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This world is almost certainly a simulation.
The closer we get to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and eventually, a virtual "consciousness", the more this should become obvious to everyone.
Nick Bostrom, who popularized the "Simulation Hypothesis", posited the following possibilities:
A: Civilizations at our level of development go extinct before they can create a simulation of their own.
B: Civilizations reach the level of development to create a simulation, but are not interested in doing so.
C: We are living in a simulation.
Since we are not aware of such a simulation that has created the capacity of consciousness, the possibility of anything other than those three outcomes is highly unlikely. The idea that we are almost assuredly approaching the level of development and will be the FIRST species to create a simulation with a consciousness in the billions of years of universal history is extremely far fetched.
I believe that the primary stories, teachings, and prophecies of the Bible are, therefore, an allegory for the simulation we live in. Hear me out...
1. Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence: God is said to encapsulate all of these qualities. A programmer, to simulated intelligence models on a computer, would be the same.
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