can just sustainably make everything continue in a worse state. It's like how if I cut your thumb off you wouldn't die, you would just live out your days less happy and fit than before. (Analogy continued: even if you somehow got it replaced, there would always be residual evidence of injury)
So much this! Christians thinks that suffering ennobles you. Jews, especially the israelis, are living proofs of the opposite.

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