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Why the government refuses to disclose NHI Daniel 24/05/24(Fri)18:59 No. 21541

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r/UFOs removed, so that is why I am here.

My name is Daniel, and that is my real first name. I have a background in philosophy and have studied theology. Although I’m not particularly religious, I find these subjects fascinating from a human antiquity perspective. As you read this, please understand that I am neither a religious fanatic nor someone with a priestly mindset. My interest in these topics stems from a deep curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. I have lectured at several major universities, primarily on matters of philosophy and the history of civilizations.

About ten years ago, I was invited to a conference in Washington, D.C. I attended with a friend and colleague in academia who insisted I go. This colleague, now a well-known figure in the UAP community, introduced me to what can only be described as "spooks"—the three-letter agency types. He spoke highly of my credentials, which left me a bit embarrassed. I wanted nothing to do with UFOs and didn’t want to be seen or recorded discussing them. At the time, in 2010, discussing such topics could jeopardize my academic reputation and future lecture invitations.

The conversation mostly revolved around my views on UAPs—whether I thought they were real and what I believed they might be. These were typical speculative questions that believers might discuss among themselves. I gave a standard response, something along the lines of, “Life is certainly out there given the billions of solar systems in our galaxy alone.” However, I did not suggest that I believed there were already visitors coming here or that UFOs were real.Essentially, the conference was about making connections and networking. It was a gathering of professionals exchanging business cards, with no substantial focus on UFOs or anything beyond building professional relationships.

A week after this conference, I receive an invitation to a certain think tank meeting in DC. The person on the phone explains that I come highly recommended and references one of the gentlemen I met with at the conference. I show up to the meeting at this think tank, where I am introduced to many others. Among them are individuals from the defense world, academia, and defense contractors in upper mid-level management.

Some of them hold positions in the Senior Executive Service, which are akin to civilian generals. My first day as a member was interesting to say the least. I immediately had to begin the process of obtaining a security clearance. Which was quite nuanced. They had to conduct Interviews with friends and family, background checks, review of my social media, lie detector test, you name it they looked into it all. I don’t want to bore you with the details, the point is I was eventually cleared. The initial part of the meeting focused on introductions, breaking the ice, and presentations about the institute's mission and objectives. The key takeaway came at the end when I was offered the opportunity to join the think tank as a member that triggered the security screening process. I was asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), which struck me as somewhat peculiar, but I complied nonetheless.

My primary motivation for joining was the possibility of leveraging the think tank's affiliation to secure grants, which aligned with my professional goals. I was informed that my role would be that of an advisor on public policy matters related to national security.

So that’s my background and how I got involved in this crazy world. I wish I could give you more details so you could verify my identity, but I’m not ready for that level of attention quite yet but I am open to it. What I’m about to say is NOT classified; it’s a high-level overview of what I learned and advised on at this think tank during my years there.

The term UAP and NHI is not new; back then, these terms were freely used behind closed doors. We received numerous reports from programs like AATIP, AWSAP, and others, which served as valuable material for advising the CIA, DOD, and various military branches on policy matters, especially regarding their communication strategies regarding anomalous events. There was considerable concern that an event similar to the Phoenix Lights phenomenon might occur, posing a significant challenge for defense officials in explaining to the public.

They feared an event so inexplicably strange that it would defy easy explanation. Our objective was not to debunk sightings but to convey the truth to the public. However, we had to tread carefully in crafting policy to avoid causing panic or fueling conspiracy theories in how information was communicated. While the vast majority of sightings could be attributed to our military conducting training exercises—particularly the Air Force—occasionally, truly unexplainable occurrences occurred. The silver lining for us was that whatever these phenomena were, they seemed adept at concealing themselves. Thus, managing communication was paramount.

While the NHI manipulating human DNA is a sensitive topic, it’s not the most sensitive or disturbing. Again, in my personal capacity and with anonymity, what I’m about to tell you is not classified; it’s just information that the government does not officially confirm for policy and communication reasons.

Daniel+ 24/05/24(Fri)19:00 No. 21542

The content of it is disturbing, which is also the reason former Presidents have refused to declassify certain information regarding the NHI and their presence here. Most of the presidents have been aware; I can say for certain that Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, and Biden have all been briefed, and every one of them was told, “don’t go there.” We are the ones who formed the policy of “don’t go there.” I don’t particularly endorse it, but I understand why it’s the official US government policy regarding the declassification of NHI.

The public probably can’t handle the full truth in all of its detail there are details I’m even going to hold back in this post, again not because they are classified but because they are too disturbing. That being said here is what I believe I was brought in to assist with. We had access to the government's UFO archives, for lack of a better term. There exists a database containing all the information they've compiled dating back to the early 1900s. Additionally, there's been additional information added that traces back even further, to Ancient Sumerian times even.

The depth of human interaction with NHI, or non-human intelligence, extends to the very dawn of human civilization. In fact, there's evidence suggesting they may have interacted with proto-humans during their hunter-gatherer & nomadic stage. Many within the institute speculated that NHI may have even influenced human DNA, although no solid scientific proof has ever been presented to support this. Nonetheless, anomalies in the evolutionary process of these ancient primates can be observed. Ongoing research in this area is conducted behind closed doors. It's one of the topics we advise against disclosing in any official capacity to the public. However, certain individuals, in their personal capacities, have discussed or hinted these theories.

Information has been disseminated by some very prominent figures in the UAP world. One of them is set to release a book soon where he'll delve deeper into these ideas, this same individual has personally been given access to the Vatican’s information so I would pay attention to him.

Firstly, there's a belief in the existence of both malevolent and benevolent NHI, or non-human intelligence. It's believed that the benevolent NHI have been present on Earth for millions of years, predating human civilization. They are also suspected to be the ones who initially manipulated the human genome. The reasons behind this manipulation are highly speculative and unknown, but it appears they sought to 'play god,' in a sense. They aimed to create a custodian of sorts, and primates were the chosen candidates. Some speculate that they intended to impart their belief systems onto another life form, a concept referred to as the “missionary theory”.

According to this theory, this group travels across space, time or even dimensions, creating intelligent life to disseminate a particular philosophy or set of beliefs.

It’s believed that stories in many of the early religious texts may be attempts to describe the influence NHI had on the emerging forms of human society, as well as the NHI’s struggles to guide and communicate with them effectively. At some point, around 322 CE, it's speculated that NHI revealed themselves to leaders of the Catholic Church. They imparted information regarding their involvement in early human affairs, the purpose behind their presence on Earth, their role in the creation of humans, predictions of future events, additional religious concepts, details about the universe, and descriptions of certain technologies—many of which we may recognize today.

This information was eventually translated in the 1400’s and stored in the Vatican's archives. The church was allegedly provided with many gifts and relics by the NHI which would help birth it into one of the most powerful religions on earth. The NHI agenda seemed to have been to shape future human civilization by providing knowledge and guidance on how to do it properly, but human affairs are constantly getting in the way of that agenda.

The connection the church had to the NHI had dissolved over time creating confusion for modern scholars such as myself trying to decipher fact from fiction. After World War 2 and the defeat of the Axis powers, the Vatican and the United States government began cooperating on this topic. Pius XII opened up the archives to trusted individuals in the US government, with the motivation likely stemming from information they possessed regarding nuclear weapons, along with predictions and descriptions of future technology. While I have not personally seen all of the contents of these archives, some colleagues I've worked with at the think tank have, although they remain very tight-lipped about it. There appears to be significant concern surrounding the nuclear technology that emerged after WWII, which is likely how the NHI became involved with the US government.

The most significant takeaway, and the reason why the truth remains concealed, boils down to several key points:

Human beings are not what we've been led to believe. Our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe & here on earth is fundamentally challenged by the revelations regarding NHI involvement.

Religion, in many ways, appears to be a byproduct of NHI interference in human affairs, intended to shape our beliefs and ideologies to align with their own agenda.

NHI actively avoids disclosure, engaging in manipulation, abduction, and experimentation on both humans and animals.

NHI possesses an omnipresent knowledge of human civilization and foresees future outcomes with remarkable accuracy.

Disclosing such future outcomes could potentially lead to a reset of human civilization by the NHI, as they seek to maintain control over the trajectory of our development.

The information supporting all of the above is classified or again just simply too disturbing to reveal, but at a high level, this is what I've come to understand about the NHI and the reasons for the cover-up. It explains why presidents have declined to release information or discuss it openly, why Roswell was swiftly given a cover story, and why any attempts at disclosure are consistently suppressed.

The reality of NHI involvement is simply too overwhelming for civilization to comprehend or deal with. It’s truly sobering when you think about it the implications. Many people in the Think Tank even struggled to accept the reality of it, some had to quit. There also exists a genuine fear, supported by evidence, suggesting that they possess the capability to reset our civilization almost instantly, and we are powerless to prevent it. Thus, ignorance and denial become the path of least resistance when communicating the agenda of NHI, so we choose to shield humanity from the unsettling truths that lie beyond our comprehension.

I’ll answer what I can.

Daniel+ 24/05/24(Fri)19:01 No. 21543

According to this theory, this group travels across space, time or even dimensions, creating intelligent life to disseminate a particular philosophy or set of beliefs.

It’s believed that stories in many of the early religious texts may be attempts to describe the influence NHI had on the emerging forms of human society, as well as the NHI’s struggles to guide and communicate with them effectively. At some point, around 322 CE, it's speculated that NHI revealed themselves to leaders of the Catholic Church. They imparted information regarding their involvement in early human affairs, the purpose behind their presence on Earth, their role in the creation of humans, predictions of future events, additional religious concepts, details about the universe, and descriptions of certain technologies—many of which we may recognize today.

This information was eventually translated in the 1400’s and stored in the Vatican's archives. The church was allegedly provided with many gifts and relics by the NHI which would help birth it into one of the most powerful religions on earth. The NHI agenda seemed to have been to shape future human civilization by providing knowledge and guidance on how to do it properly, but human affairs are constantly getting in the way of that agenda.

The connection the church had to the NHI had dissolved over time creating confusion for modern scholars such as myself trying to decipher fact from fiction. After World War 2 and the defeat of the Axis powers, the Vatican and the United States government began cooperating on this topic. Pius XII opened up the archives to trusted individuals in the US government, with the motivation likely stemming from information they possessed regarding nuclear weapons, along with predictions and descriptions of future technology. While I have not personally seen all of the contents of these archives, some colleagues I've worked with at the think tank have, although they remain very tight-lipped about it. There appears to be significant concern surrounding the nuclear technology that emerged after WWII, which is likely how the NHI became involved with the US government.

The most significant takeaway, and the reason why the truth remains concealed, boils down to several key points:

Human beings are not what we've been led to believe. Our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe & here on earth is fundamentally challenged by the revelations regarding NHI involvement.

Religion, in many ways, appears to be a byproduct of NHI interference in human affairs, intended to shape our beliefs and ideologies to align with their own agenda.

NHI actively avoids disclosure, engaging in manipulation, abduction, and experimentation on both humans and animals.

NHI possesses an omnipresent knowledge of human civilization and foresees future outcomes with remarkable accuracy.

Disclosing such future outcomes could potentially lead to a reset of human civilization by the NHI, as they seek to maintain control over the trajectory of our development.

The information supporting all of the above is classified or again just simply too disturbing to reveal, but at a high level, this is what I've come to understand about the NHI and the reasons for the cover-up. It explains why presidents have declined to release information or discuss it openly, why Roswell was swiftly given a cover story, and why any attempts at disclosure are consistently suppressed.

The reality of NHI involvement is simply too overwhelming for civilization to comprehend or deal with. It’s truly sobering when you think about it the implications. Many people in the Think Tank even struggled to accept the reality of it, some had to quit. There also exists a genuine fear, supported by evidence, suggesting that they possess the capability to reset our civilization almost instantly, and we are powerless to prevent it. Thus, ignorance and denial become the path of least resistance when communicating the agenda of NHI, so we choose to shield humanity from the unsettling truths that lie beyond our comprehension.

I’ll answer what I can.

Daniel+ 24/05/24(Fri)19:03 No. 21544

NHI possesses an omnipresent knowledge of human civilization and foresees future outcomes with remarkable accuracy.

Disclosing such future outcomes could potentially lead to a reset of human civilization by the NHI, as they seek to maintain control over the trajectory of our development.

The information supporting all of the above is classified or again just simply too disturbing to reveal, but at a high level, this is what I've come to understand about the NHI and the reasons for the cover-up. It explains why presidents have declined to release information or discuss it openly, why Roswell was swiftly given a cover story, and why any attempts at disclosure are consistently suppressed.

The reality of NHI involvement is simply too overwhelming for civilization to comprehend or deal with. It’s truly sobering when you think about it the implications. Many people in the Think Tank even struggled to accept the reality of it, some had to quit. There also exists a genuine fear, supported by evidence, suggesting that they possess the capability to reset our civilization almost instantly, and we are powerless to prevent it. Thus, ignorance and denial become the path of least resistance when communicating the agenda of NHI, so we choose to shield humanity from the unsettling truths that lie beyond our comprehension.

I’ll answer what I can.

John Dent 24/06/02(Sun)12:50 No. 21545

I believe that either you are being gas-lighted or you are gas-lighting us.

Why would they change the name from UFO to UAP. Simple. Before they wanted to hide their anti-gravity spacecraft now they want to convince us that "evil" aliens are going to take us over so we need one world government to protect us from the aliens. Now this is not plan A or B, more like plan J in case people get too uppity about the silly idea that they should be free of these psychopathic vile clown world creatures that run things now.

There are quite a few devices that have been shown to not follow Newtons law of equal and opposite reactions to forces.

It's likely the US got these from the Nazis who experimented with any way out thing they could.

Evidence that they had "something" like this is scattered about but a big clue is Admiral Byrds abrupt fleeing from Antarctica in Operation Highjump. Supposedly he told some press in Argentina that there were super high speed long range craft that threatened the US. He certainly was fleeing from something.

So when they tell you the aliens have invaded it's actually a false flag and total BS. Don't believe it.

24/06/15(Sat)01:55 No. 21552

Two problems I have.

One, in 322 BCE was before Rome Christianised. Which was down to an emperor, not magic relics. It was also 700 years before the great schism. So why do you specify "catholic church" when at the time there was only one church?

Secondly, Roswell was indeed given a cover story - but they have declassified almost thirty years ago the reason WHY they did that and it was because they were testing a new method of spying on the Soviet Union using chains of balloons as part of project mogul. It was very simple to say they were weather balloons.

Tldr you are larping and a faggot

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