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24/07/22(Mon)00:48 No. 21572

File 172160209538.png - (1.72MB , 720x1280 , b1.png )

The real world is the benedryl world. Our god and our conciousness filters out the spiders and shadow people but the DPH reveals what lies underneath. Benedryl is 100x more enlightening than LSD and 100000x more enlightening than DMT. This is reality. (I took 700mg)

24/07/22(Mon)01:32 No. 21573

No, no, you're just high. The spiders get added on by the drugs.

24/09/16(Mon)23:25 No. 21580

You're both wrong the spiders live me and are my friends.
I don't charge them rent, as long as they take care of all the other bugs and insects.
This has been working well for 25 years.

24/10/01(Tue)14:14 No. 21581

God is filtering out the spiders for a reason

24/10/10(Thu)03:44 No. 21584

File 172852465175.jpg - (44.33KB , 526x526 , 460992231_2734673213370111_233737607680894033_n.jpg )

The maximum I've taken of diphenhydramine was about 400mg. Expect to have flu-like symptoms for a few days.
I saw Peter the Piper come out of the bushes playing dubstep on the flute last experience about 12 years ago. Have fun

24/10/14(Mon)21:42 No. 21590

LSD and psilocybin appear to interact with and modulate the effects of endogenous DMT through shared serotonergic mechanisms, influencing neuroplasticity, neuroprotection, and DMT release and activity.
This and DMT being endogeous in humans was only proven recently (2020 onwards). This shows that different drugs adjust the tuning on your brain’s antenna differently, EVERYTHING you can see or feel on drugs is “out there” in reality.

24/10/17(Thu)00:57 No. 21591

File 17291194516.gif - (1.02MB , 500x360 , iahvs4hk5t8spknhsaju-543373727.gif )

This is just an advertising Psyop to get me to buy Dr.Pepper
I remember the South Park Episode with Kenny drinking Dr.Pepper

24/10/18(Fri)01:14 No. 21594

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Yes, I brought a can Dr Pepper today

24/10/19(Sat)14:50 No. 21596

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

24/10/21(Mon)23:26 No. 21597


They did it was called "The Civil War", dumb ass
The bad guys won, now go back to watch super hero movies

24/11/03(Sun)01:11 No. 21606

File 173059270324.jpg - (203.76KB , 720x1280 , bene.jpg )

In my experience I agree with this statement. Of all the psychotropic drugs benadryl is the closest to the real world. Also funfact I had ai render that image for a thread some months ago. I am amazed somebody saved it. Pic related, is an earlier version.

You misunderstand. The spiders are not added so much as revealed. Like many other drugs that are serotonin agonists it messes with the visual cortex. The part of the brain that processes the raw signal input from the eyes. Rarely this will be hallucinations but more often a breakdown in specific systems. Since our eyes work in a very weird way compared to cameras, both in terms of opponent process and in gathering several wavelengths of light and interpreting color from it. For example red cones collect half the rainbow but peak at absorbing green. Our brains evolved several systems to interpret this in a meaningful way. Everything from seeing faces to enhancing borders to leading a target in motion. So some portion of this breaks down and you see more faces, or blurry borders on objects, or the illusion of motion. Sometimes it will also reveal things that are there that we can not perceive. Filtered out from our consciousness either by nature or intent. These are the spiders or machine elves. Or countless other entities. I don't know if they are sentient, robots used to maintain reality, or merely an artifact that is a byproduct of existence itself. If there are different kinds or if different drugs cause different people to interpret one thing in different ways. But it is something that exists and that we do not usually perceive.

25/01/23(Thu)06:24 No. 21620

benadryl and other drugs let us tap into different realms that are all occurring, yet we can only see some of them otherwise we'd overwhelm our senses and go insane. Who knows what the benadryl realm is tho purgatory? Hell maybe

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