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OP 25/02/11(Tue)23:05 No. 832225

File 17393115185.jpg - (335.39KB , 1350x1080 , snake.jpg )

something something talking snake convinces two people to eat a fruit that God deliberately created so that they wouldn't eat it and then he punishes them for it, AND THAT'S WHY WOMEN HAVE PAINFUL PREGNANCIES!

h 25/02/11(Tue)23:31 No. 832228

File 173931309751.jpg - (42.70KB , 590x594 , 1438627467079.jpg )

I see that you've reviewed the literature, and it seems like you've got it down.

Anonymous 25/02/12(Wed)22:12 No. 832241

It's an analogy.

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