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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)02:07 No. 832033 [Reply]

File 173811285317.png - (962.63KB , 1080x1440 , Saint_Michiruko_Of_bp.png )

Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
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Miku Fanboy 25/01/24(Fri)03:30 No. 831967 [Reply]

File 173768581316.jpg - (61.84KB , 647x643 , PSEUDOSCORPION ALBUM of ZENJIN.jpg )

Does anyone have a links or an mp3 files of the Pseudoscorpion album by Zenjin? I'm not a pedo or anything, I'm just curious to the core and I must hear it!!

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Bill 25/01/24(Fri)19:58 No. 831979

Remix of popular cyper tapes audio afaik

It's probably shit but normies want to ban it just because of the source materials used as if they have no artistic value. People are retarded, Socrates knew that 2k years ago already, feel free to ignore the drama. Unless you want to start a holy war where only the wise are allowed positions of power or something like that. But you're probably retarded yourself, so just idk don't buy the new iPhones and keep your comms encrypted I guess, idk dude, just live ur life. Globalization hasn't consumed everything yet, so just move where people are still somewhat respected. If you're going to feed the machine, don't feed it too much I guess.

The other option is to enlighten the world, but again you're probably just another retard, so you should probably ignore this option.

Homicide 25/01/25(Sat)03:54 No. 831982

Sure, thanks for the answer. I hope the remix is at least good, otherwise itll just be another edgy piece of media for the sake of being contrarian and edgy.

W. T. Snacks 25/01/29(Wed)01:46 No. 832031

I don't get wanting to ban shit that is on the edge of pedo faggotry. Like loli, or, ai shit. Like if we aren't going to banb lolita complex then there's no logical reason to ban loli, or, whatever else. It's just about feels and moral majoritarianism.

O.P. 24/11/08(Fri)00:51 No. 830916 [Reply]

File 173102349841.jpg - (18.23KB , 640x359 , 0_xZo7g8vVM_uP5-8u.jpg )

Hello 7Chan

32 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
He-Man 24/12/09(Mon)19:15 No. 831350

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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/12/31(Tue)02:32 No. 831633

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The last Chan

symbion 25/01/27(Mon)17:56 No. 832011

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PrettyPony 25/01/06(Mon)16:47 No. 831711 [Reply]

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I know they’re bad for me, but I don’t really care. I just wanna play as a sexy anime girl and beat shit up. And I prefer 3D

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Miku Fanboy 25/01/09(Thu)18:38 No. 831744

File 173644428957.jpg - (494.46KB , 1080x1582 , e.jpg )

Catholic symbolism and imagery in your porn is essential. That is the best and only advice I can give and I wish you the best in your journey to achieve your goals.

Anonymous 25/01/25(Sat)12:58 No. 831988

File 173780629672.gif - (0.99MB , 500x265 , sisteryolanda 500.gif )


Christian Weston Chandler 25/01/25(Sat)14:23 No. 831989

File 173781138279.jpg - (83.56KB , 495x720 , nyu.jpg )


zeneslev 24/11/12(Tue)15:51 No. 831004 [Reply]

File 173142311210.jpg - (68.09KB , 498x326 , sad-pepe-sad-pepe-in-room-ezgif_com-gif-to-jpg-con.jpg )

Going to get married tomorrow. Don't have enough cash available. Can any anonymous may help me with $2k to help me to get married? Crypto will be best

19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Spiderman 24/11/15(Fri)23:12 No. 831061

They talk so much shit about Jews being sneaky but these Airwolfers do nothing but lie on people.

Novice Equestrian 25/01/23(Thu)20:08 No. 831963

OP, how was the wedding πŸ’’?

Anonymous 25/01/25(Sat)04:44 No. 831984

Here friend.

Miku Fanboy 25/01/24(Fri)07:48 No. 831971 [Reply]

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h 25/01/24(Fri)07:50 No. 831972

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Anonymous 25/01/24(Fri)07:55 No. 831973

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Spiderman 25/01/24(Fri)07:57 No. 831974

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zeneslev 25/01/24(Fri)03:33 No. 831968 [Reply]

File 173768603299.jpg - (10.81KB , 275x183 , download (7).jpg )

I'm tired of all of the buildings in San Francisco being empty so I'm accepting bids for what people would buy a building for. If enough people can bid on the buildings then you can force a mark to market on what theyre worth.

Worth a shot. I'll bid $1.49 on the burnt out bank across from the federal reserve.


Call me with bids and I'll publish the list somewhere in a bit. 4155900594

Conductor Cat 25/01/13(Mon)18:51 No. 831809 [Reply]

File 173679070928.jpg - (74.63KB , 768x576 , 10004786.jpg )

Hiya 7chan! β•°(β–”βˆ€β–”)β•―

Happy First Full Moon of the New Year! This months moon is very often my favorite! The Wolf Moon will become full tonight at 5:27 P.M. EST.

Weather looks good for a nice viewing tonight. So far this year has been much colder because of various polar vortices bringing snow and chilly temperatures.

Things have been pretty slow for me lately. I was able to get a few days of easy East Coast skiing done recently and that really helped me get outside and have some fun! (Snow wolfies unite!) I am thinking more and more about visiting Greenland than the last time I brought it up. It'd be so fun to see it during our solar maximum for the Aurora and also before it becomes part of the United States! I joke I joke! ヘ(οΎŸβˆ‡οΎŸοΎ)

Anyways, hope you have a pleasant viewing and enjoy the Full Wolf Moon! Cya! <3

:*:・。,β˜†γ‚œπŸΊγƒ»πŸŒ•:*:・。, β›·οΈβ˜†:γƒ»γ‚œ'β˜†,。・:

38 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Moot 25/01/23(Thu)08:32 No. 831958

Jesus christ you're insufferable. It upsets me to know that faggots like you exist. No interests, no hobbies, no constructive input so your knee-jerk reaction is to just spit vitriol and pray that at least someone responds to you that way. I mean this with no exaggeration, you should kill yourself and it'd be a net positive for everyone on the planet

Marisa Kirisame 25/01/23(Thu)15:04 No. 831960

What do mean? Explain your ideas better, please. Please.

Reimu Hakurei 25/01/23(Thu)17:56 No. 831962

I have many things to say to you, but I will contain myself, because Liru was graceful to me. Even though you don't deserve it, I will extend that kind of grace towards you as well. I'm doing this only to prove I am capable and willing to learn, not because I have any sympathy for you personally.

PrettyPony 24/06/18(Tue)23:51 No. 828437 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 171874751782.jpg - (89.47KB , 563x1000 , Amanda_Kaliyani_Masih_exposed_webslut_Amanda_Kaliy.jpg )

Amanda masih

129 posts and 78 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
OP 25/01/22(Wed)11:19 No. 831942

File 173754119759.jpg - (50.79KB , 750x675 , DHzfYSeVoAETFVF-750x675 (1).jpg )


O.P. 25/01/22(Wed)11:20 No. 831943

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[tags4lyf]PEARS 25/01/22(Wed)11:21 No. 831944

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Brony 25/01/13(Mon)23:00 No. 831814 [Reply]

File 173680561512.jpg - (1.04MB , 2043x2077 , 2128615126 (1).jpg )

Guys, she's back and she won't go away. I don't know what she wants and she won't say anything and shes peed in the pool twice.

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ian 25/01/18(Sat)20:41 No. 831876

Just don't get one of those stupid ass dogs who just barks at whoever walks by, those should be shot dead. It's just one more reason to not live in a fucking city or a suburb, people are fucking retarded and their dogs reflect exactly that.

PrettyPony 25/01/21(Tue)13:38 No. 831931

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Novice Equestrian 25/01/21(Tue)15:27 No. 831934

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