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poe 25/01/14(Tue)05:23 No. 831821

File 173682862715.jpg - (477.05KB , 1200x1600 , GhKhzazawAAZ2F-.jpg )

How do I meet any fucking women? Seriously, it's litterally goddamn impossible. I want to fucking DIE!! I hate having literally 98% male friends and then all the female ones aren't hot and aren't reliable! Fuck humans! I need HOES! I need BITCHES! I NEED MY DICK SUCKED!!

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/01/14(Tue)10:10 No. 831823

Just be yourself

Anonymous 25/01/14(Tue)10:43 No. 831824

Ask your bro to suckle it

Hoes will never be reliable, that's why they're called hoes

I mean, look, that's the oldest profession in the world. Get cash, transact. If you want emotional connection, people loving you for who you actually are, friendship, true loyalty based not on what you provide, but your character and shared memories. Go for men. Now you want to have your cake and eat it too.

On the other hand, I'm not saying it absolutely doesn't exist, but that would be a girl from an all girls school, who has never discovered how her body affects men and has never become a "girl's girl". Yes, it's real as concept. Is it out there in the wild? Not in the world where she grew up receiving mail attention. Not in the world where internet exists. Even if she didn't have internet, if she grew up in some African tribe, you can be sure that she has been spoilt.

Yes you can reeducate her once you are ALREADY in a relationship, but you would be fighting an uphill battle. And do you even really want to fight with your woman in the first place? They can be humbled. Easily. But if you have to keep doing that just to be able to interact with someone halfway real... Is that really worth it? Bro is real for you out of his own nature. A woman you pretty much have to police for the rest of your life in order to be an inferior bro. Most men don't even do that and get rekt, they don't put her in her place so instead she decides to walk all over them. Poor niggers, but they did it to themselves.

Yes the unicorn option still exists, we can't ignore that, but you better have very low expectations if you're gonna look for her. Don't hold your breath. If you can be satisfied with that you'll be good. If you actually expect to find her and won't be happy with the search alone - you're setting yourself up for a big disappointment.

r000t 25/01/17(Fri)08:43 No. 831862

But men smell bad...

Bob Ross 25/01/17(Fri)23:26 No. 831866


I agree, real friends and comrades will share their asshole and suck each others cocks for maximum pleasures.

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