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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Moot 24/11/12(Tue)23:37 No. 831009 [Reply]

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In a world where people have problems
In this world where decisions are a way of life
Other people's problems, they overwhelm my mind


So many people have their problems
I'm not interested in their problems
I guess I've experienced some problems
But now I've made some decisions and
It takes a lot of time to push away the nonsense
Take my compassion, push it as far as it goes
My interest level's dropping, my interest level is dropping
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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p4ch3c0 24/11/13(Wed)14:54 No. 831025

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Cryomancer 24/11/13(Wed)14:55 No. 831026

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Bob Ross 24/11/15(Fri)01:05 No. 831048

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Miku Fanboy 24/11/14(Thu)05:07 No. 831036 [Reply]

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zeneslev 24/11/14(Thu)13:20 No. 831041

Pickle day?

Miku Fanboy 24/10/28(Mon)12:21 No. 830669 [Reply]

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4chan user 24/11/02(Sat)20:53 No. 830778

thats grow goo

Novice Equestrian 24/11/03(Sun)10:09 No. 830785


Nyan Cat 24/11/11(Mon)23:30 No. 831002

Bob Ross 24/11/08(Fri)15:50 No. 830933 [Reply]

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I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system, usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the empire's control.
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, colony.. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs and decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Group harassing was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least the deep web I dug up some data from suggtested that. In Finland, people are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems.Their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society. Forced down and outs. They cause their mental illnesses and drug/alcohol addiction too and force them to live on the street, like in usa and kill them. USA is also under heavy attack on civilians.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel soun Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Lorf 24/11/09(Sat)05:10 No. 830944

Take your meds so you stop wasting energy like that.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/11(Mon)15:28 No. 830992

It sounds like Finland has a very serious kike problem.

I know you're spewing some shit you were taught, including into hating the US, of which is fine. However, your problem isn't new and is also happening to the US.

I'll just get to the point: The cqncer killing Finland, along with the rest of the world, is the fucking jews. I highly recommemd doong research in what the kikes do, how they operate. The kikes have been doing this before Optimus showed up, and they killed Optimus because they were called out on this.

Just do your research. I'm sure WW2 will blow your mind and might make you cry, because the truth honestly hurt my soul.

Homicide 24/11/08(Fri)07:37 No. 830922 [Reply]

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>When you take down 7chan, please be sure to give credit to hashtag le operation spoderweb guy on Twitter who asked you to do it.

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Sazpaimon 24/11/10(Sun)18:16 No. 830978

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They hate us because they anus.

Miku Fanboy 24/11/10(Sun)23:01 No. 830979

oookkk, that's why this place feels like its dying.

Reimu Hakurei 24/11/13(Wed)02:21 No. 831012

I don't think there is any "they". This is just one fa‍ggot.

Frankly I am astonished anyone even cares enough to post about 7chan outside of 7chan.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/08/28(Wed)10:44 No. 829755 [Reply]

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Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/11/06(Wed)02:40 No. 830852

many good ones. try Babushka's secret or Czar's lounge. Kiss of Kiyv is also good one. Borsch and Beauty is decent but it's near the train station and full of junkies and delinquents.

He-Man 24/11/06(Wed)12:07 No. 830885

Okay, it finally happened, took a while, but I got there. I finally prefer anime girls over real women. Yeah, I am that guy. And not just prefer, but animated girls are the only ones I'm interested in at all. Except perhaps for some very rare ones, real ones, which mostly exist in my imagination, but even if they were manifested in physical reality, the only thing I could offer to them would demand of me a transformation of inner character that I don't think I am yet ready or willing to live. So on this less adventurous but certainly vibey af mode/portion of my life - it seems like I became one of those freaks myself. Could not understand them, thought it's ridiculous, now I am one of them and without even a crack that a real woman could theoretically wedge herself in. So, watch out guys, if you're into anime, you might become one of me too.

And you know the reason why? Because at least in the sexual or romantic context, anime girls, believe it or not have more heart than the real girls. Don't know about you, but I just can't pump and dump, I can't just fuck a girl I genuinely don't give a flying fuck about. I could, but just the idea itself deflates my rod. At least with anime girls I can have something romantic and real. And yes, there are these girls that I could actually care about, but it's basically mostly just drug-fueled fantasies of unbelievable adventure. Who has time for that nowadays? Maybe one day, but who'd give up absolute vibes, for a one chance shot into the dark?

Liru Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)13:13 No. 830949

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Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/09(Sat)16:48 No. 830955 [Reply]

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The Mask was a pretty funny idea for a movie. I am surprised they didn't make another one. I think it was based on a book. It's about a guy who finds a ancient mask that turns him into a looney tunes type chacter when he puts it on. And he gets cartoon silly powers. Ha ha. Lol.

h 24/11/09(Sat)17:13 No. 830956

Yeah, it was amazing. I remember watching this movie when I was a kid. Probably 11 years old. I was glued to the screen the entire time. Such a fascinating movie! Jim Carrey's character in this movie is portrayed as some loser, but he finds the mask and turns his life around, even gets the girl and the money and everything. Gangsta af. I think this movie started me on the path of being a gangster.

Miku Fanboy 24/10/29(Tue)02:10 No. 830688 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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I voted for him. (Early voting).

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Miku Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)04:34 No. 830943

how will are you preparing for the upcoming recession? save your money now. shit is about to get bad

N3X15 24/11/09(Sat)11:20 No. 830945

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We're all about to be unemployed.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/09(Sat)12:38 No. 830946

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Christian Weston Chandler 24/10/31(Thu)13:53 No. 830716 [Reply]

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Happy Halloween 7chan! 🎃👻

So what spooky activities are you getting up to tonight? Tommorow is a new moon, so it'll be extra dark! 🌚

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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/11/01(Fri)19:07 No. 830750

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Oh cool a musician living the hotel life! 😎

Eh... I'd just make a HTPC if I were you. It's fun. It's just a small PC but it has optical outputs so you can hook up your amplifier and speakers and either get a huge TV or projector and make yourself a home theater. You can even go all out and get Dolby Atmos speakers and put up sound dampening material on the walls. I didn't do that, but I got someone to do that. You can just use Windows and use it like a PC and torrent whatever media you want. No ads. Then do what I do and get a big 4bay NAS and put that on the network hooked up to your router and keep everything neatly on there.

I've heard of people getting a computer and putting PLEX on it, but I've never found a reason too. Just this last year I got HDR10 to work. It's fine just using Windows and a HTPC keyboard while sitting in your theater. Definitely worth it to get an enclosure for it or use passive heat sinks and not fans because ambient noise sucks. Try it. :) Much better than using an app.

Liru Fanboy 24/11/01(Fri)23:23 No. 830751

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I handed out candy in my usual costume. A kid told me I scared the crap out of him, then told me I smelled like french fries as he was leaving. After the kids stopped showing up, I smoked a gram and a half joint outside because the weather was the best it's ever been on Halloween and I didn't want to waste it.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/11/06(Wed)13:25 No. 830888

this is why you'll never be anything but an uncharasmatic midwestern white nerd.
he literally just said he was in a trailer. obviously none of that conveniences him.

Spider Expert 24/11/06(Wed)10:05 No. 830883 [Reply]

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Hi I am a pedophile please talk to me

Novice Equestrian 24/11/06(Wed)11:21 No. 830884

Can you quit lying about myself inside an fake page? Fourthousand words is enough.
Its maniacal.

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