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symbion 25/01/26(Sun)04:45 No. 831994

File 173786311063.png - (80.24KB , 255x198 , 2Q==.png )

why are so many of you losers posting with a name nowadays

ps hi saz

12 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
r000t 25/01/28(Tue)02:40 No. 832015

I mean...there's only twelve of us.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 25/01/28(Tue)14:54 No. 832021

File 17380724653.jpg - (35.80KB , 600x697 , i-fucking-miss-12-chan~01.jpg )

Yeah, I miss 12chan and k0w. Cut this nostalgia thread now.

r000t 25/01/28(Tue)16:57 No. 832022

k0w is such a familiar name, where was that from?

herp 25/01/28(Tue)17:34 No. 832023

I heard it was a pedo board

Spider Expert 25/01/29(Wed)22:26 No. 832046

Dude, this chan is the only one I've ever seen that activley, and consistently, keeps itself from becoming a pedophile board. No matter how much those strawberey ass bags try to flood the boards with it. I actually appreciate the devs doing this so effectively.

Miku Fanboy 25/01/29(Wed)23:52 No. 832047

We literally have a board dedicated to lolicon, though.


tee 25/01/29(Wed)23:54 No. 832048

the internet became shit after people started labeling loli enjoyers "pedophiles". let that sink in.

poe 25/01/30(Thu)02:18 No. 832049

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Thats just lolicon, he said pedophile.

Spiderman 25/01/30(Thu)02:52 No. 832050

I've been on the internet all my life but only managed to get into lolicon after I joined this forum. Go figure

Christian Weston Chandler 25/01/30(Thu)07:06 No. 832053


Wow, I can't believe 7chan is actaully intellegent enough to distinguish between the two. Between failchan and reddit I was begging to loose hope.

W. T. Snacks 25/01/30(Thu)11:23 No. 832056

There is significant overlap too many lolita enjoyers do actually get sexually aroused by real life minors. Yes, two different things, but let not pretend have nothing to do one another. It needed to be said, sorry and not sorry.

4chan user 25/01/30(Thu)11:49 No. 832058

>There is a significant overlap
Damn that's crazy, source?
(Spoiler: You don't have one)

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)14:24 No. 832060

I would guess there is some overlap (as with all things), but I'm not sure how significant it is. A major part of what makes loli characters appealing is that they are written with the maturity or intelligence of someone older. If loli characters were written like actual children, I think most fans would find lewd connotations off-putting.

4chan user 25/01/30(Thu)15:39 No. 832064

Today children are posting themselves in sexualized and suggestive manner before they can speak bro. Not to mention the fact that girls bodies are flooded with sex hormones while they're still 13-14 in many cases. They know very well what they're doing and the whole dynamic. They may look like pretty little angels or pretend to be so, but make no mistake - their thought patterns are very much woman like at that point in terms of sexuality.

Also just because a bitch is dumb doesn't make her less of a slut, it's not about intelligence or maturity but willingness and desire to be a whore as is observed with adult women also. I agree tho feeling sexual about someone who has no idea or desire about sex is pretty gross, but to each their own.

Novice Equestrian 25/01/30(Thu)15:40 No. 832065

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compared to any other groups (catholic priests, christians, muslims, indians, obese men, whatever), there is no significant overlap. you're just making shit up and hoping others don't question it.

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)17:21 No. 832068


Lol, i was about to say this.

Sazpaimon 25/01/30(Thu)18:35 No. 832069

what the fuck

Moot 25/01/31(Fri)00:06 No. 832071

I love how common sense is never considered credible by the 'science people' you're like that degrass Tyson nigger - pretending as they're all smart, but in actuality still a fucking nigger, hardly any better than any other.

>Draw underage bodies in sexually suggestive poses
>Build/attract a demographic of people who are aesthetically but also SEXUALLY attracted to the said depictions
>These people are literally excited by underage bodies
>Oh, but it's only when they have cartoon outlines and color grading - the moment it would become too hard to distinguish from the real world equivalent their boner would deflate immediately, I swear to God

Nah, I guess I agree with ye. There's no way folks who get aroused by it would get aroused by the real thing except maybe by chance and statistically just as much as lawyers, pizzamen or taxi drivers. Fax.

Christian Weston Chandler 25/01/31(Fri)00:14 No. 832072

Or is the argument 'oh, but it's just aesthetic pleasure, it has nothing to do with sexual gratification visually - that's not what makes those drawings enjoyable'... Or perhaps 'yes, they're sexual gratification, but it's not because of the way they're depicted, it's because of their amazing personalities'.. which I'm not saying is not the case, it can certainly contribute, but we all know visuals is a big components in male sexuality and definitely big reason why anime is enjoyed at all - folks get a hardon from it. YES - visually - from the fucking drawings, not just scenarios and personalities. Anyway, y'all are being cheeky or in complete denial. Probably niggers too considering your 'scientific approach'.

Steve 25/01/31(Fri)01:06 No. 832073

File 173828200824.jpg - (17.26KB , 500x343 , 739bde35839b706c1fa5b94dea6eb904.jpg )

so you're saying everyone who watches incest porn actually wants to fuck a parent/offspring/sibling.
that everyone who murders someone in a video game wants to murder someone irl.
you're a fucking idiot, and you're doubling down on logical fallacies.
i'm starting to feel like you're too young to be here.

Conductor Cat 25/01/31(Fri)01:13 No. 832074

this retard thinks the sun and moon revolve around the earth because it's "common sense"

Mudkip 25/01/31(Fri)01:13 No. 832075

if common sense were common, indians wouldn't have such an easy time scamming eurofags and ameriqueers out of their money.

tee 25/01/31(Fri)01:47 No. 832076

Nice strawmen, nigger. But ok, if you want to actually talk in good faith, let's do it.

Incest porn is a kink/scenario that folks are drawn to. The reason in most cases they wouldn't be attracted to this scenario irl is because it doesn't satisfy the same conditions that are portrayed in the fantasy. If IRL did satisfy those conditions, they may not do it because of xyz like societal pressures and consequences, possibility to ruin relationships etc etc, but yes they would be attracted to/ turned on by the possibility.

HOWEVER, IDGAF about any of that, as it has almost nothing to do with my example, because my example was about form. Folks are attracted to the form and they would not suddenly cease to be attracted to that form just because it got upgraded definition. Yes there's kinks involved in lolicon, but that's not the part that I was touching on. For the sake of the argument I recommend we leave that out although that's too would translate to some extent to irl attraction to the idea/scenario/kink.

I never said it was common, I just use the term to describe it, which has "common" in it. The term is "common sense". Also inference ≠ causation and again I never claimed that.

Nyan Cat 25/01/31(Fri)01:51 No. 832077

this retard thinks it's edgy to use "nigger" in every comment

it's not 2005 (if you were even alive then), shit's passé

PrettyPony 25/01/31(Fri)02:28 No. 832078



>I know he's an astrophysicist but he's black so even though he could probably explain mathematics to me my redneck retard brain cannot even begin to comprehend I am just gonna call him a nigger to make myself feel better about being a dumb ignorant hillbilly.

No one said it wasn't true you ignorant retard hillbilly what they said was "may you please provide a source for your claims" No one said "common sense" is not considered credible, but, the thing is "common sense" is right around with "first hand eye witness testimony" at the bottom of the barrel. I can tell you "Yeah dude I can totally fly when you aren't looking" but unless I can provide you with actual proof then you probably will dismiss my claims. Unless you just believe anything anyone says with out any form of scrutiny. Which I highly doubt. So why are you cherry picking just for things you personally like?

Sazpaimon 25/01/31(Fri)02:53 No. 832080

I use it only where relevant

W. T. Snacks 25/01/31(Fri)02:55 No. 832081

Name me one nigger "scientist" that actually invented shit and is in the history books. They are stupid and the only reason you are defending them is because you are either one of them or on their intelligence level yourself. The stupid do not know they are stupid. Just because he 'sounds smart' doesn't mean he actually is. And no, education ≠ smarts. He's a nigger and no amount of trying on his part is gonna change that.

What am i cherry picking? I chose the argument, because it was the easiest one to mentally walk you through. This is how you prove a point and ok, ofc I'm not going to be able to prove it to you, because "oh, it's just common sense, where's the empirical evidence or statistics?" But the fact that there isn't necessarily statistics on this, doesn't make it not make basic common sense. And ok, you might have missed why it would make common sense, but that's exactly why I'm bringing it up and walking you through it. I don't see you dismantling the actual claims that I made that are indeed common sense, you're just trying to pick it apart from attacking stuff on the periphery. Why don't you address the points that I made and explain to me why they are not simple and logical or if you agree with them, then we are in no disagreement here, which makes the rest of the discussion kind of pointless. I'm not here to argue about niggers and their intelligence ceilings or scientific achievement, commonality of common sense, kinks or how they translate into real life, viability of scientific methods or the pretentiousness and idiocy of the mainstream scientific community etc etc etc.

It's simply that my claim of loli enjoyers being turned on by underage female form was being challenged. I don't want to expand it further than that at this time, and if my common ense which I did explain in further detail is enough - good - then we're in agreement on that and while we meet in disagreement on other things, for now that's all I set out to do here - refute the idea that my claims were completely baseless which a few users seemed to think they were.

Nyan Cat 25/01/31(Fri)03:02 No. 832082

Not your blog kill yourself nigger.

Spider Expert 25/01/31(Fri)03:03 No. 832083

>I'm not here

god i wish that were true

[tags4lyf]PEARS 25/01/31(Fri)03:18 No. 832084

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Weeabot 25/01/31(Fri)04:02 No. 832088

george washington carver

now go kill yourself pls

zeneslev 25/01/31(Fri)04:02 No. 832089

Petty insults, the last ditch effort of those loosing the war to convince themselves that they are winning. Typical nigger behavior - if you can't win intellectually, employ violence or try to appeal thru emotions/ego. Your beat guys. Nobody addressed my core arguments once. Not even once.

symbion 25/01/31(Fri)04:29 No. 832092

dirty delete and moving goalposts

kill yourself

Lorf 25/01/31(Fri)04:31 No. 832093

Who are you talking with?
That's a decoy from the main discussion (which you are losing), but okay, I can bite briefly. Nobody has even heard of your George Washington bitch nigger, let alone what he did. Let me rephrase: "find one negro scientist that you can name in the same breath as pretty much any light skinned (or asian for that matter) genius level scientists or logicians like Nikola, Albert, Bohr, Euler, Turing, Planck, Heisenberg, Maxwell..." I could continue if I wanted to

Mudkip 25/01/31(Fri)04:46 No. 832094

dirty delete and moving goalposts. kill yourself

Bob Ross 25/01/31(Fri)05:01 No. 832095

What can I say. I'm a sigma male.

h 25/01/31(Fri)10:08 No. 832098

As an outside party I can say that this faggot won on pretty much every talking points so far.

OP 25/01/31(Fri)11:27 No. 832100

Your assessment seems generally correct. If I had to guess I think it would take round about one of this >>832095 guy to defeat approximately 15 of guys like this >>832094

The fight was never fair to begin with...

derp 25/01/31(Fri)15:48 No. 832101

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So the anon that keeps arguing that if you like to look at loli, you are almost certainly an actual pedophile has based this argument on their observations of their own personal depravity?
Reject pig disgusting 3d females!
Embrace the 2d supremacy!

Homicide 25/01/31(Fri)16:08 No. 832102

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Oops *MAPs

N3X15 25/01/31(Fri)17:36 No. 832105


Just because you don't understand history doesn't mean it didn't happen. You also are, like you know, not accounting for centuries of raping and pillaging that happened in africa during colonialism for the last 250 years before the turn of the 20th century. Like holy shit you have no idea what you are talking about at all you racist ignorant hillbilly retard,m lmao.

Closet Furry 25/01/31(Fri)19:09 No. 832106

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Sure, always bring the blame on the outside factor, never internalize any of your failures - that'll be the surest way to resolve the horrible culture of your communities. Cope harder, nigger.

Sonichu 25/01/31(Fri)19:31 No. 832107

you're part of the reason America isn't dark blue.

Spiderman 25/01/31(Fri)20:14 No. 832108

Eurofag, bro. But I'll give you a generous 7/10 for effort.

Spiderman 25/01/31(Fri)21:11 No. 832110

the point stands

Spider Expert 25/02/01(Sat)03:49 No. 832112

I'm eastern Europe, we had very little / no part in slave traffic to US. We're not even dark blue ourselves. On the other hand we're the last stand of Europe against the woke shit and sandniggers, so iq aside we're the best place to be right now in Europe except Ukraine. Well some balkans are also bad, but I'm not balkanfag.

Call us racist, but our communities are the safest and most "european" in Europe rn. The only part of eu with any light shining through at the end of the tunnel.

Altho I must admit aliens landing and AI especially will make this shit globalized af soon. Still some sovereignty will remain. I just hope our governments don't get hijacked by complete retards. We have retards, just not complete. Step by step at this point..

4chan user 25/02/01(Sat)18:38 No. 832119

God I hate juice

W. T. Snacks 25/02/12(Wed)08:32 No. 832235

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i'm gay

Weeabot 25/02/12(Wed)09:31 No. 832236


Is that one of the devs?

Steve 25/02/13(Thu)13:23 No. 832247

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It's an instrument.


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