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Virtues give freedom, sins enslave you to externals.
Let's take an example, let's say you are sitting on a park bench solving a math problem in your head, now your whole mind's desire and purpose in such a case is only to solve that math problem. Now let's say a person passes by and gives you the middle finger, if you become angry the math problem in your head is gone and now you are filled with anger towards that person, your original purpose is lost, you have become enslave to his actions. Now let's say an attractive woman passes by, if you give in to lust for that woman, again the math problem is lost from your mind and your mind is consumed by lust, you have become enslaved to that woman. If you are a materialist and an expensive car passes by, the math problem is again gone from your head and that car is on your mind even if it's just for a few seconds.
I think people here are smart enough to work out the other sins through that example, but there are 2 sins that can't be seen through that example: pride and vanity. Vanity is easy to understand, a vain person thinks he/she is better than others or the best. Now those 2 terms "better" and "best" are both comparison terms, and comparison by its definition means your being of beings is defined by other people around you, so it is obvious slavery. With pride, if you are proud of your math skills, you won't be able to kick math away like it's nothing if let's say you get interested in cooking in the future. Now cooking might be the love of your life, but since you were proud of your math skills in the past it will hinder your switching completely to cooking in the future, some might even reject cooking completely due to previous pride destroying their own quality of life. So pride in something now kills your free movement and options in the future, only humility can provide you such freedom.
The ultimate end of every other virtue is to bring you to a place where you can love anyone and everyone around you, love is the ultimate virtue! God Himself is love (1 John 4:, 1 John 4:16), so when you love someone (and this includes fatherly/motherly love, brotherly/sisterly love, and friendship), your mind and soul open up to the infinite consciousness of God. God Himself is The infinite reality! So when you love, your being has infinite options and is traveling through the infinite consciousness of God while loving each and everyone at every instant. Those other virtues will provide you freedom from the people and things around you, but only love will make you travel in the infinity of God giving you infinite options.
Now this might seem like a paradox, but if you do exactly the thing a person asks you to do out of love, you'll still be free and traveling in infinity (love includes every other virtue in itself, so freedom accompanies it). Obviously love doesn't sin or aid in
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