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Jesus' offer of freedom of mind and soul 24/10/11(Fri)21:25 No. 21589 [Reply]

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Virtues give freedom, sins enslave you to externals.

Let's take an example, let's say you are sitting on a park bench solving a math problem in your head, now your whole mind's desire and purpose in such a case is only to solve that math problem. Now let's say a person passes by and gives you the middle finger, if you become angry the math problem in your head is gone and now you are filled with anger towards that person, your original purpose is lost, you have become enslave to his actions. Now let's say an attractive woman passes by, if you give in to lust for that woman, again the math problem is lost from your mind and your mind is consumed by lust, you have become enslaved to that woman. If you are a materialist and an expensive car passes by, the math problem is again gone from your head and that car is on your mind even if it's just for a few seconds.

I think people here are smart enough to work out the other sins through that example, but there are 2 sins that can't be seen through that example: pride and vanity. Vanity is easy to understand, a vain person thinks he/she is better than others or the best. Now those 2 terms "better" and "best" are both comparison terms, and comparison by its definition means your being of beings is defined by other people around you, so it is obvious slavery. With pride, if you are proud of your math skills, you won't be able to kick math away like it's nothing if let's say you get interested in cooking in the future. Now cooking might be the love of your life, but since you were proud of your math skills in the past it will hinder your switching completely to cooking in the future, some might even reject cooking completely due to previous pride destroying their own quality of life. So pride in something now kills your free movement and options in the future, only humility can provide you such freedom.

The ultimate end of every other virtue is to bring you to a place where you can love anyone and everyone around you, love is the ultimate virtue! God Himself is love (1 John 4:, 1 John 4:16), so when you love someone (and this includes fatherly/motherly love, brotherly/sisterly love, and friendship), your mind and soul open up to the infinite consciousness of God. God Himself is The infinite reality! So when you love, your being has infinite options and is traveling through the infinite consciousness of God while loving each and everyone at every instant. Those other virtues will provide you freedom from the people and things around you, but only love will make you travel in the infinity of God giving you infinite options.

Now this might seem like a paradox, but if you do exactly the thing a person asks you to do out of love, you'll still be free and traveling in infinity (love includes every other virtue in itself, so freedom accompanies it). Obviously love doesn't sin or aid in Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

24/10/10(Thu)04:07 No. 21587 [Reply]

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There are cameras forced in my eyes. I'm a slave to them. I don't know how they put them in initially. I've been tranquilized and repeatedly raped in my sleep.
I'm already going blind from them, and I'm almost willing to try to rub silica into my eyes to destroy them, risking even worse blindness.
But after all of this, I want to be blind to this world.

Police, spooks, and moar 24/10/10(Thu)03:38 No. 21583 [Reply]

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I legitimately have years of police hacks, cop training manuals, engineering and governmental patents that haven't been leaked to the public. Where should I leak them first that isn't on the clearnet?!
A lot is TLDR and a lot has counterintelligence. I'm doing this because they won't end the Electronic Warfare on my mind, and because the government needs transparency at ALL times.
There are also phony Operations Directorates and real ones.

24/10/10(Thu)03:56 No. 21586

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Openly replying to my thread without fear, I have the newest upgrade of Quantum Computer's CPU's, which are made of synthetic diamonds. A way to speed up their THETA/PETAFLOPS by use of synthetic lonsdaleite, which is harder than diamonds by about 56-58%, and a way to project holographs off of said synthetic lons CPU.

Consolidation Church of Jesus, Korea 22/07/10(Sun)22:54 No. 21174 [Reply]

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I don't understand how this cult can get so many fucking people, and Shinzo Abe, interested. Just look at this, and this is a ceremony they have every day almost. It's an insane amount of people that believe some korean guy going on about the fact he's Jesus.

Who even learns about this stuff, how do they get involved, I just can't understand the scale of these activities.

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22/07/13(Wed)01:23 No. 21176

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Yeah but there's an Abe connection so there must be something weirder going on. Something is going on that's more than just ceremonies. Kinda like Falung Gong.

22/08/25(Thu)14:44 No. 21210

"As you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you" might as well have been about colonial empires. London and Paris are basically Bongo-Bongo land, and the Japanese Diet is full of people following a church that robs elderly Japanese people and sends the money to Korea as reparations.
First person to invent a time machine, do us a favour: Go back and tell the imperial powers "nits make lice".

24/10/10(Thu)03:51 No. 21585

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Classical Machiavelianism. Drink the Koolaid!

[:] The+White+Tiger+of+the+West 24/08/25(Sun)23:32 No. 21579 [Reply]

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hi im your favorite the cats nice to meet you


"This man predicted the nuclear annihilation of Japan.

Oh ho!
2011-03-13 12:52:35
This man, who also writes on S24, calls himself Guild Master and belongs to some secret society. He correctly predicted Japan's nuclear disaster to the nearest hour already a week ago:


(im nots really secrets cats but very publics yes since lots of discuss with humankinds like the agriculture reform with microalgaes)
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YouTuber Anonymous 24/08/17(Sat)22:40 No. 21578 [Reply]

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Folks, I found a user with the nickname Dmirl. His videos are filed as “reuploads of his teenage videos.” Do you think it's worth investigating online? She's been acting pretty suspicious online

Race Mixing Conspiracy 22/07/04(Mon)04:31 No. 21166 [Reply]

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If you openly try to talk about how there's a spiritual sabotage program going on in western cultures with pushing miscegenation propoganda images you will be SILENCED.

I try to make threads on shitchan about race mixing conspiracy and it's immediately deleted. What is going on and why is there a complete coverup about talking about how white women ARE TOLD to have sex and reproduce only with black men?

10 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
24/07/06(Sat)23:12 No. 21567

go choke to death on a nigger dick you troon mutt faggot

24/07/14(Sun)20:28 No. 21569

This thread sucks, fuck you.

24/08/10(Sat)03:10 No. 21576

Have you tried dating?

Disclosure General 23/01/10(Tue)18:51 No. 21304 [Reply]

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The laws of physics are almost exactly like The Matrix.

The only question is if our matrix is naturally occurring or a technological construct.

Mind over matter physics is considered to be fact.

Manifestation, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis, remote viewing, and other abilities.

The brain is an electromagnetic quantum computer.

There are higher dimensions that interface with consciousness.

There are considered native beings in these higher dimensions, interdimensional beings, demons.

We can enter the higher dimensions using astral projection, and physically using UFOs.
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23/01/17(Tue)23:38 No. 21327

yep, haven't seen this much stuff happen so quickly before

Chatgtp, I guess. Hell you can con it into write viruses.
Lol, all the ship's in the panama Canal crash.
Cause some pissed off teen south of Mexico.
Fuck that would be fun

24/07/18(Thu)05:31 No. 21571

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24/07/30(Tue)02:47 No. 21575

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One Mexican kid, really that's what your going with?
If such a thing were to happen. It would not just be one pissed off kid somewhere.

It could happen though cause a lot of real world problems as well.
Would be some crazy shit, that's for sure.
One lone kid, lol.
Yeah, one lone gunman.

24/07/23(Tue)15:05 No. 21574 [Reply]

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Internal Conspiracy of the Body 24/06/28(Fri)22:10 No. 21559 [Reply]

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Reality has a literal fold or the ein sof
The throat opens like a curved six sided S with an aleph inside of it if you open your nose on the floor with oil or magnesium in the nose you notice this
Problem is, you need to place a teaspoon down your throat like voice actors do for warmups to notice this at all or a literal strand of your mind is locked away and you don't notice things in your visual or audio field that others do
Hebrew is the true language and the prayers make you smarter if you can't be bother learning the script it's worth reciting the scema and ana b'akoah twice daily it literally makes you smarter
Use a metal spoon as it's the 5th Chinese element
They took the wisdom teeth out of niggers so they couldn't shoot bows and defend themselves when the missionaries came back to the land with the soldiers
Don't feel hatred and judgement over history it simply blinds you
Fuck yourself with a teaspoon and a dagger like dildo in your ass it literally OPENS YOUR MIND
Open your ass and your mind will follow
~ 4chan banner since 2007

I will only share this on wizchan as I have made a deal with El the storm god and I cannot share this to mainstream audience, only to the most deserving degenerates.

This info will change your life.
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24/06/29(Sat)02:30 No. 21560

Tell me to put a teaspoon in my mouth again you goddamn schizophrenic

I FUCKING dare you

24/07/03(Wed)13:48 No. 21562

don't knock it until you've tried it, anon.

24/07/03(Wed)19:01 No. 21563

The body opens like a qabalah tree of you practice yogi. The body opens counterclockwise and yet THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE GOOGLE RESULT FOR THIS TELL ME THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY MOTHERFU**ER

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