This is the woman I started jerking off to. She was kind of hot. But I mean, my tastes evolved since then. I have let's just call it, a keener eye.
But even now, I think her peak years she was fuckable. Idk if I'm considered attractive as her. All I know is that I have many options as a man with internet connection. And I don't know if it's years of isolation, but I just prefer the right mental stimulation and my own hand over physical touch and bodily presence with someone I don't care about.
Honestly don't understand how woman can keep getting more and more entitled while their value keeps dropping and dropping. I mean any man can have any kind of woman as far as visuals go. Why would I fuck a 7 when I can fap to a 10? Girls are completely delusional. Well, I guess there's still a lot of simps who'll go the whole boyfriend and girlfriend route for the sake of romance, but what they don't know is that she doesn't see it the same way. The more you try to make it work, the less interested and attracted she becomes. So you are better off putting little to no effort. Which usually means no relationship. But a global reset is in order so that's the way it's supposed to be - 80 percent of girls getting railed by that 3% of men and the rest pretty much enjoying their own life. Believe it or not, that's actually good, that actually means nature is healing.