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Thumb sucking conspiracy Danzig369 24/05/02(Thu)00:47 No. 21539 [Reply]

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Did you realise the body opens by sucking the left thumb and then lifting the pelvic floor up with your other thumb after decompressing your tushy like a balloon? This is the only way to nose breathe properly. If you mouth breathe your brain doesn't get enough oxygen and you develop a love hate relationship with yourself and the world. Nose breathers don't have this problem. All these mental health issues so not exist. It's literally the greatest conspiracy of all time and no information exists about this. The body opens counterclockwise. The mind also flows counterclockwise. The whole world is back to front. Approach any muscular person and confidently ask them if the thumb trick is true and they'll say no shit, but they don't go around telling people. All high IQ people do is nose breathe, nobody is born any smarter than anyone else.

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/06/15(Sat)00:26 No. 21550


Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/06/15(Sat)01:54 No. 21551

fuck off nigger

Phantasm Project Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/04/16(Tue)20:11 No. 21533 [Reply]

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We seek new members
gg /u8cptvcd

-Please read more at the Home and Synopsis page.

Is this a cult or a religion?
-Although it's been described as a cult, I'd describe it as small group or a community instead.

How long has THE PHANTASM PROJECT been up?
-Formerly known as PROJECT:ESTELLE, it was very secretly active in around 2010 and before that. After that, the Project took a break, and is now back on track under a new name and new management.

Why we are on the verge of the appearance of the Final Antichrist Tin Foil Enthusiast 21/05/01(Sat)02:47 No. 20979 [Reply]

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"And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads"

This means both metaphysically AND physically, and with the implementation of COVID Vaccine Passports to travel, I can see this happening. It also notes about receiving the mark IN the forehead so, say if you wanted to travel overseas (for business).

When a proper COVID Vaccine is properly introduced and perfected, yep!

To get into another country to do business, I can see both this happening in our near future (definitely within the next 5-10 years it could be used as a staple)

1. Having the COVID vaccine combined with finances, crypto, your personal data and medical.
2. They will scan your forehead to allow you to come into their country to actually do business you can use it with the swipe of your hand, you will be able to scan your hand to allow transactions over the Internet or in person.
3. What needs to happen is a digital currency that will absolve the World's debt so the World can enter into a new age.

Why is this so dangerous and why will you be eternally damned if you receive this mark?

Because God made man to be free. By receiving something like this, you are no longer free and you have now made money your God, Jesus said that you cannot serve both money and God. You will be a slave to the system.
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Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/02/19(Sun)22:45 No. 21357

I am a Christian, and i visit an online Christian teacher and prophetess, and she receives messages directly from Jesus quite regularly. Jesus told her that the mark of the beast would have technology in it to alter human DNA simply by being inserted into the hand or the forehead, and that it would alter the human's DNA to completely remove the parts of the DNA that connect us to God, and make us want God and search for Him, and want us to do good and be virtuous, and attract us to goodness and virtue either in ourselves or in others. This kinda fits with the Biblical prophecy that in the end times people will be like they were in the days of Noah, and the Bible also says that in the days of Noah the actions and thoughts were evil "continually".

Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/08/29(Tue)21:38 No. 21477


The idea that trump is messiah is just laughable.

A masonic goon is serving his own interest.

Not everything revolves around babylon v2.0

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/04/14(Sun)22:24 No. 21532

What even is this M/D/Y arrangement?

ECSA's South Australia financial leak IPlayedOddsToLeakThis 24/04/13(Sat)09:04 No. 21531 [Reply]

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Found these sitting in their archive with data from 2015 to 2023

Played odds and lost (out of 5) and here we are

Human Vultures Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/23(Sat)07:32 No. 21525 [Reply]

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Woman is struck and killed by a train.
Train dismembers her.
Random guy shows up.
Steals her fucking leg.
Starts eating it, caught on film, before he's arrested.

Authorities later say that all body parts were already accounted for at the scene of the accident.

The kicker? It's the SECOND TIME THIS YEAR something like this happened.


Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/26(Tue)14:10 No. 21527

Spend a few days in Wasco, you might start to understand. Collecting and eating human body parts could be the only way this guy could break up the monotony.

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/04/07(Sun)21:31 No. 21530


wtf is going on with those guys anonymous 23/09/04(Mon)20:50 No. 21478 [Reply]

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anyone has more information on this supposed elite cult ritual?

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Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/01/24(Wed)14:57 No. 21509

lmao i currently have a black eye

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/06(Wed)19:08 No. 21518

They have all been given brain parasites as part of an initiation/brainwashing ritual. Look into the parasitepill, parasites have been living, growing, and evolving with us since the dawn of time.

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/04/03(Wed)17:29 No. 21529

Yeah, what he said. Look up the name Donald Marshall and do your research. Most of the info on him has been scrubbed I think, but there's some old archives on Youtube.

Wishing Well Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/02/26(Sun)22:02 No. 21358 [Reply]

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Make a wish

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Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/22(Fri)02:43 No. 21524

I want the strength and fortitude necessary to move towards something greater, I want to be able to contribute to something bigger than myself, something that will outlive me.

I toss a coin. I continue forward

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/24(Sun)18:04 No. 21526


Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/03/29(Fri)04:02 No. 21528

I also wish it didn't suck dick now

Anyway rituals, spells, spirits or etc... to make an exception of laws Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/12/11(Mon)20:45 No. 21498 [Reply]

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I worked hard for my GED for six years, dispelled entities that actually harmed my family with their anomalities, made offerings and sacrifice thru my rituals and altars. Thus, I've done works with patron of crossroads for opening my path, but the social order pressures still inflict troubles for my situation, especially my family who're pretty obnoxious with their egos. Do you know any solutions for my issues? Even to make a softening or an exception to the rules?

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/02/26(Mon)05:09 No. 21515

You need to step back, give all that up, and follow the middle path. You are your own escape route from the wheel.

Stealing souls and coomers Tin Foil Enthusiast 22/07/29(Fri)19:55 No. 21190 [Reply]

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So it's been thought for some time now that if you jerk it to cam girls you lose a bit of your soul or spiritual energy. It's enough to make you depressed and uninspired.

Here's the thing:
What if you're DLing the videos from elsewhere and not a site the camgirl put in effort to make an account with? If she is putting in the effort she is setting up the trap. If someone else just stole the video and ULed it somewhere else the trap is broken? Know what I mean?

Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/08/21(Mon)02:21 No. 21475

the spell vamp comes from the spirit of sex, she consumes both men and women. it's the demon of sex working through people brainwashing them. you dont lose spiritual energy to the cam girl, both you and the cam girl lose energy to the demon god of sex

Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/10/02(Mon)04:35 No. 21481

Just stop watching porn it's bad for you. Jerk off less too it'll leave you feeling drained and full.

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/01/19(Fri)03:23 No. 21503

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Buy a massage table on amazon and find a porn buddy. Watch porn together and only stimulate each others genitals. strictly medical, getting the fluid out, nothing more.

follow these guidelines and you can protect yourself and your energy.

SRS question Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/12/26(Tue)00:26 No. 21499 [Reply]

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That's a longshot, but here we go
Have any of you heard how to cast your soul into an item? So that when you die, your soul gets bind to an item, and can then be recalled?

Tin Foil Enthusiast 24/01/03(Wed)06:29 No. 21501

That is called Lichdom and it only exists in Dungeons and Dragons world, sorry. When you die you die.

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