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24/10/26(Sat)16:00 No. 21598

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Excerpts from "A Treatise on the Distinction of the Divine Powers, Being an Inquiry into the Essence and Orders of Elohim, as Manifested in Holy Writ"

To the most pious Reader who attendeth closely to the sacred Mysteries of Holy Scripture, it is manifest that the Names by which Divine Essence is revealed are not mere tokens or idle labels, but rather Keys which unlock diverse Truths regarding the very nature and manifold Orders of the Heavens. The Name Elohim, a Name of Plurality, of Power in Congregation, signaleth not a solitary Figure but rather a Holy Assembly, a Communion of divine Personages united in Essence yet diverse in Person. And yet, set apart and more sacred still is the Name of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name by which the Most Holy One revealeth Himself uniquely unto His Chosen People, Israel. I thus submit for holy Contemplation and with the utmost reverence that while Elohim denotes a multiplicity in divinity, the Tetragrammaton doth refer to One set apart, He who standeth in singular Station amidst the Elohim, elevated in purpose and role, and unto whom Israel doth owe sole fealty.

In that First and primal Book of Moses, called Genesis, it is written with solemnity, In the beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth. This pronouncement is laden with Mystery, for, were Elohim but a single Entity, wherefore doth the Scripture employ the language of communion, declaring, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness? Such words reveal a Council of Divine Beings, a gathering wherein holy Speech passeth between Personages of infinite Wisdom and Authority, as in a grand celestial Congress. Elohim is, then, not one Voice alone but a symphony of holy utterance, a Company of divine Spirits whose shared purpose brings forth Creation. This plurality bespeaks a Sovereignty not confined unto One, but radiating outward as Light in myriad rays, each potent, each full of Majesty, each a distinct participant in the grand Work of Creation.

24/10/26(Sat)16:02 No. 21599

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Yet as we traverse further into the sacred Narrative, we find that it is the Lord, known by the Tetragrammaton, who revealeth Himself unto Abraham, and unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, in a manner surpassing that of Elohim alone. This Lord of the Covenant, whom Israel doth worship as the I Am, assumeth preeminence within the Assembly of the divine, claiming not merely a role among them but establishing Himself as the Supreme over all Israel. When the commandment is uttered, Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, it is not a denial of the being of other Elohim, but a declaration of His singular, covenantal Sovereignty, His rightful Authority, His chosen Primacy amidst the heavenly Company. Thus is the Lord as Tetragrammaton perceived not merely as one among Elohim but as the Crown and Essence of Israel’s devotion, His Authority transcending that of His fellow divine Beings, and His Will binding in a covenantal Command.


In the figure of Melchizedek, Priest of Salem, we discern a Priesthood that transcends the order of men, for he is styled a Priest of El Elyon, the Most High, which Name doth indicate the supreme Fount of divinity above all. Herein is a Mystery most profound, for this El Elyon seemeth higher still than the Name of Elohim, and even above the Lord of the Covenant. Melchizedek’s blessing upon Abraham doth bespeak a station ordained by the Most High Himself, by a divine Will not bounded by mortal lineage or inheritance but anquored in the unshakable order of heavenly ordinance. It is under this Name, El Elyon, that Melchizedek ministereth, thereby revealing an Order in the heavens that acknowledgeth a divine Hierarchy above even the Lord of the Covenant, an Order unto which even the holy Fathers of Israel do defer.

24/10/26(Sat)16:02 No. 21600

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Thus are we brought to discern a holy Order within the heavens themselves, consisting of three principal Thrones. Firstly, there is El Elyon, the Most High, sovereign and exalted above all, holding dominion over every Power and Principalities beneath. Secondly, there is the Assembly of Elohim, a Council of divine Persons, each a bearer of divine Essence and endowed with distinct Personhood, yet united in their shared role as Creators and Sustainers under the Most High’s gaze. And lastly, there is the Lord of the Tetragrammaton, who, though counted among the Elohim, doth wield a singular Dominion over Israel, a Prince among Princes, possessing exclusive Authoritye as the Covenant-Lord to His people. In this arrangement, one perceiveth a reflection of earthly Kingship, wherein a High King presideth over a Court of Princes and Advisors, and within this Court a favored Prince holdeth unique honor by virtue of the King’s decree and trust.

Through the Lord’s covenantal journey with Israel, we encounter the declaration, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. This, however, is not to say that all divine Beings cease to be or are reduced unto a single Essence; rather, it is a proclamation of the Lord’s singular Sovereignty over Israel, who alone doth bear the weight of their Devotion. His Station is thereby magnified, and in this mystery doth the Prophets rejoice, for Israel is thus bound to a Lord who is, for them, all in all. Thus, while the heavens may contain many holy Beings, Elohim and otherwise, Yahweh alone receiveth the whole of Israel’s worship, subsuming all power in relation to His people, not by negating the existence of others but by ascending above them in holy singularity.


24/10/26(Sat)16:03 No. 21601

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In our reading of Sacred Scripture, we are exhorted to see the Lord of the Tetragrammaton as a distinct Person amongst Elohim, yet one endowed with unique purpose, namely, that of bearing the Covenant upon His Shoulders and of drawing Israel unto Himself alone. The Priesthood of Melchizedek, moreover, doth signal that even this Lord of the Covenant standeth beneath the supreme Authority of the Most High, who alone commandeth the reverence of all divine Orders. Thus, we conclude that the sublime Mystery contained within these Scriptures doth not propose the solitary nature of the divine, but rather the grandeur of a divine Society, a heavenly Hierarchy wherein the Most High, the Elohim, and the Covenant Lord abide in distinct and ordered Majesty.

Let us, then, as earnest seekers of Wisdom, discern in these divine Orders the many names of Splendor of God, whose sacred Names and Titles reveal a celestial Communion of Beings, among whom our Covenant Lord, the Tetragrammaton, taketh Preeminence as the chosen Object of Israel’s devotion, yet who Himself remaineth ever in reverence before El Elyon, the Most High. Thus may our understanding, enriched by holy Scripture, aspire evermore to the heights of reverence, as we meditate upon this heavenly Assembly, where each divine Being standeth in radiant honor, each revealing, in differyng measure, the ineffable Glory of the Godhead, in all His boundless Wisdom and All Power.

24/10/27(Sun)01:01 No. 21602

Doggo looks so friken goofy

25/01/01(Wed)02:00 No. 21614

The bible sickens me

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