Name me one nigger "scientist" that actually invented shit and is in the history books. They are stupid and the only reason you are defending them is because you are either one of them or on their intelligence level yourself. The stupid do not know they are stupid. Just because he 'sounds smart' doesn't mean he actually is. And no, education ≠ smarts. He's a nigger and no amount of trying on his part is gonna change that.
What am i cherry picking? I chose the argument, because it was the easiest one to mentally walk you through. This is how you prove a point and ok, ofc I'm not going to be able to prove it to you, because "oh, it's just common sense, where's the empirical evidence or statistics?" But the fact that there isn't necessarily statistics on this, doesn't make it not make basic common sense. And ok, you might have missed why it would make common sense, but that's exactly why I'm bringing it up and walking you through it. I don't see you dismantling the actual claims that I made that are indeed common sense, you're just trying to pick it apart from attacking stuff on the periphery. Why don't you address the points that I made and explain to me why they are not simple and logical or if you agree with them, then we are in no disagreement here, which makes the rest of the discussion kind of pointless. I'm not here to argue about niggers and their intelligence ceilings or scientific achievement, commonality of common sense, kinks or how they translate into real life, viability of scientific methods or the pretentiousness and idiocy of the mainstream scientific community etc etc etc.
It's simply that my claim of loli enjoyers being turned on by underage female form was being challenged. I don't want to expand it further than that at this time, and if my common ense which I did explain in further detail is enough - good - then we're in agreement on that and while we meet in disagreement on other things, for now that's all I set out to do here - refute the idea that my claims were completely baseless which a few users seemed to think they were.