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Spider Expert 24/12/11(Wed)17:30 No. 831361

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It's the holiday season! Let's have a food/cooking thread! What do you like to cook? Do you have an ethnic or certain specialty that you like to cook up during special times of the year?

Cider season is ending, but homemade eggnog season is here! What are you drinking? Have a favorite cocktail? 🍸

36 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Lorf 24/12/21(Sat)00:10 No. 831485

Right on, brother, if it ain't broken, don't fix it. If it's good enough for a regular days, it's good enough for Christmas festivities too. At least that's what I've been doing. Some homemade coconut yogurt and a bunch of fruit. Everyday. All day everyday. Fuck the naysayers.

tee 24/12/21(Sat)10:36 No. 831488

File 173477377334.jpg - (99.87KB , 600x460 , RedRubbedBabyLambChopsPg101_600x[1].jpg )

you two, lamb chops for christmas, yes you deserve it
just make sure they get this reddish-brownish color, that's where the goodness is at
>but how
heat up the pan to a very good temp, then just hold your fork over a part of the meat and push against the pan, that will give it a nice color and will bring the gooodness on it, do it until the whole thing is all reddish and good
do some fries to go along with it, frozen fries if regular fries is a challenge to you

W. T. Snacks 24/12/21(Sat)13:17 No. 831489

well i'm aiming for steak with pepper sauce and snow peas just because i like it

Spider Expert 24/12/21(Sat)15:09 No. 831492

no one cares, words mean what you want now. goth just means anything even the slightest bit edgy now. no one cares about actual definitions or elitism these days.

Optimus Prime 24/12/22(Sun)06:08 No. 831498

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I'm a massive eggnogfag and the best eggnog I ever had was from a local dairy back home. They used their own heavy cream and it made a sound when you poured it. I want someone to pour it in my mouth on my deathbed.

And to all the Liru haters, may your first day in hell be a million years and also the shortest.

Weeabot 24/12/23(Mon)05:00 No. 831507

it's just a white boy from middle america you faggot. step outside your filter bubble retard, you and all your tranny friends are the ones going to hell.

h 24/12/23(Mon)07:34 No. 831508

edgelords never change

PrettyPony 24/12/24(Tue)05:49 No. 831518

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Can't let anyone have any fun, throwing tantrums when people do. There's maybe, what, eleven consistent users here and you have this much of a problem? Christ in heaven, you are a chore. Lighten the Airwolf up already or go pout in /rnb/ about it.

Anyway, I'm thinking about making some mulled wine and buying a nice cheese sampler for Christmas Eve. The stores are gonna be a madhouse but I play it that way every year.

Sazpaimon 24/12/24(Tue)12:31 No. 831523

>Can't let anyone have any fun
Double faced nigger, you are worse than liru ho, at least he's not hiding the fact that he's a massive fucking faggot.

Lorf 24/12/24(Tue)14:21 No. 831525

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Creameries really have great milk. I can tell how much sweeter it is compared to store milk. It tastes more like the milk from my families dairy farm. What are your thoughts on raw milk? I'll drink it when I am with family but I don't go out of the way for it.

Steak is always a good choice!

That sounds tasty. I don't think I have ever had mulled wine over here, but I have added spices to fresh cider and warmed. Reminds me of gluhwine I had in Germany years ago. So nice sipping on it sitting on those hard wood beergarden benches or walking around Christmas markets! (*^β—‡^)_ζ—¦

I wish you all have a Merry Christmas! I'll be on the road for a few hours riding soon up north. πŸŽ„ πŸŽ… No matter what you get into or not, I hope it's special and rememberable! (γ€€οΎŸβˆ€οΎŸ)っ由

OP 24/12/24(Tue)15:08 No. 831526

somebody's getting coal for christmas.

OP 24/12/25(Wed)16:19 No. 831538

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Happy holidays, guys. <3

ian 24/12/25(Wed)20:09 No. 831540

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herp 24/12/25(Wed)20:41 No. 831541

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Merry Christmas, Liru-chan

Marisa Kirisame 24/12/25(Wed)21:49 No. 831543

Um, these girls look underage

Closet Furry 24/12/25(Wed)21:51 No. 831544

And that Santa looks like a heroin fiend

zeneslev 24/12/25(Wed)22:08 No. 831546

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Marisa Kirisame 24/12/25(Wed)22:32 No. 831547


4chan user 24/12/25(Wed)22:35 No. 831548

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Underage you say...

h 24/12/25(Wed)23:45 No. 831550

If 7chan could choose underage or fully mature versions of those girls, I bet they'd choose underage like 90% of the time.

Homicide 24/12/25(Wed)23:50 No. 831551

You know what I really want, and you can't put a number on that...

I want their souls. Doing evil things to them. We'd see how cute and innocent they look then, when they're in my hands. Fuck these little whores, they're not fooling anyone, not me at least. I like the wolf looking one though, I would show her a glorious time....

Sazpaimon 24/12/26(Thu)09:52 No. 831555

THey look like cartoons to me.

Miku Fanboy 24/12/26(Thu)13:10 No. 831558

You have no imagination you asshole

Novice Equestrian 24/12/27(Fri)02:16 No. 831564


If you have to "imagine" them to be underage then logically you can also choose to "imagine" they aren't.

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)05:16 No. 831570


By that logic you can also imagine that that Santa is a white man, when he is clearly a nigger. Even on his sweater it says in capital letters the "N" word for the 'figuratively' blind like you, sir. No, it's not all left up to the imagination. If that was the case, every manga and anime would be just blank pages written in white ink. Half of the time I honestly cannot figure out if you guys are genuinely retarded or just expertly trolling me.

Lorf 24/12/27(Fri)13:53 No. 831572


>By that logic you can also imagine that that Santa is a white man, when he is clearly a nigger

If you wanted to find a way for the Santa there to be a white man then I would also recommend imagining it.

Optimus Prime 24/12/28(Sat)04:04 No. 831580

I don't know how to cook at all. LOL

PrettyPony 24/12/28(Sat)04:29 No. 831581

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I cooked for Christmas

Lorf 24/12/28(Sat)12:38 No. 831582

File 173538591017.jpg - (337.16KB , 577x966 , Daylamite_infantryman.jpg )

A meal fit for a king.

poe 24/12/28(Sat)13:26 No. 831583


Spider Expert 24/12/28(Sat)16:50 No. 831591

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you too! (β•―βœ§βˆ‡βœ§)β•―

Merry Christmas and nice AI picture!

Oh neato! Someone who hasn't seen Magipoka. That "Santa" is actually a homeless man in Hikarigaoka Park (I've been there this last year) In the show, he arrives at the treehouse and the girls take him in thinking he is Santa Claus. Being a werewolf, vampire, witch and android from the Netherworld, they are all often a bit nieve about human society. I don't want to give it all away, but it's a great series!

Start with easy recipes and see how your stove and oven reacts to your cooking then tweak and work your way up! It's worth it and you can make many yummy dishes and save alot of money!

Looks scrumptious I would sooo scarf that up. I can't quite tell though, are their small Brussel sprouts in there or am I mistaken?

Now that Christmas is over, it's party time. Think we will have a Party Hard mode before the year is out? It's been a loooong time and usually for other reasons. Let's all have a great New Years ok?! πŸ₯³

Anonymous 24/12/28(Sat)17:01 No. 831593

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I boiled some oats and eating it with Snickers. Is that a good meal for a "beginners"?

I have also some high quality truffles (the candy) I will try adding that to the oats. I am listening to great music, so I'm not too worried about my cooking skills tbh, but constructive feedback is appreciated as always.

Mudkip 24/12/28(Sat)17:34 No. 831594

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Boiling oats and learning how to boil and cook rice just right is a great start! Rice can be a little tricky though which is why many people who eat it frequently will get a really smart rice cooker to do it perfectly.

Try adding in some fresh or frozen fruits like strawberries, raspberries, BLUEBERRIES 🫐, and banana to naturally sweeten things up. Cinnamon is great as well. Another thing I try now and then is adding peanut butter for some protein, chia seeds and Greek yogurt. You can even forgo the yogurt, add some dried cranberries, a little brown sugar, chopped up nuts and form the mixture on a baking sheet, bake at 300 and have your own crispy granola-like homemade energy bars.

What matters most is what you like. Do you really like oats, certain meats, pasta or breads? Take the foods you like and try different variations and flavor profiles of the same core dish. There are plenty of instructional videos and recipes online tailored for someone just like you! \(β€’β—‘β€’)/

Lorf 24/12/28(Sat)18:13 No. 831595

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That's a bit advanced for me Liru-chan, but I boiled some rice according to your instructions and the added the peanut butter to it. Later I will add nuts and condiments to make it sweeter. Brazilian nuts are great because of superior content of selenium. Tell me if I'm doing alright.

ian 24/12/28(Sat)18:20 No. 831596

>Do you really like oats, certain meats, pasta or breads?
Potatoes has been a long time favorite of mine. I will try preparing them in a couple of different ways as late evening/night comes around.

Today I want to eat yummy yummy food, that's why I am learning to cook.

Bob Ross 24/12/28(Sat)18:47 No. 831597

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Oh, I'm sorry. I meant add the peanut butter with the oats and other ingredients I mentioned to make the bars. Hmmm... What you have going now reminds me sort of like a Thai Peanut sauce rice I sometimes make. What you can do in the future is boil the rice in vegetable stock, soy sauce, onion/garlic powder and cayenne pepper. Thai peanut sauce adds coconut milk which you shouldn't do now. You can probably add in some of those ingredients now and it might come out a little overcooked, but at the very end take a paddle and mix in the peanut butter and reform into a mound. Take out the nigger toes first and chop but put them on top of the finished rice dish last. They aren't my favorite nut, but they are healthy and always use what you got! You might need to do another try but you will soon see how and why certain things are wrong. Rice is again finicky and if not done right it can turn to mush quickly.

There are a few recipes generators where you put in all the ingredients you have and it will give you a bunch of recipes. One is:


r000t 24/12/28(Sat)22:51 No. 831602

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This is the meal I cooked up for you, 7-chan. On the left hand side there are two peeled potatoes boiled in water for around 45 minutes. On the right hand side we have potato dumplings, the inner stuffing is made from ground pork, onion and spices. The special taste makes this meal particularly satisfying.
Sorry for hot vapors in the camera lense, the meal is hot, just like I wanted for you, 7chan, itadakimasu!

Sazpaimon 24/12/28(Sat)23:05 No. 831605

Yes, I get what you're saying about not every way to cook rice being correct way.

I didn't have enough time to reform it into a mound, because I chomped on it too soon. This happened due to general sensation of hunger in my tummy which was growling earlier in the day. And I was so eager to try a new dish! I will improve my skills day by day, each day until I can cook close or just as nice as you Liru, I'm very inspired by your passion for food and cooking. I don't know if I can stay passionate about it for an extended period of time like you have, you always keep sharing new ideas about new cool dishes and weaving it masterfully into the adventures that you have with the family and the celebrations and astronomical events and everything, I am very inspired. But for me it might just be a little something I got excited about today. However, it was really fun and although I'm stuffed, maybe tomorrow I'm excited about it also, then I can think about new things to prepare for me or my family and friends.

Sonichu 24/12/29(Sun)04:49 No. 831610

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I use boil in bag rice because I can't be assed. :b

Bill 24/12/29(Sun)16:16 No. 831615

Don't do that. Plastic and hot food don't belong to each other. Use stainless steel utensils and pots for this task.

Lorf 24/12/29(Sun)20:08 No. 831617

What a stupid bitch ass nigger, I can't even... You almost deserve your retarded poisoned american brain, early onset dementia and microplastics in your nut, what a fucking goner, I swear to god.

poe 24/12/31(Tue)23:41 No. 831653

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I know I might get some flack for this, but I think some people blow up a whole bunch of food issues. Canola has its use in the kitchen the same as olive oil, coconut oil, butter and ghee. Modern Non-stick pans are probably fine to use with low and medium heat. If you have black plastic cookware just take care of it or replace it with silicone in the future when it's old. If you every odd month or so microwave or boil a bag like those vegetable steamers or Stouffers chipped beef in white gravy, or those yummy Welsh Rarebits they use to have, you will probably be OK. Two generations or so now have lived a long life with all the plastic stuff everywhere. I just think some people cry like the sky is falling whenever they see certain food or cooking practices just to appear intelligent or well informed. They are probably right in some way and it's good to know these things, but if it's only on occasion you are probably fine.

I remember my friend once refused a bottled water that was in my hot car after a jog. That was just being silly. I say just turn it into an opportunity to do things better. Steam your own fresh vegetables, learn how to make your own Welsh Rarebit, use double wall vacuum water bottles, you can also save alot of money too! You can still use canola, eat spam and processed foods, boil or microwave stuff in plastic if you don't do it all the time.

Anyways, I also just wanted to say it's sad Jimmy Carter passed away. I think he was a much better person than a president.

Happy New Years Eve! Have a fun night! πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎊

Spiderman 25/01/01(Wed)00:37 No. 831655

holy shit, liru venturing in to politics.
there went half of your fans.

Sazpaimon 25/01/01(Wed)02:12 No. 831657

The subject is so irrelevant to me I didn't even notice it was mentioned or introduced, but now that you say, yeah, fuck lirufag, I had my doubts about him already, but bringing politics into this tight knit brotherhood is a fucking step too far even if it was done "sneakily and innocently".

Sonichu 25/01/01(Wed)02:15 No. 831658

Yeah, lately he just hasn't been the same. Really sucks cause I used to like him...

[tags4lyf]PEARS 25/01/02(Thu)08:28 No. 831683



Novice Equestrian 25/01/02(Thu)08:58 No. 831684

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Fried fish, hoppin' John, and collard greens for new Year's day

ian 25/01/02(Thu)18:43 No. 831689

Pretty good anon, looks right and Southern. Never heard of hoppin John. I made a cheesy Imitation Crab bake.

O.P. 25/01/04(Sat)11:27 No. 831700

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Hoppin' John, also known as Carolina peas and rice, is a rice and beans dish of legendary origins associated with the cuisine of the Southern United States.

r000t 25/01/07(Tue)03:30 No. 831722

Yeah, well, it's not like we have 35 members here to stimulate an interesting and worthwhile discussion. Some of us are here working overtime to meet deadlines and yes when the circumstances call for it - even double shifts.


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