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Moot 24/11/15(Fri)23:45 No. 831064 [Reply]

File 173171070954.png - (293.52KB , 640x444 , 8852.png )

why is 7chan so butthurt about trump?

20 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Nyan Cat 24/12/15(Sun)06:47 No. 831420

Don't worry, soon everyone everywhere will be hurtbutt/butthurt

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/21(Sat)22:03 No. 831496

>t. butthurt about trump

PrettyPony 24/12/24(Tue)00:01 No. 831513

Maybe if you took his dick out of your ass, your butt would hurt less.

Weeabot 24/12/21(Sat)15:21 No. 831493 [Reply]

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bro AI did not just genderswap the president in my stupid scenario what the hell

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/12/21(Sat)15:22 No. 831494

my wife keeps licking my back molars when im sleeping

Homicide 24/12/18(Wed)02:32 No. 831451 [Reply]

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Stoney Mouse got high

Marisa Kirisame 24/12/19(Thu)04:06 No. 831459


Weeabot 24/12/20(Fri)11:20 No. 831473

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Moot 24/12/20(Fri)12:59 No. 831474

I have only one word for you

little gung ho fucking nigger selfish piece of shit doper not sharing with the gramps around him, at least pass the blunt you smiley retard fuck

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)22:53 No. 831456 [Reply]

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Brony 24/12/19(Thu)13:33 No. 831460


Fucking nigger

Moot 24/12/19(Thu)19:21 No. 831465

Fucking nigger

Fucking niggers!


Sonichu 24/12/13(Fri)23:48 No. 831392 [Reply]

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The PR blitz from health insurance companies has started.
This is a drop in the bucket of the billions they torture and murder Americans out of every year.

5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Conductor Cat 24/12/15(Sun)06:52 No. 831421

It simply is. They advocate for the proliferation of guns then whine like bitches when they start dying by them.

r000t 24/12/15(Sun)18:54 No. 831426

A member of a highly ritualized class system trying to tell us Dumb 'Mericans how to behave...get airwolfed you wanker clot.

Sazpaimon 24/12/18(Wed)07:28 No. 831452

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"Trump's new counter-terror czar Sebastian Gorka likens sympathizers of Luigi Mangione to terrorists."


Cryomancer 24/12/14(Sat)15:09 No. 831407 [Reply]

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Hiya 7chan! (β‰§βˆ‡β‰¦)/

It's the December full cold moon! It sure feels like that lately but unfortunately no snow. The moon will become full tommorow (Sunday) morning at 4:02AM EST. That means that means you will have tonight and tommorow night to observe the moon (mostly) full and illuminated!

This months full moon also coincides with the peak of the most spectacular meteor shower of the year, the Geminids. The shower comes from asteroid 3200 Phaethon and you can expect to see around 150 meteors an hour with the naked eye. Buuuuut... the brightness of the full moon will put a bit of a damper on the viewing of the much less bright meteor shower.

I hope you have a great moon viewing and maybe even see a few shooting stars as well! Christmas and the new year is just around the corner! 🌠

:*:・。,β˜†πŸŒ¨β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ…γƒ»πŸŒ•:*:・。,(゚A゚;)πŸŽπŸŽ„ β˜†γ€‚:γƒ»γ‚œ'β˜†,。・:

Optimus Prime 24/12/14(Sat)21:14 No. 831412


They told me that on this form I can find a lot of niggers. Did I come to the right place?

Optimus Prime 24/12/15(Sun)04:31 No. 831416

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The sky is clear and beautiful tonight so my full moon viewing was tops!

We don't currently have any snow but that's because it was 50 degrees and raining all day on Wednesday so it melted. We had a good amount of snow before that, too! Oh well.

Happy full moon to Liru and all the worthwhile users of 7chan! The shit people can Airwolf off.

Steve 24/12/15(Sun)22:57 No. 831429

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We just had a light dusting of snow. ❄️ No second viewing tonight unfortunately be sure of cloud cover, but I did see a few shooting stars last night! οΌˆοΌΎο½–οΌΎοΌ‰ I am getting a feeling we might see alot of snow this year, not just because it's been a few years since we've had an active winter season, but we have also been teetering on drought this year, so my thoughts are that will help the odds and increase the likelyhood of snow to get the averages back in order. Will see! :)

Mudkip 24/12/14(Sat)23:52 No. 831413 [Reply]

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Send 55 doge coin to this wallet address DSvRUcVZsez5P3vAtbLJ4A7nkVkHnfjvNY
Thanks 7chan /bros/

tee 24/10/25(Fri)15:00 No. 830641 [Reply]

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r000t 24/10/25(Fri)15:13 No. 830646

File https://youtu.be/VGpxRPLv_Og?f.you - (0B )

DragonForce and F40PH

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/13(Fri)17:47 No. 831376

Happy F40PHriday

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/28(Thu)00:40 No. 831238 [Reply]

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The only appeal McDonald's had is that it was cheap.
Now that it's expensive, it lost all its appeal, but retards are still going there for some reason.

Think about it, McDonald's sells you shit, it's not even real food, and it's not healthy, and it tastes like shit. It's designed to be the most hedonistic slop in the world, with absolutely no health benefits.

The only reason people used to go is because the "food" used to be cheap, and that made sense, because people expected shit food for a cheap price, and that was the deal. But now you are paying actual restaurant prices for this slop.

Why does McDonald's have the balls to sell their trash for real restaurant prices? At that point you are better off just going to a real restaurant and getting real food.

13 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
4chan user 24/12/07(Sat)22:25 No. 831335

There is no concept of health anymore. What's bad is good, what should be good is made bad. Vape to quit smoking/smoke to quit vaping. Fat is healthy, but skinny is unhealthy too. Incontinence is cool, poop is fun, urine is a miracle cure. Childhood diseases and vaccines are myths made by the medical industry to scare us into getting dangerous things put into our bodies. Rotten food is health food. Medicine is poison, but diesease is a cure for the world. Brain damage is a social goal, beauty is a shot of botulism to your face.

zeneslev 24/12/08(Sun)18:09 No. 831344

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But RFK gon' fix it all. He gon' make raw milk legal and that will solve everything! :b

Christian Weston Chandler 24/12/09(Mon)04:49 No. 831346

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He needs to fix his broke ass voice first. I can't stand to hear him talk. Just use an AI voice Bobby, like the wheelchair physics guy.

Cryomancer 24/12/05(Thu)18:53 No. 831304 [Reply]

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1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
poe 24/12/05(Thu)21:02 No. 831307

It's an interesting illustration OP. At first I thought his left leg was a penis, but I now see that he is simply running. Good on Bart, he looks all grown up now. The nigger nose and double chin looks ugly on him.

zeneslev 24/12/05(Thu)22:36 No. 831308

A profound examination of of the dangers of plastic surgery addiction.

symbion 24/12/09(Mon)03:22 No. 831345

Huh. I can see that.

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