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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Cryomancer 25/02/08(Sat)15:07 No. 832197

File 173902362575.png - (89.30KB , 640x360 , 167693656225.png )

Homo Nigerius Africans - known in the west as the common nigger. Popularly purported to be smart and capable as the rest of Earth population, however they just happen to be plagued by societal distress, external discrimination and internal community struggle, as to the function of which, they are said to fail.. to amount to their true potential. The specimens are easily recognized by darker skin tones, flat squished nose marked by enlarged nostrils and overall dumb looking mug that will remind you of monkey.

Potency of philosophical insight - 4.6/10
Scientific achievement 3.4/10
Cultural significance 4/10
Musical significance 8.2/10


Weeabot 25/02/08(Sat)17:52 No. 832202

File 173903353188.png - (1.68MB , 1911x1072 , nick fuck you.png )

This mod message warms my soul. Love you guys forever.

Brony 25/02/13(Thu)22:41 No. 832261

File 173948289279.gif - (6.23MB , 389x753 , ezgif-4dc4712cc4eb45.gif )

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