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4chan user 25/02/13(Thu)04:22 No. 832243

File 173941695688.jpg - (2.45MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_0164.jpg )

Scarring still healing

Complete success

Diagnosis: the cause was tap water

Closet Furry 25/02/13(Thu)04:48 No. 832244

Oh hey, your back!

How did you cure it, did you wash it in your own fermented urine?

r000t 25/02/13(Thu)18:13 No. 832257

I've been eating scum for the past 3 or 4 days probably longer, anything from coconut milk scum, to boil potato, zeppelin scum, you name it and I have found it incredibly healing.
But as for your case I think you just started properly washing your dick at all is why you see big improvement not because purified water don't contain silicone or some shit. But I mean sure man, congrats on the progress, I'm not here to discourage.. something is obviously working so you should keep at it, I'm glad you are finally healing, that's the only thing that matters.

N3X15 25/02/14(Fri)13:29 No. 832265

File 173953617255.jpg - (208.97KB , 1080x810 , 19-18-16-981.jpg )

Op, if you aren't building mobile observation towers, you just aren't living. Find your purpose.

Bill 25/02/14(Fri)20:37 No. 832272

I don't know why people throw it away. It's actually good stuff. And it's good for you.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)21:06 No. 832274

Man, it's actually some of the tastiest stuff when you consider many of the meals commonly made in Eastern Europe. Really really good especially when you let it cool down a few minutes without the lid and the surface gets evaporated/concentrated a bit. Yummy!

derp 25/02/14(Fri)21:36 No. 832275

File 17395654077.jpg - (21.64KB , 410x452 , 1647809178377.jpg )

I remember you, good shit dude

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