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Scary ghost video that will leave you paraplegic Top10 23/05/10(Wed)16:40 No. 21438 [Reply]

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Scary ghost video that will leave you severely paraplegic Top10 23/04/30(Sun)01:21 No. 21436 [Reply]

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ghost video that will leave you paraplegic Top10 23/04/28(Fri)13:45 No. 21434 [Reply]

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Scary ghost video that will leave you paraplegic Top10 23/04/27(Thu)07:49 No. 21433 [Reply]

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Scary ghost video that will leave you severely paraplegic Top10 23/04/24(Mon)02:17 No. 21430 [Reply]

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23/04/07(Fri)08:08 No. 21414 [Reply]

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we're gonna exorcise Legion from Anonymous

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
MondayMondayMonday 23/04/10(Mon)04:30 No. 21416

Yes please

23/04/10(Mon)04:39 No. 21417

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it is a battle of wills

we're not in here with Legion, he's in here with us

23/04/19(Wed)18:39 No. 21425

Define "Legion" in this case.

How do I get rid of an Imp? Anon 23/01/18(Wed)08:16 No. 21328 [Reply]

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My friend has an Imp attached to him? The imp was summoned by his neighbor who is a Freemason. I saw, for my self, the imp and the many souls it has tricked in the neighborhood (long story)… how do I get the imp off my friend? How do I make it stay away from us, forever?

Also, I am curious if it can be captured? And if I can then use the imp to my advantage? But that’s just me being thirsty for knowledge… i really just NEED to get rid of it..

Picture attached is what it looked like running through the trees in the dark. Except I didn’t see the head.

8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/03/04(Sat)05:46 No. 21371

I have a computer generated holy water, works on every demon since they hate holy things.

23/03/27(Mon)21:37 No. 21405


Not with imps exactly, but I've dealt with some demonic activity before. If it's really just an imp, it shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of it.

I have a picture of an imp Gangstalking 23/04/10(Mon)21:14 No. 21419

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Here is a Gangstalking imp I have on camera.

TEST YOUR BRAVERY - Top 3 Scary Ghost Videos evp top10 23/04/03(Mon)22:05 No. 21413 [Reply]

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Scary ghost video that will leave you severely paraplegic Top10 23/03/11(Sat)13:33 No. 21393 [Reply]

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TOP 3 Scary ghost video that will leave you severely paraplegic top10 23/03/09(Thu)22:36 No. 21387 [Reply]

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