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Police, spooks, and moar 24/10/10(Thu)03:38 No. 21583

File 17285243053.jpg - (39.11KB , 526x526 , 462480672_942411551247704_5514029443208718857_n.jpg )

I legitimately have years of police hacks, cop training manuals, engineering and governmental patents that haven't been leaked to the public. Where should I leak them first that isn't on the clearnet?!
A lot is TLDR and a lot has counterintelligence. I'm doing this because they won't end the Electronic Warfare on my mind, and because the government needs transparency at ALL times.
There are also phony Operations Directorates and real ones.

24/10/10(Thu)03:56 No. 21586

File 172852536186.jpg - (53.70KB , 526x702 , 462211358_507399715553225_4185159032081766667_n.jpg )

Openly replying to my thread without fear, I have the newest upgrade of Quantum Computer's CPU's, which are made of synthetic diamonds. A way to speed up their THETA/PETAFLOPS by use of synthetic lonsdaleite, which is harder than diamonds by about 56-58%, and a way to project holographs off of said synthetic lons CPU.

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